I am a 3D Studio Max (2012) user, but Im currently working on a project that requires me to import my files into Maya (2011) for final output.
The scale requirements are [1 unit] = [1 meter].
I would like to use .FBX to pass files back and forth, but I am running into some pretty serious scale issues. Whenever I save out an FBX from Max, when I import the same file into Maya, the scale is waaay off
everything is gigantic. It looks to be a factor of 100 (when I used the default import/export settings)
and sure, I could manually just scale everything down .01, but my object pivots are still going to be all messed up, and it defeats the whole point.
I have tried tweaking the FBX import/export settings in both apps (such as having Max export as centimeters, or Maya import as kilometers, decimeters, etc). But nothing I try gets me the proper resulting scale.
Ive resorted to using .OBJ for my file imports, as it has no scale issues whatsoever.... but Im missing lots of crucial data, like instancing and vertex-color (which I must re-create by hand in Maya, and thats a total pain).
Any suggestions? This is very frustrating.
Glad to hear you got it all sorted.
I had the same problem too . Here are the settings that I used to fix the issues:
Max Unit Setup:
1 Unit = 1 milimeter
Max Export - Scale Factor 0.01 - Decimeters
Maya Import - Scale Factor 1.0 Decimeters
Maya Export Scale Factor 10 Milimeters
Max Import Scale Factor 1 Milimeters
Max to Maya export tips
Add a "Edit Poly" to the stack (to prevent triangulation)
Add MapChannel:1 = map1 to the Mesh properties (to preserve the correct map name.)
Once you are done, save your preferences and back them up from the FBX settings folder: