Err....? I think we laid off one person today. Does suck, but not really a huge layoff, unless there's something the rest of us haven't heard about. I do wish him the best of luck though!
?... so just one person let go today then? Sucks to hear, regardless. The industry isn't doing as bad as it was a year or so ago, I'm sure they'll get something soon. If it's a Polycounter, we're pullin' for ya!
For PC and Xbox360 it's more of the same. The game is good, but it did not appeal at all. For me it's a 70. Let's wait for the other reviews... and let's hope the note does not fall.
I say slipsius needs to answer for this tomfoolery, I was about to spray my msn friends list to find out wtf was going on until tulkamir said it was one person..... *eyeballs slipsius*
I don't know about the last few days, but a friend of mine was laid off their 3 weeks ago, along with several other programmers, all who'd been there many years.
a friend of mine said that a couple of them came into his work to talk to the guys after being laid off yesterday. so obviously more than 1, but i dunno how many, exactly.
true, slum. Honestly, if it was only 1 or two, then it was clearly the rumor mill at work, which I gave into. So i apologize I didnt wait till actual news came out on the topic.
@JacqueChoi In November 2007, THQ confirmed that it had acquired the license for the Homeworld franchise, so safe to say Relic will definitely give us Homeworld 3 someday.
@JacqueChoi In November 2007, THQ confirmed that it had acquired the license for the Homeworld franchise, so safe to say Relic will definitely give us Homeworld 3 someday.
Sad news, with space marine they did a bad move with the game , almost all the warhammer fans are enraged.
That's not true... some always complain, but these threads on a (very) popular Games Workshop themed forum strongly show popular opinion is it's great:
I knew a guy, Claudio (CLR on forums) a few years ago, an animator who got hired whilst working on Dawn of War (1) mods. If he's still there, I hope he's okay.
yea i know there were about 15 people laid off at the end of the project but they are ramping up again.
Im happy to announce I just signed a wicked deal to go back there as a senior environment/lighting artist on the 40K Dark Millennium MMO so glad to be back with the wicked crew there and getting to work in conjunction with vigil as well?! whoooooo
I wonder if it was Adam.
EDIT: That sounded prickish, I'm joking
The one person :P
How so? I heard reviews were good, no? Video I saw looked nice.
He was being ironic.
With these threads please post more facts and maybe some links to articles or whatever.
For PC and Xbox360 it's more of the same. The game is good, but it did not appeal at all. For me it's a 70. Let's wait for the other reviews... and let's hope the note does not fall.
Brink is another example of fiasco.
Enjoyed the game so far though.
Edit: User score on Gamespot is an 8.8
I'm both glad to hear it was only one guy and sorry for that one guy.
I was really afraid of more competition and less jobs.
my bad if it really was only one person.
(sorry to the guy, I know it sucks)
You had me seriously worried about the fate of (I'm hoping) Homeworld 3 there, for a minute.
Relic was bought out by THQ.
Homeworld was developed for Sierra.
Who was owned by Vivendi.
Who is now Activision-Blizzard.
Kevin Bacon.
That's not true... some always complain, but these threads on a (very) popular Games Workshop themed forum strongly show popular opinion is it's great:
(Space Marine) Warseer Chapter (Clan)
Space Marine (The game)
Space Marine Demo
I knew a guy, Claudio (CLR on forums) a few years ago, an animator who got hired whilst working on Dawn of War (1) mods. If he's still there, I hope he's okay.
Im happy to announce I just signed a wicked deal to go back there as a senior environment/lighting artist on the 40K Dark Millennium MMO