I dunno this game looks washed out to me in many places especially outside. It's like they cranked the bloom up ten fold outside. It annoys the hell outta me. The zombies don't look all that interesting. Animations are a bit stiff. Left 4 Dead still looks better in my view.
this game is really awesome. if you take in the overall experience and ignore the fact that it's rough around the edges.....you then realize it's pretty damn awesome. one of those "i'll just play a liiiiittle bit longer" types.
so it's 1am here, lights are off in this room because it's so late and don't want to wake up the kids...
about 10 minutes ago, i walked past a dead body (in game ofc) my headphones are telling me "zombie is nearby... uuuurrrghhhhh" totally not paying attention, and then "OH SHIT!!!!"
I bought it for PS3 but am waiting for my buddy to get it so we can Co Op. Did they resolve the save issue yet? Also...a Flop? Lulz. I heard this game is selling out in some venues. I'm just excited to get an open world melee centric Co Op rpg!
i've been hearing lots of probs still w/the ps3 version aside from the save issue. the launch was pretty botched. hopefully all the fixes are on the way eric. the game is great. a flop? no way. just like you said...it's selling like hotcakes.
The coop has some issues, but I must defend that the textures and the anatomy on the zombies are fantastic. Which, I believe, was one of the major selling points due to how the game concentrates around the zombies. The third person perspective was never meant to be seen, all the animation you see from your own perspective is unique to your perspective.
However, I do agree the biggest hiccup is the bugs on release. In a marketing stand point, that can really hurt a game. Like Black Ops for the PC was released it had some MAJOR server to client issues that was compounded with the fact the game had issues using multi-cores, which all resulted major lag playing the first couple of weeks. Once you lose a player sometimes players don't come back to play, but in Black Ops case they picked it up the momentum especially with their DLC.
Personally, I like Dead Island. The story so far (up to chapter 3) is not revolutionary. It does not live up to the heart wrenching cinematic they showed a few years back. It does however have replay ability with skill tree and coop. To compare, I had ALOT of expectations for Deus Ex that did not live up to the hype, and Dead Island did not live up to a story experience I expected from the trailer. Those are expectations, but did not ruin the fun in the game. I enjoyed it for the most part.
It does not live up to the heart wrenching cinematic they showed a few years back.
Mainly because they were heavily on the defensive and had no idea what was going on.
I can say that the prologue played like this, you didn't have a weapon and you weren't supposed to know what was going on, the environment they put you in for the prologue felt synonymous to the cinematic.
At least for me.
Then you were given wicked weaponry and that faded fairly quickly.
well, my entire town is sold out of this game. i went to buy it after trying it at a friends, and couldnt find it ANNNYYYWHERE! gamestop said our entire region is sold out.
luckily, my brother has it for pc and 360, and since he just had a baby, he cant play on the tv while the baby is awake (laptop with headphones is ok. haha). so i borrowed it from him for 360 till i can get my own copy.
so heres my two cents... its borderlands with zombies, minus the insane amount of loot, and far more bugs.
the respawn is so flawed when you die. half the time i have no idea where i am once i respawn.
its definitely a fun game. but nothing too amazing. but, im getting sick of zombie games. zombies = the new WW2
Fell right off the hook when I realized this game is almost the complete opposite of what the announcement trailer implied it to be. I was looking forward to a zombie game with an engaging storyline with deep characters and failure being more than just respawning with 20% less cash.
The combat seems to be somewhat entertaining though so I might give it a spin whenever it goes on sale.
Borrowed it from work. It's absolutely lovely. I collected a bunch of knives that I use to throw at zombies. Pretty fun to pick it out of them when they stumble close.
the environment they put you in for the prologue felt synonymous to the cinematic.
At least for me.
If by sinonymous you mean "the same", you're right. You even see what happened to this family if you go to the end of the corridor in the begining, I liked that they linked their beautiful trailer to the actual game.
Did anyone else notice the stretchy-textures on the downed helicopter? Right in your face, super-stretchy. (Black hawk down quest? I think it was called)
Minor visual annoyances though ^^, so far I love the game. Can't wait to try it out co-op with my buddies.
Anyone notice the crazy hand?
Analog fighting, hold down right trigger, then left trigger. Enjoy crazy warped twisted wrist action. Or maybe it's left trigger and then right trigger. Either way , super noticeable as the wrist does a 360 and turns super thin.
Personally, I found the game fun for about an hour or two everytime I started it up.
I would kill things, do missions, and then my interest would die off completely.
I think it's okay, probably a lot better with 2 or more people.
They better get that shit fixed quick because when I look at all that bloom everywhere I feel like i'm in a soap opera instead of a horror movie.
Seems like this game is a flop as I expected it to be. But at least some people are enjoying the co-op with friends.
I'm not so sure, I've been hearing mixed reviews everywhere.
I sort of want to get into it myself now.
about 10 minutes ago, i walked past a dead body (in game ofc) my headphones are telling me "zombie is nearby... uuuurrrghhhhh" totally not paying attention, and then "OH SHIT!!!!"
so much for not waking up the kids, hahahaha!
However, I do agree the biggest hiccup is the bugs on release. In a marketing stand point, that can really hurt a game. Like Black Ops for the PC was released it had some MAJOR server to client issues that was compounded with the fact the game had issues using multi-cores, which all resulted major lag playing the first couple of weeks. Once you lose a player sometimes players don't come back to play, but in Black Ops case they picked it up the momentum especially with their DLC.
Personally, I like Dead Island. The story so far (up to chapter 3) is not revolutionary. It does not live up to the heart wrenching cinematic they showed a few years back. It does however have replay ability with skill tree and coop. To compare, I had ALOT of expectations for Deus Ex that did not live up to the hype, and Dead Island did not live up to a story experience I expected from the trailer. Those are expectations, but did not ruin the fun in the game. I enjoyed it for the most part.
It is fun, and that is all that matters.
Mainly because they were heavily on the defensive and had no idea what was going on.
I can say that the prologue played like this, you didn't have a weapon and you weren't supposed to know what was going on, the environment they put you in for the prologue felt synonymous to the cinematic.
At least for me.
Then you were given wicked weaponry and that faded fairly quickly.
luckily, my brother has it for pc and 360, and since he just had a baby, he cant play on the tv while the baby is awake (laptop with headphones is ok. haha). so i borrowed it from him for 360 till i can get my own copy.
so heres my two cents... its borderlands with zombies, minus the insane amount of loot, and far more bugs.
the respawn is so flawed when you die. half the time i have no idea where i am once i respawn.
its definitely a fun game. but nothing too amazing. but, im getting sick of zombie games. zombies = the new WW2
The combat seems to be somewhat entertaining though so I might give it a spin whenever it goes on sale.
If by sinonymous you mean "the same", you're right. You even see what happened to this family if you go to the end of the corridor in the begining, I liked that they linked their beautiful trailer to the actual game.
Minor visual annoyances though ^^, so far I love the game. Can't wait to try it out co-op with my buddies.
Analog fighting, hold down right trigger, then left trigger. Enjoy crazy warped twisted wrist action. Or maybe it's left trigger and then right trigger. Either way , super noticeable as the wrist does a 360 and turns super thin.
EDIT: Do I care? Nope. Game's awesome.
that's just gorgeous. I can easily picture a really sweet I Am Legend type mod for that.
I would kill things, do missions, and then my interest would die off completely.
I think it's okay, probably a lot better with 2 or more people.