I was like "WTF%\@#@!$" Totally unexpected and I don't even know what to think about it.
X is my favorite but I believed that if square would make a remake it would be VII first.
Anyway, would you guys buy it? I'm really on the fence, but if the updated graphics will make my special female friend play it then it'll be totally worth it
Remastered when used in the world of games usually means changed to render at a higher resolution with a bit more flash, not entirely remade.
X is definitely the most popular one this side of the great polygonal barrier that is the ps1->ps2 passage, which wouldn't require as much of a visual overhaul as 7 would.
If they redid the voice acting? Maaaaybe. But I'm not gonna drop money on a game I really didn't like at all. Hated most of the characters, once you got petrifying weapons it was too easy, once you got Waka with a petrify weapon you were invincible.
And it seems like a lot of these HD remakes are really just HD texture packs that work on the vita and PS3 so it gets the resolution boost. Overall since I already played it, I don't think I'll ever be tempted to buy this game.
Way too many games coming out that I'd pick over this, and not enough money to afford them all.
Same, well, at least Tidus. The others weren't as bad, but my friends and I still had a good time making fun of them. I mean, why does Sqeenix keep making me play whiny bitch characters? Vaan is practically this guy's kid, and then there's practically everyone from FFXIII (especially Hope).
y u hate ff x character? tidus is rare breed character in final fantasy main character. .
he is the opposite from whiny or emo kid in ff character. ( super hyper and cheerful )
y u hate ff x character? tidus is rare breed character in final fantasy main character. .
he is the opposite from whiny or emo kid in ff character. ( super hyper and cheerful )
Didn't play much FF back in the day did ya? Cloud was like that in FFVII, it was just in the stupid movie he was an emo twat. Same in FFIX, main character was very upbeat. I've also played 4&6, and the characters in that were nice too. VIII is my favourite, and yeah, Squall pretty much invented emo, but all the other characters around him are very upbeat so it balances out.
Tidus... is ridiculously annoying IMO. The voice acting, god, its terrible .
I hated FFX when it first came out, primarily what turned me off it strangely enough was the Art Direction/colour palette, primaries are rarely a good idea, especially for UI's. Plus there was no world map to explore. But lately I've been thinking about the story, and its kind of nice in retrospect, and sad. Maybe I'll pick up a Vita for this
This, along with several other of the announced games, has me worried that Sony is pushing the ports for the launch of their second handheld system. Granted, this is pretty much par for the course as far as most handheld launches are concerned. The 3DS has certainly been no different. And from a business perspective, pushing a large quantity of remakes and ports to a new hardware platform makes a lot of sense, especially early in its life cycle.
I think FF X was the last game that actually felt like a Final Fantasy. X-2 was an outsourced copout reusing every asset they could, the MMOs aren't known for being stellar, and though very pretty, XII and XIII felt too MMO and didn't have as much of the Uematsu soundtrack. At that point it evolved so much into something else that it just wasn't the same.
I'd be up for buying X again but ZOMG stop delaying FFVII remake already! xD
Of all the final fantasy games out there, the ps1 games are my favorites. Why no remake Square? Hell now that 10 got an hd upgrade will 11 get one too? i mean the community has been asking about that for YEARS!!!
Of all the final fantasy games out there, the ps1 games are my favorites. Why no remake Square? Hell now that 10 got an hd upgrade will 11 get one too? i mean the community has been asking about that for YEARS!!!
Final Fantasy VII took a team of 150 people and several years to make......now try doing that with today's fidelity.
Final Fantasy VII took a team of 150 people and several years to make.......
Several? They were undecided between that and some theoretical FF64 mockup as late as 1995. I don't think it took more than 15 months considering the game came out in January 1997.
Its about making a quick buck. Preying on the nostalgia of players. Just happens that us ps1 gamers chose the wrong games to turn a quick remake buck on >_>. They can prob cut a lot of corners remaking the game. But its probably not profitable enough grr.
A remake of any of the PSX FF's or FF6 would have easily made me buy a Vita for it, but FFX? No thanks, didn't like it much to begin with, but at least it was the last title before the series went downhill completely in my eyes.
Then again seeing how the latest FFs turned out I'd rather not have my favorite ones redone, god knows what kind of weird marketing ideas they'll throw in to ruin them.
as much as i'd love to see a FFVII/VIII/IX remake, squeenix have far too much to LOSE by making them.
they're widely considdered the best of the 3d final fantasy series, in terms of both gameplay and storylines. if they changed even the smallest thing about them while remaking, there would be hell to pay.
And I replayed FFVII for like the millionth time recently and it's still fun and great (for me, at least). But..I really don't think the things we love about the game can translate well on a current gen platform ESPECIALLY with voice acting. There is just way too much shtick and weird humour that I think can't be pulled off with realistic characters.
this scene is one that comes to mind.
I did hate Tidus... and that laugh scene with Yuna. Tidus was a little baby. Auron was pretty badass though.
I think FFX has the best gameplay of all of them.
The fact you can switch between all characters in every battle with no penalty = pure WIN.
