Hi. This is still just a start, I haven't finished modeling it yet. Right now I'm at 2178 polygons and I still have a lot more room to Max this to 3000 polys. It not just a standard Tutor style house I changed it to a Tutor styled haunted house. I have added some pumpkins and webbing mesh above the door. And I am planning to do something with the roof to make it more Halloween related. Any suggestions are welcome.

I think you gotta wait for the approval?
Link it via drop box or imgur.com
Bare with me here, I'm new to this forum
I couldnt get the image uploaded right
Dude...your lighting...it destroyed everything you've worked on...
I know that you've past deadline; but fix this thing up!
detonate that pumpkin(or place it in a dark dark hole as a decoration)
The wines look as if you slapped them in photoshop, but never did a quality mask
Kill the night time look and do day because you will be able to see more. Does this have to be rendered in Max/Maya or can you throw it into UDK? If you can use UDK, do that and use their new lighting presets, so you can't mess it up anymore.
For anyone else looking, it's http://www.brandonvolpe.com/Home/HomePage.html.
Some of the work looks really good, and some of it looks like, well...to be as nice as possible, complete crap. So I'm having a very, VERY hard time believing that half the work on your website is actually yours.
You open up your demo reel with amateur compositing, then somehow you go on to show that you did commercials for Mircorsoft and Ford?
Something is wrong here. Please tell me this isn't just me that sees this.
The quality of work through out your site and here is really inconsistant.
I dont want to call you a liar, but atm im having a hard time believing that you even created the house in this thread.....
In the end look others work: Look at what's popular and why it's popular. Get a clue, and develop better taste. Harsh words but it's true, people around here tend to get a little bit pissed when they see stuff like this.
You said you want your website to be simple, but it seems confusing and complicated. The scrolling gallery is inefficient and buggy. I can't navigate properly because nothing is grouped/labeled. It's just dozens of images dumped together viewable one at a time. I don't know if you did all of the work: making the logos, concept, lighting, modeling, texturing, rendering etc. because you don't explain it anywhere as far as I can tell. Did you make that Coke stuff just because you like Coca-Cola or is it in an ad somewhere? The quality of the work differs vastly. It doesn't look like the same person made all of it.
so much this