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brawl street fighter level completed

Well Wow i have not posted here in so long but am glad to say i was holding out to show a polished enviorment that i entered in to the brawl contest. I was not really able to polish it off the way i wanted to for the contest but i have been looking it over and self critiquing it. The first pics is the one i used for the contest while the second is the polished off one
And now the finished version

I think it says a bit about what you can do with a level to push it even after you have finished texturing and modeling. Ironically the first levels texture usage was very in inefficient and and did not go with the guide lines of the contest. It to little to late but the new levels texture space if within the guide lines.(i went out my way to optimize it as much as possible)


  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Great idea for a fighting arena. But I think I like the more saturated first version, the second is just way to bled out.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    You have some huuuuge pixels on the fountain. I think you'd be off better by mapping only 1/8th of the circle and then tiling it around. The white lines on them also seem to vary in width and placement a bit - looks sloppy.

    edit - also, the final version definitely looks worse. Very brown bloom brown nextgen gritty ew.
  • itsmadman
    well i think u guys had a point. i was trying to go for an old black and white tv look. but allot of my work got lost. well that effect was done through a scene material so i turned it down 6252919654_da481c4018_b.jpg
  • Sandro
    I still prefer first (unpostprocessed) ones, very illustrative and fresh. In other images you kind of loose every bit of material, pattern or color you have by killing saturation and blooming everything.
  • Norron
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    Norron polycounter lvl 13
    Agreed, the newer version with the crazy post processing is worse than the first. That one felt very unified while the newest is just chaotic. I'm finding my eye bouncing all around the scene.
  • itsmadman
    i hav turned down allot of the settings i feel it needs something else
  • ranger_park
    a big plasma screen of the fighters? idn lol
  • itsmadman
    i know what it is. its to dark. i continue to up the brightness on the lights and it still has that night club feel(which is cool) what could i do to brighten the place
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    I feel like the first one's more unified and makes more sense. The effects and stuff you put on the second version is a little bit overkill and completely killed the vibe and atmosphere of what you had going before.

    In the first one, it looks like a silly bright game show set that would have the cheeseball announcer with the slicked back hairdo. (you know the one) It makes sense, has a cheerful slightly vintage look, and it fits perfectly in that context.

    The second one is a game show TV set floating in a sea of (nicely rendered) water? Why? (and how?!) It's so gloomy and dark it lost the bright silly vibes and now looks like there should be zombies or something coming out of the curtains. :\

    So what's the story behind this thing? What are you trying to go for atmosphere-wise?
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    The older image looks light-years better than the current one :( Get rid of those post-effects, they only make your environment look weird!

    The older image was also much more interesting, remarkable and vibrant than the current one.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    I have to agree with the above poster. I love the atmosphere of a really overly lit room you have going, almost like a dreamscape, and that works with the theme of the environment you had in the older images. The new images feels too saturated overall and lacks any real punch and feels dull overall. More importantly, your older images made everything pop, that your new version doesn't allow for.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Needs lens flare! Seriously, knock back those post effects.
    Why is there water on the floor? It looks really out of place.
    The font for the signage doesn't really inspire me to fight.
  • itsmadman
    Im a lil embarrassed that floor is not water its suppose to be a very reflective floor. I made some changes turned allot of the pp down. I have to say i like where it is at
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    YOu should map that white line on the fountain differently. You could likely do the whole trim with a simple 256x64 tiled texture thats straight and then let the geo take care of it. Would get rid of that really obvious pixelated look thats for sure.

    Also in terms of lighting, theres just no atmosphere. Play with a very, very faint layer of fog, and at least some post processing. ATM, it looks overly bland.

    Also as far as I can tell... There no shadowing? Why? Its really obvious here.
  • itsmadman
    im feeling that it needs to be brighter i admit that the lighting has been giving me issues and the floor piece (its not a fountain) but i can see how raised up it is can make one think that it is. Ill work on de-pixelateing the floors texture. But what kind of light would you guys use for this scene
  • itsmadman
    well here is another update
  • itsmadman
    small tweaks but i think im almost there
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