Hey guys, just finished up our last project at Complex Games "Battle Bears Royale" for the iPhone / iPad / Android device. There is still a ton of stuff to setup / render but here are a few screens from what I worked on. You can check out more here if you're interested.
Thanks mate. Dub-step was out of our hands, we didn't do the sneak peek trailer (just handled art assets). I'm sure the 'official' release trailer will have more appropriate music. Appreciate the input though.
This looks like a fun and crazy game! The characters and environment look really good, the game is definetly a success from a visual point of view. Well done to you and your team!
Just a heads up to everyone, this game is now live and available on the apple app store! This awesome game can be yours for the low low price of - FREE.
Music in your youtube video, horrible, and I really like Dub-step, please consider updating it if you don't want people to shut it off.
otherwise, good luck, I enjoy projects like this alot.
See you all on the battle field!