So in case you hadn't heard, Laurens "Xoliul" Corijn (of XoliulShader fame) has joined us today as a Technical Artist at Splash Damage Towers, to help us out with all things Technical Art.
It's great to have him on board, and it also means we're getting close to filling this area around my chair with Polycounters... we already had spacemonkey, JFletcher, Vahl and myself - now with Xoliul here too, nothing can go wrong!
We're looking forward to stealing his brains!
Use your shader constantly, so big thnx!
CONGRATS LAURENS tho, and welcome
It's so pimp it deserved to be in the pimping forum!
congrats dude!
famous last words hahahaha!
congratulations man, all the best! hope to see you at the next london eat and great!
And welcome
Edit: We should move GoSsS so that we have an actual Polycount area at SD! Just need one more guy and we'll have a full set!
i believe he is pimping him
I will take one for the team and be that guy!