So, at home I've been using max 2011 for a while now and I just hate the new widgets that show on screen when performing things like chamfer, bevel, extrude etc. It looks like this;

I miss the old widget boxes... they were easier to use for some reason... also, a lot of the time when I bevel an object in say, max 2009, I will press the bevel button, and press 'zero' then 'tab' then 'zero' again and hit enter, then just grab the face and pull it and scale it how I like it... in max 2011, this tabbing around doesn't seem to function correctly..
anyway, I was just curious if anyone else:
a)felt this way
b)knew of a solution to fix the tabbing or to revert to an old-style max layout without just getting an actual older version.
Probably a stupid post, but I figured i'd put this out there lol.