My class assignment is to do a Riot Games art test. We have to add a twist to an asset they give you. Also, we have to hand paint textures like LoL's art style. Google "Riot Games art test" to see some other people have done.
I had time to work on mine a little bit yesterday, and I decided to make it volcanic/molten. Here's what I came up with so far. I just did the base cylinder to start.
Feedback/critique/suggestions are welcome! thanks in advance.
I'm messing around with ideas to implement a hellish, pheonix, or dragon kind of theme to make it not boring. Maybe add some statues or spikes. Or, possibly scrapping this and doing one that looks like a tree, with bark and branches and such.
If you're just sticking with diffuse, you're going to want to push the lighting way more, especially with any light emitted by the lava.
@Shad0wForce - I wish I could use an emissive, but I'm only allowed diffuse, normal, and spec maps. I'll definitely have to make the lava pop more with lighting.
@chrisradsby - Thank you sir! I wish I could use emissive, but I'll just have to make the texture better to make the lava not look crappy.
@igi - Thanks alot! Amazing tips on the lava, thank you.
I worked on this a little bit before I saw anyone replied. I just made a door with a pattern on it, and a rock door frame thing. They just have flat grey colors and an AO pass on them currently. Before I work anymore on this, I gotta concept this out. I shouldn't keep working with nothing to go off of lol.
Anywho, here's what I did:
also, notice that lava rock is much much darker.
Been messing with a volcano and a pheonix to make it not just rocks. I'm not sure if I like it, but I'm gonna sleep on it, and hopefully get some opinions.
Don't mind the repeated rock/lava texture on the base of the "roof"..extremely temporary
I also drew a quick sketch of an idea I had of an underground forge or something. Maybe mix the two ideas?