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Hexbane - Character Project

Hey guys! I've been working on this game character for a couple of weeks now - on and off.. I started this project mainly to learn sculpting, perhaps gain a level-up as an artist and to keep myself interested. It's also a great counter-weight for the work i do on 3D mobile games during the days..

The character is a helsing witch-hunter -type chick.. lots of leather, horns and skulls.. you know it. At first the left arm was going to be pretty much solid 'runed' stone starting from the shoulder but eventually i toned it down a notch and made it a big glove that could be used to smash through walls (or enemies) and to summon a 'spectral shield' of some sort.

So far i've put my ideas on pixels and move on to modeling the base mesh for sculpting. I created a head sculpt but the base mesh was not as good as it should be, so i'll just step back, take it as a warm-up. Next block out the whole body to set things on the right track.

I have to say i'm moving lightyear or two out from my comfort level every single time i hop over from 3DS to ZBrush..


The main concept - the 'equipped' gun is outdated, i'll have to sketch a bit to figure out how the holster would work.


Head sketches spawned two faces i took a step further.. Yeeeah you guys can probably guess which Ang- ..one i ended up with


The one i picked was a variation of no. 8


I kept the detail level down - i worked it to the point it tells me where things go and how they work..

Here's a 10min clip without sound, for now:


Aand finally i've been recording bits, even did a live voiceover with my iPhone (no mic, cat chewed the line, honest!) on the gun silhouettes piece but damn.. Next time i record a video i'll just watch it again and explain my process then so i dont get too distracted to talking while drawing. But thats a definite maybe! :)

So.. onward to modeling!


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