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Abandoned mental institution WIP (UDK)

Hey all,

I'm creating this as a work-in-progress thread for my new UDK scene. I'm planning to post regular updates as I progress, with the goal to get crits as I proceed - I really want to knock this one out of the park for my portfolio (www.adambadke.com)

I'm building an old, decaying, abandoned mental institution. I want to set a very creepy, eerie, lonely vibe, hinting of the supernatural (undead, ghosts, zombies etc)... The type of vibe that would make you afraid to go inside of the house, but the outside environment will seem isolated and empty as well (I'm thinking "28 days later"). I plan to tell somewhat of a story with the scene, I've been mulling over the idea of having the bottom floor of the house totally boarded up, but the front door is cracked open and a creepy light can be see glowing from within. Maybe let the viewer make their own assumption as to what might lurk inside?

I'll be building the environment to be both game ready and modular.

So far, I've completed my first modeling pass of the modular building pieces and set up rough UDK scene. I'll post a WIP shot soon, but until then here is a quick mood board I threw together from some of my reference:


Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks for reading, stay tuned!


  • ste
    Offline / Send Message
    ste polycounter lvl 6
    your main reference is like, 10 minutes from my house. If you need anymore photos i can ...find a way to get some.
  • ClockHavoc42
    Oh wow, I am actually making something very similar to what you are showing. I even used the same picture that you have on the top right. However, I am working on making a "living" haunted house that would act like a giant face.
  • Shoy333
    Really cool will be watching this what is the name of the building used as your main ref?
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    Your references look spot on for Batman Arkham Asylum, if you havn't played it, get a hold of it and take a ton of screenshots of the outdoor areas!

    Good luck.
  • Pickle
    Great idea. Can't wait to see some modeling.
  • b1skit
    Thanks guys! Planning to post my first WIP shot at the end of my session today... I wanted to get a few key things in before I started sharing.

    @ste: Wow, thats crazy man, thanks!! I actually found a lot of really comprehensive reference, and I'm just using the building as inspiration, but I'll keep that in mind. I actually thought the hospital was demolished now?

    @Shoy333: The building is Cherry Knowle mental institution. Its super popular with urban explorers for obvious reasons!

    I have 2 shots planned right now (plan to use 4 shots total for my portfolio), I figure I'll try and complete my first shot outright and then move onto the others. Should be nice and fast once my assets are nice and polished. Images soon!
  • Mark Dygert
  • b1skit
    Mark Dygert: NICE link, thank you!!!
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Speaking of abandonments, might be some stuff you could use. I love sharing reference.

  • b1skit
    Ok, picture time. Please remember that this is very early in development, I just wanted to share where I'm at. You're basically looking at my test scene where I check my work as I'm building it (no lighting, post, nuthin'!)

    To do:

    - Build bushes, more trees (lowpoly and billboard), ivy, random garbage and rubble, rags, power lines, drains/gutters, woodshed,
    - Damage pass: create a damaged, collapsing version of every modular building piece to break repetition (walls, roof, edging etc)
    - Replace placeholder textures
    - Maybe build a fallen tree, old wheelchair, axe and chopping block.. (props to set a scene/tell a story... still figuring it out)
    - Post processing, fog and lighting pass
    - 2nd pass and polish pass
    - lots more




  • myles
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    myles polycounter lvl 14
    http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/ - 2,000 threads from explored mental asylums in the uk. Fill your boots!
  • cupsster
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    cupsster polycounter lvl 11
    myles wrote: »
    http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/ - 2,000 threads from explored mental asylums in the uk. Fill your boots!

    Good Start!
  • b1skit
    Random question: I've been messing with speed tree for a while - It seems that geometry is rendered MUCH faster than using opacity maps (20fps difference when viewing alternate groups of 10 trees)! What's a good tri-count for a speed tree? Feels weird dropping something 16k tri's, but something around 2k tri's looks about as good as it sounds :/
  • Lucas Annunziata
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    Lucas Annunziata polycounter lvl 14
    I can't say anything about speed tree, and it looks like you're on the right track with this. Another site that has great reference for this sort of this is http://www.opacity.us/. It was a great help when I was doing an autopsy theater.
  • b1skit
    Thanks! I've burnt a lot of time today trying to wrap my head around the technical side of speed tree... There isn't a lot of info out there. The process of creating a tree is fun and easy, but getting it into the UDK, with materials, LOD's and generally looking good and running smoothly are a little tougher... I'm thinking I'm going to take a little breather, play some counter strike, have some dinner, and get back to this... Possibly build a forest of high poly trees and see how it runs? It *is* called speedtree, maybe they use some fancy instancing algorithms to reduce the render load....? *shrug*

