Hi my name is Kristian Zagar. I'm a student at the game assembly and here is a weapon I've been working on for our last student project "Contained". The plan is to polish it up for my portfolio. Any feedback is welcome.
It goes under that top blue piece. Nice work. It's basic, but VERY solid and realistic in that manner. Kinda looks like what would be the "old" human rifles for Mass Effect. like, this would be the equivalent of our Springfield rifle. obviously this is in the future to us though. My only crit is that the scope seems a little high for you to look through in relation to to stock.
Thanks, I still need to polish up diffuse/specc/normal and make gloss/reflectivity maps. Will try and get to it as soon as i have some spare time. Here is a turntable video of the current progress.
Looks solid ,i like how you managed to keep it plausible despite the 'blockiness' of the design (which is nice, but could easily have looked like a toy , even considering the stylized look )
The red splatter on the front is a bit weird.. is it Blood ? looks too bright and uniform , more like paint splatter.
Thanks for the nice feedback. I cleaned it up a bit, removed alot of scratches and tweaked some specc and gloss values. In a way it looks too clean at the moment but will see what i can do about it. Here's a progress picture.
Now it looks way too clean. There are edges there that really should scuff or at least show a little sign of being an edge, but are perfectly clean. Happy medium is happy!
The red splatter on the front is a bit weird.. is it Blood ? looks too bright and uniform , more like paint splatter.