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3D Artist Needed for Clothing Project

We are looking for a very talented 3D artist to produce a high quality, photo-real, 3D model of a jean. We are an exclusively web-based jeans retailer. We have been selling jeans directly to the consumer for 4 years (10 years + in the industry) and are in the process of changing our online jean configuration process. A key component to this process is photo-realistic graphic rendering of a jean. Note that we only need a jean, no body in the jean or even a top or shoes (for now). The jean should be shaped as if a body were in it, but no body should be shown. We will provide all the base photography and raw materials.

Once we have a photo real jean model prototype we'll want to create additional morph targets (or styles) to support different color and style options.

We would ideally have a completed model with some variations by mid-October. That may prove to be too ambitious, in which case the goal for completion would be mid-December. There will quite likely be ongoing small-scale work after the initial project to support additional product modifications.

Ideally interested parties would submit a high quality, photo-real rendering of denim fabric that she or he has produced to show capacity in this area.

Many thanks.


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  • jeffreycampbell
    Hi. Thanks for the question. Right now we're going to avoid 3D engines and will ask the artist to deliver snapshots of the 3D model at different points of rotation. We would then plug those shapshots into our front-end to simulate rotation, both vertical and horizontal. And yes, we do have code support for implementation. So, for this project the deliverables are the snapshots named according to our convention, and the original art files.
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