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Sculpting Miniatures!

polycounter lvl 15
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Rai polycounter lvl 15
Hey fellow Polycounters!
Thought I'd start a P&P before I get too far into my adventure.

Currently working on a project with a couple of friends of mine, the idea is to sculpt up a few miniatures and ponder up some rulesets for our own tabletop wargame.

I'm working with Maya and ZBrush then exporting into .STL, which will be sent off to a printer for high detailed 3D prints. :D
The process isn't too bad, measurements had me a tad confused in the beginning though.

Anyways, here are some pictures of the first batch.

The base I made in Maya.

Each full miniature is made in segments, so these weren't posed in full body poses, rather each individual segment has been posed.. So it may look a bit weird on a few of them.

This is the result of the print, came out pretty nice. =]
30mm, 28mm to the eye.

These are going to be pressure casted into extra parts, which then we'll piece together, pose and sculpt over in green stuff for clothing and armor.

Specifically for these guys, I will not be digitally sculpting armor or clothing, however I will be sculpting the weapons/shields and any little bits that may be too detailed to sculpt in green stuff.

This makes for an interesting hybrid process and collaboration.

After they've been pieced together and sculpted over, they'll be cut up and pressure casted a second time for the final product.

Sorry for the long read!
Will post pics as I go along, prints and green stuff. :)
Don't be afraid to C&C, nothing is set in stone and I'm fairly new to a lot of this.

Edit: Extra tidbit, from the first printer.


  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • SnaFuBAR
    wow, that's pretty great! contrats on the great results right off the bat.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Hey congrats on getting it started dude! Looking forward to the finished product :)
  • Rai
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    Rai polycounter lvl 15
    Great project! Do you know what 3d printer was used by your contractor? Also, had to Google green stuff I wan't sure what it was. What's it like to work with?

    Do you have any concepts of a final look?

    I'm unsure of which 3D printer they use, but it's Moddler.com.

    We have the ability to build even the tiniest details. Since we use a digital process, our output will essentially be an exact physical representation of your digital model at whatever size you choose. In the X and Y axes, we can print at a resolution of 600 dpi or 42 microns. In the Z axis, we can print in a mind-bogglingly small 1600 dpi or 16 microns. (A micron is 1/1000th of a millimeter.) That's about 20% as thick as a human hair!

    I don't personally work with "Green Stuff", but the others will be.. I might dabble a little later.

    We don't really have drawn concepts, but it's all essentially there for us to follow. It's inspired by the Sl
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