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Riot Games Art Test for Class

polycounter lvl 5
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Norfair polycounter lvl 5
My class assignment is to do a Riot Games art test. We have to add a twist to an asset they give you. Also, we have to hand paint textures like LoL's art style. Google "Riot Games art test" to see some other people have done.

I had time to work on mine a little bit yesterday, and I decided to make it volcanic/molten. Here's what I came up with so far. I just did the base cylinder to start.
Feedback/critique/suggestions are welcome! thanks in advance.


I'm messing around with ideas to implement a hellish, pheonix, or dragon kind of theme to make it not boring. Maybe add some statues or spikes. Or, possibly scrapping this and doing one that looks like a tree, with bark and branches and such.



  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    lookin cool so far. seems like you still really need to push the handpaintedness of it though. are you working off of any specific concept? or just going the something with the LoL style?
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    Are you going to add an emissive map, or are you just going to be sticking with a diffuse map?

    If you're just sticking with diffuse, you're going to want to push the lighting way more, especially with any light emitted by the lava.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Lava really needs an emissive map, honestly. In most budget cases it usually has a emissive+diffuse. :) Good work though, I really like it!
  • igi
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    igi polycounter lvl 12
    Great work on sculpted details!But lava is looks like marmalade.You need more reddish tones without that green tint on the lava.Also seconding the emissive map.
  • Norfair
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    Norfair polycounter lvl 5
    @Oniram - Thanks! I agree about the hand paintingness. And I'm not working off concept. I should be, but I kind of just started going and this is what I made. Building design is given to us (can be altered), and the hand painted style is required.

    @Shad0wForce - I wish I could use an emissive, but I'm only allowed diffuse, normal, and spec maps. I'll definitely have to make the lava pop more with lighting.

    @chrisradsby - Thank you sir! I wish I could use emissive, but I'll just have to make the texture better to make the lava not look crappy.

    @igi - Thanks alot! Amazing tips on the lava, thank you.

    I worked on this a little bit before I saw anyone replied. I just made a door with a pattern on it, and a rock door frame thing. They just have flat grey colors and an AO pass on them currently. Before I work anymore on this, I gotta concept this out. I shouldn't keep working with nothing to go off of lol.

    Anywho, here's what I did:

  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    The transition from molten to solid is too abrupt. Use this as ref. See the rock reddens as it gets closer to the lava.

    also, notice that lava rock is much much darker.
  • Norfair
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    Norfair polycounter lvl 5
    @ roosterMAP - awesome, thanks a bunch.
  • Norfair
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    Norfair polycounter lvl 5
    Well, I'm holding off on my texture work until I get my overall design down.

    Been messing with a volcano and a pheonix to make it not just rocks. I'm not sure if I like it, but I'm gonna sleep on it, and hopefully get some opinions.

    Don't mind the repeated rock/lava texture on the base of the "roof"..extremely temporary

    I also drew a quick sketch of an idea I had of an underground forge or something. Maybe mix the two ideas?

  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Your lighting or lack of lighting is not helping your shots at all. I would adjust the lighting a lot. It's unfocused and hard to read any details.
  • Norfair
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    Norfair polycounter lvl 5
    Here's some progress. I have mostly all the modeling done. I just have to sculpt more, and hammer out and refine my textures. I am allowed to use an emissive map now, so it should help my lava a ton. This class assignment is due in a week, so i'll have plenty of updates soon.

  • Norfair
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    Norfair polycounter lvl 5
    Well due date is today, and this is what I have. This was my full building attempt with unwraps and multiple maps. It has plenty of room for improvement, but I did learn a lot on this project.



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