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Space Pirates and Zombies!

polycounter lvl 14
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Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
Anyone else played this game? $15 on Steam. Got almost 30 hours into it from just 3 days. I love it! Brings me back to the good ol' Escape Velocity days.




  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Yep! It's not perfect but it gives that old top down space fix you can't find these days. Reminds me a lot of Master of Orion 2 but in real time with all the ship load out upgrades and considerations. Worth 15 bucks for sure if you have fond memories of these space games.

    There are a few things that prevent this game from being mind blowingly great though:

    It drives me nuts that as the player your progression path (expanding your hangar and tech) is so tied to the story quest line and randomized tech locations. It's all sort of out of your hands and a lot of the fun in these games is choosing your upgrade path yourself or just "saving up" tons of points, money or whatever for a high level tech type.

    Rock paper scissors combat. Get too many lasers you can't kill a ship with a strong hull, not enough lasers and ships with high shields will rock you. I understand the gameplay they're trying to foster but combat becomes confusing in some situations where you simply don't have the right load out, it's just not satisfying constantly changing load outs knowing you may not be fully optimized to be able to consistently blow crap up in the next fight or if through the random tech locations you simply don't have the means to create a well rounded squad which is absolutely essential to succeed in later levels.

    Turns into a massive grind with little payoff. *Spoilers* Once you enter the second section of the game they artificially try to extend the life of the game by entering a sort of onslaught mode. The already stale galaxy exploration becomes even more drawn out and progression is slowed big time this is where i just decided to stop playing, i may give the game another go on a smaller size and focus on getting more tech before entering this phase.

    Exploring the galaxy in general just gets stale very fast. Each galaxy has the same dynamics and though there was the potential for crazy random things to discover across the galaxy, there simply isn't outside of the core quest line.

    Good game, just about the only full featured one of this type in many years which makes this totally worth buying alone, but again not perfect.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    I agree. When I got to the "second" part that's actually when I quit playing. I had the most fun researching all the ships and just got so buffed up I just massacred every star system and took the upgrades by force.

    Set the start system to 150 or 200 and medium difficulty.

    I'm so powerful at my part of the game it's actually really boring. I took every upgrade available in the game before reaching the main second part and it's just too easy.

    That aside, I cannot lie that I was HOOKED this entire weekend, thus why I spent 30 hours on it during this 3 day weekend :)

    I'm more tempted to just start the game again on the Insane difficulty cause the second part is not as appealing to me.
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Wanted to bump this thread, it's on sale for $4 on Steam!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, good game!
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Got this free with the Coal shenanigans on Steam. Need to install and play but if Haisai says its gonna get you hooked might want to stay off it for a while ;)
  • Isaiah Sherman
    Offline / Send Message
    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
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