Hey to all,
I was wondering if anyone could maybe write a quick and dirty batch file or give me a hint on how I can change my tablets 'click' button so that it changes per application.
I would like to know how to change between (left) click and middle button for my pen on the fly.
I use a Wacom Bamboo Pen myself and you only get the cheap drivers that are not able to do profile management.
I made a small profile manager with batch and autoit scripts (alternativly vbs works too) to change between them.
You can even switch monitors with it.
I use the "G"-Key's of my G15 to execute those.
It's a pretty hacky and dirty method and takes some time to setup.
I'm not a programmer, but I was able to find a way through :P
So, if your tablet driver allows you to setup your pen/tablet keys, I should be able to create something for you.
Tablet is Intous 3, Windows 7. I'm trying to switch Middle Click and Right Click to the Primary button on my tablet (the one located nearest to the tip).
you change settings per app in Wacom Tablet Properties. just make sure the apps is open when when you make a new profile. no need for scripting etc.
EDIT: Oh, oh, oh, I think I got it, I add the application to my...Application Panel and then configure...
Um, other then sounding like a complete pillock, is there anything else I need to know? And yes, I'm a cretin.
Cheers guys, and thanks!
there should be some tuts on google also.
To bad the drivers differ.