I'm very much a beginner so forgive the ignorance that may follow...
I just started learning about modular design and love the concept. Build the bits you need and reuse and reconfigure to make all sorts of new things.
But my current personal project i want to do a destroyed city building, something with beams sticking out and exploded sections here and there. But I'm trying to understand how one would do this using modular pieces? I would have to have a signifigantly large number of pieces built to not be very obvious with the destruction since the broken bits will be organic shapes and thus very recognizable when repeated.
So is it worth following a modular method here or just building out the broken bits as I would a unique mesh?
Here's a concept similar to what I'm shooting for.
Im not trying to stay 100% to the concept, but at 2x2 window sections I'll need quite a large number of modules to build up the building without super obvious repetition of the destroyed bits, which kind of defeats the purpose no? How much can I get away with and still perform well? Though I suppose that's a pretty hard to answer question...
1.bottom piece
2.damaged piece
3.Top trim
you could also make an undamage piece and various damaged pieces so you can build a nice variety of buildings.