The main thing I hated about 7, 8, and 9 is that I would have a core set of characters I always used. The other 3-4 characters stayed at level 1 and were useless. Even moreso when the storyline FORCED you to use those shitty level 1 characters.
FFX designed battles around each character in the game very well. I like 7, 8, and 9, but FFX definitely takes the cake for design & art.
FFV had a awesome cross-dressing pirate, what else ya need!!
Although the day they do a proper remake of FFVI I will be there, lining up, waiting for it on any system it comes out on, no matter how crappy, expensive or otherwise... cause there is no other game in the world to me like FFVI.
That all being said, FFX is actually one of my faves as well. I got really into the plot line, and although not all the chars were my fav, I liked how they interacted with the storyline. Not to mention, watching the Summoner's Dance scene with Yuna is probably one of the biggest reasons why I chose to go into video game art. I don't know if I'll buy it or not, since I still have the PS2 version and I think it looks pretty good as is, but I'll certainly be tempted!!
(I also thought Blitzball was really fun. Didn't anyone else think so? It's possibly my favourite sport, and so what if it isn't real...)
Yeah... um, hasn't there been an outcry for over a decade now to do some actual remake of FF7 for the -at that moment- newer gen console? 10.... just never really felt like it would be at the top of that list.
Though it would be kinda sad if the game industry was pulled into the time-warp that is the movie industry, which is grabbing to remake anything and everything from the past 20+ years.
X is definitely the most popular one this side of the great polygonal barrier that is the ps1->ps2 passage, which wouldn't require as much of a visual overhaul as 7 would.
And it seems like a lot of these HD remakes are really just HD texture packs that work on the vita and PS3 so it gets the resolution boost. Overall since I already played it, I don't think I'll ever be tempted to buy this game.
Way too many games coming out that I'd pick over this, and not enough money to afford them all.
Same, well, at least Tidus. The others weren't as bad, but my friends and I still had a good time making fun of them. I mean, why does Sqeenix keep making me play whiny bitch characters? Vaan is practically this guy's kid, and then there's practically everyone from FFXIII (especially Hope).
he is the opposite from whiny or emo kid in ff character. ( super hyper and cheerful )
Didn't play much FF back in the day did ya?
Tidus... is ridiculously annoying IMO. The voice acting, god, its terrible .
I hated FFX when it first came out, primarily what turned me off it strangely enough was the Art Direction/colour palette, primaries are rarely a good idea, especially for UI's. Plus there was no world map to explore. But lately I've been thinking about the story, and its kind of nice in retrospect, and sad. Maybe I'll pick up a Vita for this
EDIT: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/09/14/zone-of-the-enders-hd-collection-coming-to-ps3-amp-vita.aspx
Nevermind. I'll be buying a Vita for THIS!
exception: [ame]
I'd be up for buying X again but ZOMG stop delaying FFVII remake already! xD
FF9 remake when? HD backgrounds and orchestrated music is all I'm asking for. Come on Square, don't be a bunch of dicks.
I mean...seriously
Steady on now tea, if we start posting FF music videos in this thread we'll never stop ;P
I luff luff luffs FFIX. I want them to remake in the style of those concept drawings, particles and all. That would be nice.
Final Fantasy VII took a team of 150 people and several years to make......now try doing that with today's fidelity.
I'm sure the MMOs took at least double those numbers.
Several? They were undecided between that and some theoretical FF64 mockup as late as 1995. I don't think it took more than 15 months considering the game came out in January 1997.
Then again seeing how the latest FFs turned out I'd rather not have my favorite ones redone, god knows what kind of weird marketing ideas they'll throw in to ruin them.
they're widely considdered the best of the 3d final fantasy series, in terms of both gameplay and storylines. if they changed even the smallest thing about them while remaking, there would be hell to pay.
this scene is one that comes to mind.
I think FFX has the best gameplay of all of them.
The fact you can switch between all characters in every battle with no penalty = pure WIN.
The main thing I hated about 7, 8, and 9 is that I would have a core set of characters I always used. The other 3-4 characters stayed at level 1 and were useless. Even moreso when the storyline FORCED you to use those shitty level 1 characters.
FFX designed battles around each character in the game very well. I like 7, 8, and 9, but FFX definitely takes the cake for design & art.
Although the day they do a proper remake of FFVI I will be there, lining up, waiting for it on any system it comes out on, no matter how crappy, expensive or otherwise... cause there is no other game in the world to me like FFVI.
That all being said, FFX is actually one of my faves as well. I got really into the plot line, and although not all the chars were my fav, I liked how they interacted with the storyline. Not to mention, watching the Summoner's Dance scene with Yuna is probably one of the biggest reasons why I chose to go into video game art. I don't know if I'll buy it or not, since I still have the PS2 version and I think it looks pretty good as is, but I'll certainly be tempted!!
(I also thought Blitzball was really fun. Didn't anyone else think so? It's possibly my favourite sport, and so what if it isn't real...)
Though it would be kinda sad if the game industry was pulled into the time-warp that is the movie industry, which is grabbing to remake anything and everything from the past 20+ years.