Hello I have got a domain name and I uploaded some stuff and I am in the process of building a portfolio website , what do you think of this ?
The idea is not only to have a showcase for my stuff , but mostly to have a blog , a secondary blog for secondary project and some other little stuff ....
I assume you want your website to show prospective employers your work, if that is the case, I'd say you want it to do that well, and quickly, and not much else.
In my opinion, a perfect example of an employer friendly portfolio is this:
No bulshit, no fluff, no complex navigation, just a page full of art that you can scroll through.
There's also a few frameworks that you can use, like http://cargocollective.com/ or http://www.squarespace.com/
Also, I know it's a little late but is your domain name really ideal? I'd have thought you want a domain that you can say to someone over the phone without having to say 'spell it N dash A dash I etc'. I used to have a domain with numbers in it, but spelled out with letters, and it annoyed both me and the person I was talking to saying 'the number 2 but spelled two'.
so I preferred this www.n-a-i-m-a.com to www.naimasomething.net
as for the pictures they are dark but I can tune them up , still working on the layout and the pics even are placeholders , the portfolio page is eventually where to go check ...
as for the simplicity vs complexity I didn't want just a place where to collect pictures to show people , I wanted also some kind of blog to post some work and progress m then put also a page where to link download all the mods I have done for severall games.... I mostly decided to make a website couse I have been contacted by several people for custom works just couse they found my name and contacts by googling around what they wanted and then happened to find me throught google pics , so I tought to collect all the stuff into one single place as I actually had them only scattered in several forum threads...
But the domain was a mistake in my oppinion, I will not remember your name, I will remember that one website if forgot the name of with all those stupid -'s
Well that's fine then, I guess. But when it comes to showing a portfolio you'd best get a seperate site as it'd be more effective.
I'm sort of against this. If I'm a recruiter looking to hire you for doing (lets pretend) environments, then I damn well better see some environments and breakdowns within 2-3 clicks (for some, that's already too many). The less filler, the better. If you want a blog on the same site, keep it separate from your "gallery".
Don't hide your work!
I just say www.naima.com with dashes between every letter of the word naima =
btw I was also thinking for a small logo symbol for main site and did some brainstorming ... http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4816/naimalogos.jpg any sugestion appreciated
Also! if you meet with people in real life, and they ask you, whats the adress.. I can guarantee they will give you funny looks when you say: www dot, n, dash, a, dash, i, dash, m, dash, a, dash, dot com.
you ignored the first reply you got in your "recommend me a name" thread, which was.
You are shooting yourself in the foot here, you are putting people in a bad mood because they arrive at your website after typing out an annoying url.
If I where you, I would have kept it at anaima-art.com/net/org/biz, whatever. hell, your full name would have worked just fine, its even allot more original.
oh well, someone else should grab it
PS, the site is cool at least
and for content just forget about the light box pop up's just put all of your images on 1 page with direct links to high res versions.
when people have to look at lots of portfolios it is nice to be able to just scroll threw and easily save high res versions of the images if any catch the eye.
also when you get to filling it with your images of your work do break downs showing the texture flats and wires too. and a other good tip is to put your name and the sitename on all images of your work since it is common for people going threw portfolios to just save off images they liked, so if they come back to the saved images you want it to be easy for them to find your contact info.
this woudl skip any problem ?