When I'm working on a model I'll often need something like a cylinder or box to add geo to a mesh. However, when I create an object in any of the viewports it's generated far behind the mesh I'm working on. Even if I try to generate say, a box, ON the mesh I'm working on it still ignores it and creates it far in the distance. This is frustrating when trying to do something like bolts or the like.
Then I watched Laurens Corijn's "
Creating a Next-Gen Video Game Hot Rod" and noticed whenever he created a new primitive shape, it was generated ON the mesh he was working with. It looked very useful, but I haven't been able to find an option which would enable this. Does anyone know where I could enable such a feature?
If you skip to 3:09 in Video 1 you can see what I am referring to.
Thank you Dismembered!