My first ever ever ever reel...4 realz. This is like the first draft I suppose. I have not put the website togather because I want to the reel to be finished and the models to get to a satisfying level to make beauty shots of actions poses of some sort. (just started rigging all of them)
Work more your spec maps. They need more work and to stand out and work with your normal map.
When you are showing your maps don't show your wireframe on top of it, just show the map.
On another note, the wings on your character aren't doing it for me. Make them more interesting, right now they look very generic and they are too repetitive.
Other than that it's a very good first draft. I would try to avoid the classic turnaround approach. It's too repetitive seeing 3 models spinning all the time. That is just my IMO.
Spec maps seems to be fickle in the matter that it can be too shiny and in my case not there at all. Less repetitive wing patterns makes sense. I will try to give it more dynamics, it might help when it gets posed, but not much because it is planes.
I shall give them a pose and I really want to make them slightly animate. Not a whole lot, but enough to show them alive.
I would suggest that you smooth the pedestal because the faceting of it does not look that great and takes away from the character, there was one point where I was watching the shadow on the pedestal and not your character because of the faceting.
I also do not know if you really need the concept are for each character in the reel at all. That is unless you are also trying to get a job as a concept artist and they are your concepts.
I did not like how the video and music just quit you need to fade the video and audio out so they do not just end all of the sudden.
The thing that I would suggest you add is an idle animation for each character because that will take away from the just straight T-pose you have going on now and make each of them more interesting to look at and keep my attention better.
A minute per character is also far too long. This video for instance shows 3 characters and an environment in a little over a minute - and I reckon it's still a tad slow:
So I think you should definitely get your reel under a minute.
About staying away from the t-pose: you might not even have to rig the entire character. You can quite easily change the arms to have them hanging naturally by the side like /()\ and shuffling one foot around a bit shouldn't be a problem either.