I was sitting and wondering, why haven't we built anything on the moon? i mean yeah it costs a lot for any country to go to the moon but...why havent we built anything there like space stations ON the moon and whatnot? Anyway it inspired an idea to build a Moon Station environment, or even a small area of a moon station environment

i know it's kinda already been done with the black ops zombie map "Moon" but hey atleast i have a bit of reference, anyone have any ideas or opinions?
They even released a game about it
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That and NASA has a pretty strict culture of don't colonize planets or alter them in any major way other than to study them and learn more about them. Their main goal right now is to explore planets and the solar system in unmanned craft. They'll probably kill the manned space program during the next round of budget talks.
So it will have to be some other economic super power that has a lot of money to burn.
/look at China
I hear and read lots of controversy about the moon... From structures on the dark side of the moon, to the way the moon is depicted for us, black white and grey (for some random reason even the new pictures are like that... I would think in full color it would be easier for us to identify many thing we couldn't before (minerals etc), when its actually a brilliant sparkling gem, floating alongside our earth.
I doubt mankind has resources or technology to terraform and colonize planets yet :poly124:
Also some people don't believe we landed on the moon. America still the only ones to do it after 50ish years?
Other countries have landed craft on the moon, but the USA is the only one to put a human being on it.
Obama set NASA back a couple decades.
The private sector route has a much higher chance of producing suitable launch vehicles without the political haranguing that NASA has to endure over every cent. SpaceX seems to be doing quite nicely so far.
NASA won't, they may never given their current trajectory, but several major governments have pledged moon bases within as few as twenty years or probably more likely 30 - 40. I'm trying to google my source for that, it was in the news a year or so ago...
edit: quick and dirty search result - http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2011/04/is-russia-planning-to-build-a-permanent-moon-base/237059/
ooh yes. There's also Branson's orbital tourism, John Carmack has founded a company aiming at the same thing with the end goal of orbital transport - so clearly predicting moon bases there. And rounding off the pack there's my favorite, Copenhagen Suborbitals. They're an open source project that runs on donations. It started off as some guys who built motherfucking submarines as a hobby, then announced they wanted to put a guy in orbit. They post all their progress online and are very cool.