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Arena net environment test

polycounter lvl 13
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brandv3d polycounter lvl 13

Hi. This is still just a start, I haven't finished modeling it yet. Right now I'm at 2178 polygons and I still have a lot more room to Max this to 3000 polys. It not just a standard Tutor style house I changed it to a Tutor styled haunted house. I have added some pumpkins and webbing mesh above the door. And I am planning to do something with the roof to make it more Halloween related. Any suggestions are welcome.


  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Cant see, This is the second thread like this with image link, but no image.

    I think you gotta wait for the approval?

    Link it via drop box or imgur.com
  • brandv3d
    Offline / Send Message
    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    ya I know, for some stupid reason it will not let me add a simple picture, but here's a link to it on my site. Please check it out and if anybody has suggestions on how or why I cant get this picture in the box please tell me.
    Bare with me here, I'm new to this forum
  • brandv3d
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Sorry to say, but its 3000 Triangles, Not quads/polies. There was some confusion that i read in other peoples versions but it was cleared up as tri's.
  • brandv3d
    Offline / Send Message
    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah I found that out earlier. I'm at about 2789 tris. I was at 2999 tris but some faces I decided to delete. I have all the UVs mapped out and now I just need to make my normal maps and diffuse textures, then render. Hope I make it in time for the deadline.
  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    Been working hard on this for a week
    I couldnt get the image uploaded right
  • brandv3d
    Offline / Send Message
    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    My ArenaNet Environmental challenge is finally done. Take a look and get ready for Halloween.
  • Alex3d
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    Alex3d polycounter lvl 9
    Dude...your lighting...it destroyed everything you've worked on...
    I know that you've past deadline; but fix this thing up!
    detonate that pumpkin(or place it in a dark dark hole as a decoration)
    The wines look as if you slapped them in photoshop, but never did a quality mask
    Offline / Send Message
    GOBEE polycounter lvl 10
    You've completely lost me on this. If your goal was to stand out from the crowd, you succeeded. But not in a positive way. I'd go back to the drawing board. Keep it simple. Light it like normal so we can see the 27 hours of hard work you put into this. Minus the pumpkin and odd Lantern face lighting on the wall.
  • achillesian
    I can't see the texture, and wtf is the pumpkin there for? Also doesn't look like its in a realtime engine. Your mesh was looking okay but it's unquestioningly bad at the moment.
  • octokitty
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    octokitty polycounter lvl 15
    yikes, what am i looking at...? yea i agree, fix that lighting, it completely washes out all your textures and the bright orange stuff is way too much of a contrast...
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    Wow... were looking at ANY reference when lighting this?!? You can't see any of your texturing.
    Kill the night time look and do day because you will be able to see more. Does this have to be rendered in Max/Maya or can you throw it into UDK? If you can use UDK, do that and use their new lighting presets, so you can't mess it up anymore.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    I think it looks nice...
  • letronrael
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
    the blue just destroyed the entire thing
  • throttlekitty
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Okay. Drop the pumpkins. Those things look like they suck up at least 50% of your polygon budget. Secondly, don't reinvent the wheel. The three point lighting setup exists because it generally looks nice. Your current lighting completely kills a model that honestly looks decent at best. Because it's an outdoors scene go for a simple faded yellow directional light with a subtle teal bounce light. The emphasis for this art test is not on the lighting, but on the modeling and texturing. So don't cover that in lighting and shaders. Those things are supposed to compliment your art, not carry it. Please show us your textures. Both the flat texture files, and how it looks on the model without any dynamic shadows and lighting (surface shader). Actually, if you want to you can upload your model and texture and I'll take a look at them and see where they can be optimized.
  • Marowe
    I can't tell what's going on. Not just with this, but with you. Your website is a mess.
    For anyone else looking, it's http://www.brandonvolpe.com/Home/HomePage.html.

    Some of the work looks really good, and some of it looks like, well...to be as nice as possible, complete crap. So I'm having a very, VERY hard time believing that half the work on your website is actually yours.

    You open up your demo reel with amateur compositing, then somehow you go on to show that you did commercials for Mircorsoft and Ford?

    Something is wrong here. Please tell me this isn't just me that sees this.
  • Paunescu.Daniel
    rawkstar wrote: »
    I think it looks nice...
    i was sure someone will say this, FTW:D
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, looked at your site. Looks like a lot of shit was stolen. Those are some badass cars.



