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Open UPK how?

polycounter lvl 10
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vofff polycounter lvl 10
Hey man I am noob at UDK, and I am having trouble to open UPK in content browser. Is it because I have the old version of UDK? It is from 2009.
When I open from folder button i get this error message; the following resources were not found when loading the map. Any references to them were set to NULL. Warning: If you save the map now, these references will be saved as NULL. I did open it but the package is empty, so what do I need to do except download the latest version as I dont have free unlimited download here :(???


  • Ouija
    I think the UPK has things that refer to stuff in other packages. Epic likes to change the stock assets every version, so it's most likely that. (I get a lot of these with detail maps on my old models) Did you right click and "Fully Load" the package? UDK doesn't load things that aren't needed at the moment unless you load the whole package.
  • vofff
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    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    yes I did it few times but it didnt worked. I tried to unload and upload again but nothing happened. I am trying to download the latest version right now at a cafe LOL!
    I hope it works.
  • vofff
    Offline / Send Message
    vofff polycounter lvl 10
    I get the same problem, Unable to load package (C:\UDK\UDK-2009-11-2\Engine\Content\Zen.upk) PackageVersion 841, MaxExpected 840 : LicenseePackageVersion 0, MaxExpected 0.
    What does it mean?
  • Ouija
    Incompatible package/editor combo, obviously. You indeed need a newer editor. (editors are backwards compatible, packages are not)
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