This really isn't a problem I'm having at the moment, just some strange oddity I had earlier this week in one of my environments. Was wondering if anyone else experienced this.
So I placed a static mesh like normal into my environment. It's just a window sitting in a wall. No big deal, except whenever I bump into it with the player, it suddenly reacts with physics and tumbles to the floor. Unless I'm mistaken, only meshes designated as an InterpActor are able to have physics applied. So how the hell does some random static mesh suddenly react with physics? O_o I have around 83 separate static meshes in this environ so far, and only this one is acting like an idiot.
My first thought was that since I have a collision box around the window and the collision box on the wall itself completely covers the hole where the window fits into, maybe they are fighting and causing errors? But if that were the case, then the other windows that I have in that wall should be acting the same way. But they aren't.
I fixed this by setting the collision on the window to NoCollide. Still, very bizarre. I might try to delete then reimport the mesh when I go back in to work.
I've added many other assets to the scene since then with no issues, so no idea what the problem is.
Thanks for the responses, regardless.