  • Aigik
    Well this is awkward.
  • Alex3d
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    Alex3d polycounter lvl 9
    Lol I hope this guy didn't kill himself due to all the negative feedback... Dude, get rid of all the shit you stole and start to work on your stuff seriously. I don't believe that it took you 18 hours to set that crappy lighting. Probably you've just slacked off and posted some crap in the end. To get the result you want, you will have to sacrifice your time and energy into it...
  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    This thread. This thread right here.
  • achillesian
    It all seems kind of bad to me, as far as the cars go a lot of people can make those, and have. So they may have been provided by companies he did commercials for, or he bought them on turbosquid or something. His reel shows it all broken down pretty well though, and even a logo of his name using roughly the same skills, I don't think he stole anything.

  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    WOW. I haven't checked back to this post in a while, I really appreciate the comments SOME of you made, but sh*t dudes. lol. I feel like I need to explain this was just one project that went wrong. And thanks for the words on how my stuff on my website looks stolen, that actually is a complement. Why would anyone put stolen work on their website. It's a portfolio website? Everything on there is absolutely mine. My work is usually much better than this piece and I know the blue killed it... but to go and say all my work is fake is bull. Anyway thanks for the comments, it still helps me know I'm listening and more motivated, but one project is not the end of the world. Keep your comments to the individual posts and and for all you asses out their talking shit about my work not being mine, you can all STFU and get a clue.
  • Joshflighter
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    Joshflighter polycounter lvl 9
    May i ask how you got asked to help out in all these ads such as for Bose?
    The quality of work through out your site and here is really inconsistant.
    I dont want to call you a liar, but atm im having a hard time believing that you even created the house in this thread.....
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I think the biggest problem is "taste", frankly the website, the work and the presentation is bad taste. It makes you want to close everything down as soon as you see it. It's clutterly, it doesn't feel serious at all. That's why people don't believe you created everything on your site, it's really inconsistent and doesn't feel serious so that's why.

    In the end look others work: Look at what's popular and why it's popular. Get a clue, and develop better taste. Harsh words but it's true, people around here tend to get a little bit pissed when they see stuff like this.
  • brandv3d
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    brandv3d polycounter lvl 13
    OK. this is good. I'm getting some feedback. I've never heard of any problems with my website from anybody before but it is a different world in person. Maybe it's more honest here on polycount. I'm working on a new website and new projects to put on it. For now it's about the content , then I like the idea of long scrolling and simple, simple page websites with it easy to see the content all at once. The only problem is that I have a wide variety of skills for different employers. For example a VFX company is not going to care about my game art and vice versa, so I was going to make separate demo reels based on what type of company I might want to work at. But my site needs to still be simple, but yet what do I show? The comment about taste and presentation is that I have different types of content. Most artist websites focus on just characters or just environments for games or VFX art pieces. Mine is a bit of a melting pot. It's clutterly because of that.
  • snow
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    snow polycounter lvl 8
  • jmt
    brandv3d wrote: »
    OK. this is good. I'm getting some feedback. I've never heard of any problems with my website from anybody before but it is a different world in person. Maybe it's more honest here on polycount. I'm working on a new website and new projects to put on it. For now it's about the content , then I like the idea of long scrolling and simple, simple page websites with it easy to see the content all at once. The only problem is that I have a wide variety of skills for different employers. For example a VFX company is not going to care about my game art and vice versa, so I was going to make separate demo reels based on what type of company I might want to work at. But my site needs to still be simple, but yet what do I show? The comment about taste and presentation is that I have different types of content. Most artist websites focus on just characters or just environments for games or VFX art pieces. Mine is a bit of a melting pot. It's clutterly because of that.

    You said you want your website to be simple, but it seems confusing and complicated. The scrolling gallery is inefficient and buggy. I can't navigate properly because nothing is grouped/labeled. It's just dozens of images dumped together viewable one at a time. I don't know if you did all of the work: making the logos, concept, lighting, modeling, texturing, rendering etc. because you don't explain it anywhere as far as I can tell. Did you make that Coke stuff just because you like Coca-Cola or is it in an ad somewhere? The quality of the work differs vastly. It doesn't look like the same person made all of it.
  • Robbyh
    snow wrote: »

    so much this
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