Hey everyone,
I just released part 1 of a DVD that covers building this case prop:

The first half is something like 4 hours long and covers high poly, low poly, UVs and baking with a focus on working quickly.
Check it out:
The second half is coming soon and is going to cover texture painting, basic unreal import/setup, and taking portfolio captures
Cant you just buy 1 month for $15 and download every tutorial and then let your sub run out?
Maybe they got burnt with someone torrenting the vids...
I find the 3D Motive tutorials to be one of the best, not too long and or dragged, but I really wish we could purchase just specific tutorials like before.
well i am actually if its streaming video then its not actually a DVD btw :P
i wish you would go back to the non subscription model though honestly
it does look nice though and say hi to DOTT for me :P
I understand for people who already own all the old content the streaming model isn't appealing. If you don't already own a bunch of the old content than paying $22 for a single month becomes a really good deal.
The other cool thing is that this subscriber model allows for more variation in the size and format of training content.
Hey everyone- part two is out now. This section covers texture painting, unreal import and basic shader setup, and lighting viewport captures for your portfolio:
I keep up to date with all the videos, so I don't want to have to pay a monthly/ month to month subscription to only stream the one video I haven't seen.
Makes me sad.
Great stuff man! I'm definitely gonna check it out.