    On other news, I built a few other props today, I really wanna get this to the polish stage as soon as I can... And then onto another round of job applications - No sleep for me!
  • Mgoblue412
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    Mgoblue412 polycounter lvl 5
    I have never really gotten into speed tree that much but I have a friend that used it for a level he was working on and he seemed to really like it. It seems like a great tool for getting the proper looking trees in your scene and making them quickly. Best of luck to you and it is looking good so far
  • b1skit
    Time for another update. I scrapped the terrain and started again, and have started to assemble everything for the final layout. Lighting is still flat white and boring (while I work on my textures etc), but you can start and see things slowly coming together:

    Shot 1:

    Beginnings of my second shot - I plan to add a wood shed and various other props to the right side of the yard:


    Still toying with the angle and framing for my third shot... Let me know if you have any suggestions ;)


    Still to do:
    - Add fixed cameras into the scene for taking screenshots with. Ideally it would be cool to be able to cycle through them and take my varioius shots, so I could have perfect before/after comparisons... Anyone ever done this before, or know how it can be done in UDK?
    - Build bushes, ivy, random garbage and rubble, rags, drains/gutters, woodshed etc
    - Damage pass: create a damaged, collapsing version of every modular building piece to break repetition (walls, roof, edging etc)
    - Update and finalize placeholder textures (pretty much another pass on everything)
    - Maybe build a fallen tree, old wheelchair, axe and chopping block.. (props to set a scene/tell a story... still figuring it out)
    - Post processing, fog and lighting pass
    - 2nd pass and polish pass
    - lots more
  • b1skit
    More screenshots! I still have basic, flat white lighting and no post etc, but the scene is starting to shape up. I've just started building some damaged versions of some of the pieces, and then I'll start work on the gutters and various pips and cables hanging off the building... And then, ivy.



    For the back yard, I'm leaning towards an brick shack with a tin roof (reusing my brick material) as a focal point, some sort of workmans shed.




  • b1skit
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I'm feeling you're sticking to the reference too much, or not enough. It looks similar enough to make people go "oh he just copied X and didn't design it himself" but it looks different enough to say "he didn't model it correctly". Example: the middle window on the center tower should actually be 2 narrow windows.

    Either closely copy the building (and preferably the nearby environment too), or make a really unique building.
  • Mark Dygert
    Humm... I don't want to dump on your hard work because pieces of this are looking pretty good but I think the pieces aren't meshing together well and they aren't supporting your overall goal of "abandoned".

    There seems to be a few missed details that would really help this out.

    The asphalt material looks really new, which isn't helping the "abandoned" part of this.

    The curbs are all pretty straight and intact.

    There are a lot of leafless trees but not a lot of leaves and muck on the ground. Especially around the trees. Leaves if allowed to decay stain surfaces, even with people taking care of the grounds there would still be stains after 100 years.

    As things are left alone the leaves and dirt start to blur the lines between asphalt and ground. The top center image in your ref has a pretty good example of what it would look like.
    Here are some more ideas:

    The roof and bricks look pretty new, there should be a lot more water stains, moss, mold, (dead and new) sun bleaching and rot. Gutters would clog up and sprout plants and leak water down all kinds of bad places staining things.

    Check out the green fuzzy wall in the lower center.
    Check out the gutters and all the staining around the drain pipes.
    Check out how nasty some of the window sills are.

    The trees have a lot of big branches but not a lot of little branches.

    Overall I think you're off to a pretty good start but it looks more like the place did when it opened than a place that has been around for 100 years and abandoned for 15-20 years.
  • b1skit
    FANTASTIC feedback guys, keep it comin'! :)

    I'm doing my "damaged" pass right now - I wanted to get some meshes in and get the scene "presentable" so I could get crits while I worked. Still lots of meshes to come as well (Gutters etc). I'll try and post more pics tonite/tomorrow morning.
  • b1skit
    PS Mark: Excellent critique dude, loving the links - thanks for taking the effort. THIS is why I love polycount :)
  • b1skit
    Hey guys, some more updates. I haven't implemented the fixes I want for some of the previous commented suggestions, but be very assured they're on my "to-do" list :) Lighting is still the same flat white placeholder lighting.

    I've spent a bunch of time tweaking my UDK install for visual quality, and have also started grabbing my screenshots with a FOV of 45 (thoughts?) for a more realistic "photo" feel.

    Updates include various mesh updates, I build and textured a set of modular gutters, hand painted several grunge decals (in channel textures), material tweaks etc etc. I also massively redesigned the 'back' area (that I'm planning on using for shots 2 and 3). I'm planning on using vertex painting on the driveway mesh to add some much needed leaf and grunge build up next to the gutters. I figure I'll do my best to finish the first shot (looking down the driveway to the front entrance) before I move on to the rear.








