Hey guys I wanted to post my current progress on the environment art test for the internship Arena Net offers. I'm kind of a new when it comes to the process of creating environment art, but I would like to get better so that's why I come to you. Please crit.
This is the original concept, but they basically say to interpret the style any way you like. So I changed and added some elements but over all wanted to keep the same shape and proportions of the house.

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aaaaaaaaand (sorry just noticed it). if this is supposed to be some sort of next-genish asset, i wouldnt paint in your specularity into the diffuse maps as you have done with the windows. thats essentially doing baked lighting and that limits you. now all of your windows will appear as if the light is coming from the top left of the window, no matter where it is.
Thanks! I just now fixed the door so it has some more texture detail, about the 4 wood supports. The concept suggests they are on the outside of the other wood supports due to the shadow painted in. You think they maybe be just decorative? That's what I was assuming at least. Thanks for the help.
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I'll just let you post a few updates before I say anything cause you still have a bunch o crits from Facebook to attend to.
I still think the red roof is better.
Color is all opinion, though, so only go with the color of a roof that you want that way you can better support it if they do decide to interview you about your project.
Im not sure how true that is haiasi, my boss likes things done a certain way and if he likes a concept Ive done and its in a certain colour I better damn well stick to the concept in the 3D or he will question me quite harshly as to why I have changed what he has already approved. I dont know how open the brief is on these concepts but as its just an internship maybe they are more free to express themselves.
Also, if you actually read the environment section for their test they specifically say:
"Feel free to add your own interpretation to the style, cleanliness, and add any extra supporting elements as needed."
Do whatever you want on the project, just make it badass. That's all that matters
Thats a nice brief! also where do you work!? sounds fun being given the time to do that stuff, we are usually trying to get a mobile game out every 2 months where I work. So I cant mess about I just need to take responsibility and move purposefully through the process of making the game art and design, there is often only 1 or 2 of us making all the art and ui for the whole game so once a decision is made about style/colour etc and the boss is happy then we have to move on.
I usually just assume that most companys want results fast(time is money and all that crap) so if they give you a concept then they want exactly what is on the concept made as quickly as possible while still having as much quality as possible.
I'll do a paint over for you cause I'm bored and want to paint something
@ Stoofoo: Thanks for chiming in! I'll definitely add some more color and model variation, thanks for the help!
Here's the PSD file if you wanna go through some stuff I did that you might be able to pull from and use for your project:
Some of the major things to note:
-For overall presentation, desaturate and darken the BG, it pulls away from the project
-Did a master saturate to the house by just +10 to make it pop a little more
-More noticeable detail on the plaster / stucco walls
-Reduced noise on all the wood
-Highlighted edges on all the pieces, most notably the wood to help them pop off the walls more
-Better angle for your shadows
-Desaturated roof a bit
-Completely changed the lower brick to something significantly less noisy
-Break up silhouette for base brick
-Change door texture
Would like to see the flats of your updated texture work too, if it is possible
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but the stucco is imo much better
Painted in some subtle color to the brick and tried to tone down the cartoony yellow of the gold. I might need to paint out some of the AO pass.. Still need to add some weathering to the wood, but gotta go to work :[ more tonight! Thanks.
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Hope this helps - http://wiki.polycount.com/ModularMountAndBlade
If you think of a human scale to those bricks, you would probably be able to stick your entire hand into all of those cracks. If you look at the paint over, the cracks are very minimal. It also helps make the bricks feel like one large chunk of foundation for the building.
What you've done so far is getting better though!
Here's a little dude for scale, maybe it'll help you see the thing w/the brick:
It's difficult to explain I think why I like it - and I do understand how it could feel "bark" like, but I think it really works.
Though I gotta say I wouldn't mind someone with more knowledge or real world examples to tell me why I think it works...
something i would say is the door (someone might have mentioned it already). even though you changed the color of it, i feel like the wood needs a lil bit of break-ups here and there. the lines i read on the door go straight down like that and well i think that's what giving me the illusion of the door not reading that much as wood. it might be the color as well, might wanna try desaturating it a bit and see how that turns out.
other than that you've taken the suggestions very well, i'm liking this piece!
For now here is a different brick texture that is a little less noisy.
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I am enjoying this so far. Lots of great constructive criticism and work in here. Keep it up, and good luck!
Added leaky water marks on stucco.
Desaturated door way with added weathering and dirt to break up color.
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any chance you can pop some verts on that middle vertical wood piece? i see you made a cut there but it looks too straight if you know what i mean. break it up some if possible (if you've got room to spare for some verts).