It is pretty awesome. You set it up, and it lets you move your mouse seamlessly between two or more COMPUTERS, as if they were simply two MONITORS attached to the same computer.
Even better, it switches your keyboard to the computer where the mouse is currently on. Oh and it saves text copied to the clipboard.
Oh yea, it also lets you transfer files by dragging and dropping between monitors and it will send the file.
All this without even setting up a network. I already can't live without it, it is saving me a whole lot of effort. Enjoy
Direct Download:
I have 2 pcs at work...I will definitely be giving this a shot.
Neat find.
This just allows two pc´s to work as if it was one with two monitors when it comes to the keyboard and mouse. (or more of course) For wacom use, you would have to have it in "mouse mode" to be able to use the other monitors.
This is essentially a carbon copy of a freeware package from 1997 called "Desktop Rover", which did everything this does but was discontinued, and became unusable to due a built in "end period" in 2000
(edit: it seems it is actually back, and free! I had not looked at this program for years because I wrote the author at the time and he said he was not going to release a new version!)
The main problem no matter what software seems to be transferring the pressure data over as well as the position.
I guess I'll have to put it on the list of things to try when I get better at programming.
Just the other day I saw a post on Google+ by Kees Rijnen about setting up his Tablet PC as a wacom tablet (no pressure) for his other laptop using Input Director.
this type of thing when it can work across OS's is pretty useful when i was working on php and web development i did the same thing between a linux opensuse box and a win7 box since i needed photoshop to work on graphics but i preferred the coding tools on linux such as gvim and i needed something to host my lamp config.
Also don't forget to specify preference network itnerface on slave comp to avoid the laggy mouse cursor syndrom.