Hey everybody! Long time lurker, first time Polycount poster. ^^
So, I'm working on texturing this scene for our team. I would like to stick to just materials, since UVing all of this and texturing it would waste a lot of dev time. I'm using Maya 2011. What I want is to just break up the flat color on the side of the building. I can cheat it a bit with the MIA_Material_X shader and some blending - but the calc time is super high.
You can see the windows are already built with translucent materials a bit. I know it's a dream without UVing, but I'd also like to do a bit more with them. Random lights on and off is a great trick - but the only way I can think to so it is to UV. I would be spending a week UVing all 30 building types.
Any of your nifty moves you'd like to share would be super appreciated!
But i agree now, the lazy way, would be to make a generic concrete texture(s) and apply a box projection to your uv's (+ fixing the size). This is not too much work and could be easily scripted.
That's really surprising that no material can fake cement or concrete.
I'm sure you can do a convincing procedural concrete texture in maya but I've no idea how
Just as reference (no use to you because its not in maya) most of these materials are procedural. http://www.luxology.com/asset/materials/?mode=Category&id=
but at the end of the day if you didn't care about dirt relative to the buildings features you could just automatically unwrap then apply a large concrete image to it.