I am an indie developer busily working on my next game....and I have finally gotten some skeletal animation working on the gpu. I am currently using md5 (id Tech ) models and animation.
I love 3d work and have been slowly learning modo and zbrush over time, and I am very happy with them. But neither of these support rigging with bones so I have recently started to learn Blender. Blender 2.5 has a better ui than before, but I use a mac and the middle mouse button is less than stellar.
I have started eyeing Maya...but am afraid it is an even BIGGER investment in time to learn.
I need some advice from Animation gurus...
My question is:
Should I invest the time to learn Rigging and Animation in Blender, or is Maya a better choice?
Or maybe is there another good animation package ? (alas 3dsmax does not work on the mac :-( )
I guess I could fire up windows for 3ds max and UDK...
Thanks in advance for any advice/feedback
We Modo users can only hope for CA in 601... until then have you looked at Cheetah3D?
There was a great deal on PMG Messiah a while back, though I've heard the Mac(wine) port is pretty horrible. Still there are probably some folks out there that would sell (or maybe even give) a license to you.
There's also Lightwave and Cinema4D to consider.