    Lots more to come :)
  • RexM
    Looking better. I think you should play with the lighting a bit though. Getting the lighting and atmosphere established will help you along so you can make your assets match the atmosphere.

    With the leaf-less trres: You could try using more alpha-mapped dead branches to bring the counts down. A tree used that much should be around 800-1200 polygons. If speedtree isn't doing exactly what you want it to do in regards to the structure of your tree, edit the tree outside of speedtree for that personal touch.
  • b1skit
    Yeah, I agree. I think it's time that I started on a proper lighting setup. Its just a flat white, 3 point directional light setup atm, time to start setting a mood.

    I originally had trees with alpha'd branches (check out the first set of screenshots where I was first messing with speedtree). I found performance was TERRIBLE. Removing the speedtree 'fronds' and replacing them with geo (and agressive LOD settings, billboards etc) was much, much faster: over 20fps faster when viewing a forest of an identical number of trees in an otherwise empty test map. I read somewhere in the official documentation that geo was preferred to fronds, but I'm certainly not sure. Anyone have any experience with this? I'll definitely be making another pass on those trees, either way.
  • b1skit
    So I spent a bit of time working on the atmosphere... I got really stuck on this, I just wasn't totally sure what on the direction I wanted to take with the scene. I tried a few different combos, I originally wanted to go for a darker scene but the problem was coming up with a believable reason for an abandoned looking building to be well illuminated (so that my art work was actually visible). I thought about jack-o-lanterns or those little paper lanterns, but I didn't want the type of lighting to be the most memorable part of the shot. For now I've decided to go with a somewhat foggy, overcast morning. I repainted the skybox and made a first pass on lighting, let me know what you think:








    I think I need to re-level a bunch of my textures... Guess I'll add it to the list!
  • Jar3d
    I think it ward look better with some new lighting.

    Also, I cant quite point my finger on whats wrong with those trees, but I wouldn't leaf them looking like that.
  • riddlaz
    I like the small details you're adding, it contributes to the abandoned look. Main crits would be that the lighting is making things look flat, and you're foliage has shading problems. In particular, the grass has areas that appear very dark. I'm not a big fan of the tree's either, at least don't make them take allot of screen space. In some shots you posted, the trees take most of the space.
  • b1skit




    More updates. I was feeling a little overwhelmed and stuck, so I decided to take a few days off - sorry for the lack of updates. That being said, it was the best move I could make, I put a few hours in over the last couple of days and the scene is starting to progress again. I'm inspired again! :D

    Biggest changes are to the lighting, driveway and grass. LOTS, LOTS more to come...
  • cupsster
    Offline / Send Message
    cupsster polycounter lvl 11
    please try to use opacity planes on that naked trees.. will improve look significantly ;)
  • b1skit
    haha I guess you're talking about the tall, skinny trees with no leaves? Thats on my list for tomorrow :)
  • SsSandu_C
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    SsSandu_C polycounter lvl 13
    The sunnnn.... hisssssss... it burnnsssss.... I'm kidding, but the sun has no place on that cloudy sky. ;) hmmm when I look at what you have right now I can not tell if this was a mental institution or a resort.(Here's Johny! :)) ) Anyway i liked the silent hill mood in the previous images. I think you should go with that. I know that maybe some other polycounters might of said what I'm going to say, but here is what I would do. First I would add garbage around the place. You know... those rusty bed metal frames somewhere, papers, folders, dirty pillows somewhere, wooden planks and such. If I know something from real life is that if its abandoned, then people are going to check it out to steal stuff. So that entrance door would have been broken in. The pavement is too perfect. Some cracks and holes in it might work... maybe. Add more wear and tear on the building... graffiti on the walls... you know kids love to tag in this kind of places... and as a nice touch... I would add someone in a window, but not too obvious... ;) Anyway just my ideas. Looking good so far.
  • b1skit
    Yeah those are some great points, thank you. I was thinking about adding a silhouette in a window, but if you check out my portfolio (www.adambadke.com) you'll see I already have an image featuring a creepy silhouette - I'm cautious of appearing to look like a 1 trick pony. I have been experimenting with some of the windows having a dim orange glow, I'm thinking that will also bring some nice contrasting color into the shot as well.

    Definitely need to do a "trash" pass. I think I'm going to get my foliage to a point where I'm happy, get the lighting closer to final and then start adding more props... :)
  • b1skit
    Been busy with life lately, but time for another update:











    More to come!
  • b1skit
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