But the more I think about it... the best way to maintain the unique feel of its early graphics would be to do really high-poly models but leave them almost entirely untextured except for vertex colors. The game used a lot of very saturated colors in its skies and lights and a lot of very dark earth tones in its terrain.
MW2 had an almost polygonal impressionist feel to it that was powerful and beautiful and stark. Play the sandstorm mission on Twycross (Wolf 1) or the Jade Falcon mission on MacDuff (the moon, where the sun rises in the middle of the mission) - even for 1995 tech, the atmosphere they created is jaw-dropping gorgeous. Once Zipper Interactive got the license from Activision and started slapping all kinds of shitty textures and layers or realism on it with MW3 (which wasn't a BAD game), it lost that magnificent stark beauty...
Damn, I still love that game.
i76. Keep the simplified style, just bump up the physics and polycount.
Ok, it's not just me... same engine, same idea to improve it! Dude, we need to write Jordan Weisman and Randal Bills and tell them they're chasing the wrong tail with the game license.
i wuv you. MJM is my favorite zelda. So artistic and creepy at the same time. Seeing the moon crash into the city in that DX11 style would be amazing.
Woo, another MM fan. I recently bought it on Wiiware to relive the good memories Shame they sacrificed a nice frame rate for busier areas. If they did remake it, I'd probably ask them to get Project ZREO to make an orchestrated version of the songs
P.S. Even now, the pitch black room in the Swamp Temple gives me the shivers. Something about those glowing eyes in the distance.
dude that was my fuckin favorite game as a kid, and maybe unconsciously the one that got me into sci fi stuff, thanks for posting that video, long time I didnt see it.
I have to say Carmageddon - though it's already coming.
I think a big one for me is Snowboard Kids 2 - very anime like, and a little kids game, but was so damn entertaining - great party game and some of the most under-appriciated game music around.
ff7 for example is a huge pain in the ass to get to run properly on pc
better graphics and new game play stuff
Need For Speed Underground 2
better graphics ,another story ,more customization
better graphics, more machines and better Path-finding
Dear god, yes please....shame that Square pretty much moved on from such a promising IP.
Also, Legend of Dragoon!
Syndicate Wars
Dungeon Keeper 2
Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines
A boy and his Blob
Kings Quest series
Space Quest series
Quest for Glory series
Lands of Lore
Quake 1
Quake 3 Arena
Space Hulk
But the more I think about it... the best way to maintain the unique feel of its early graphics would be to do really high-poly models but leave them almost entirely untextured except for vertex colors. The game used a lot of very saturated colors in its skies and lights and a lot of very dark earth tones in its terrain.
MW2 had an almost polygonal impressionist feel to it that was powerful and beautiful and stark. Play the sandstorm mission on Twycross (Wolf 1) or the Jade Falcon mission on MacDuff (the moon, where the sun rises in the middle of the mission) - even for 1995 tech, the atmosphere they created is jaw-dropping gorgeous. Once Zipper Interactive got the license from Activision and started slapping all kinds of shitty textures and layers or realism on it with MW3 (which wasn't a BAD game), it lost that magnificent stark beauty...
Damn, I still love that game.
Ok, it's not just me... same engine, same idea to improve it! Dude, we need to write Jordan Weisman and Randal Bills and tell them they're chasing the wrong tail with the game license.
Probably the only good disney game ive ever played, since it was made by square enix.
By the way, im new here. Hey guys!
I'd give a million to see that love brought to new life (and still pretty much looking forward to the final release of Black Mesa!).
P.S. Even now, the pitch black room in the Swamp Temple gives me the shivers. Something about those glowing eyes in the distance.
+743 Points, and maybe a proper Blaster Master too
dude that was my fuckin favorite game as a kid, and maybe unconsciously the one that got me into sci fi stuff, thanks for posting that video, long time I didnt see it.
I think a big one for me is Snowboard Kids 2 - very anime like, and a little kids game, but was so damn entertaining - great party game and some of the most under-appriciated game music around.
...in all seriousness.
Loved that game as a kid and still play it on my NES.
I thought there was this massive Black MEsa project of HL getting developed on Source by modders or something.
I personally want to see Seiken Densetsu 3 released in English. Wouldn't mind in 3d either, as long as it looks good
Someone do an HD remix of this game and get it on PSN and XBLA..
pffffft...*glares at cman2k*