ok so now that the colt is gone =\ i was thinking about loading up the old mp5 i had
i wanna add grenade launcher and some more gear and looking for idea
so if u know about any cool looking gear like scope/sights/mounts/lasers etc.. please post some pics
on top of that i wanna add M203 or even go with that
i did some touchups for the texture for more realistic look
images taking with xoliul shader (real time)
so throw anything cool that u think might fit
my original texture critiques still stand:
1. you have no material definition. everything is the exact same shiny gray grunge texture with the beach.dds cubemap covering it up. the reason why i love texturing guns is because of how many cool, strange materials i get to try and define to make something that stands out from the thousands of generic gray bullet spitting machines. it's very very possible--and often more impressive--to make a box standard gun look fantastic instead of adding tons of crap to it.
find some photos you can pull from! MP5's have lots of cool materials you can use. here's a few to get you started:
i always start a texture by trying to define materials with just flat colors and a single omni with no additional reflections or anything. remember: lighting is the glue holding everything together, so make sure it's some strong epoxy and not elmer's. here's what i mean by a material blockout:
2. your grunge doesn't have any structure. it's all this same dark grunge pattern with no thought to placement and no unique shapes to tie it all together. it's also heavily on the diffuse, so it looks oddly flat. guns are built to be resilient to wear, so they generally don't wear all around like this, but instead attract chips and wear around the edges and wear at points where humans interact with it.
go to http://www.pixagogo.com/DeicideNBF and look in the HK gallery pages and grab some images with cool unique wear, then analyze that and figure out how to make that using all of your texture maps.
3. beach.dds is wack!
it's just an observation, but i think you need to let go of your diffuse lighting-era techniques. back in the day you needed to add all of your material information in the diffuse including lighting in order to create a convincing texture--but this is 2011, we have the technology to represent those materials properly. when you cling to those old methods on a shader-driven texture, you will just get something that looks very flat and boring. a great example of this is white edge scrapes. we used to do this to fake specularity changes on edges that would be scraped away, but with the invention of the specular map we can utilize all of our maps to make exactly the same type of wear that is in your reference. adding those bright edges to the diffuse just looks silly.
the parts are very different in the way the shade, and i dont want too much contrast on materials cause ill end up with something look like a toy
+if u look on real pics, you can see its hard to seperate the maqterials of the weapon cause what its been through in the battlefield
on the scraps, i donno, when it scraped it expose the bare metal which has different color too, doing it on the specular wont be enough
Also, disable those cheesy marmoset skyboxes =P
yea guess i can play some more with the textures, plastic is too shiny like u said
thanx for the feedback guys :thumbup:
IMO unless you have a small environment or something, the skyboxes just look out of place. You know, like you just pasted the model on top of a random photo. There just isn't context for the skybox, so it looks disjointed to me.
Also mimicing what others said about the glossyness, it also makes that knob really stand out.
as always looks totally badass