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Team Bondi shutting down?


  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Rumours say it's been on the cards for a while; I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    I think the last link I posted in the old Bondi thread was about them either going into bankruptcy or administration. That was a month or so ago, so I can't remember clearly.

    Seems Rockstar doesn't want anything to do with McNamara, and no-one else wants to pick him up for another title. Which is good, imo.

    Atleast Rockstar hold the rights to the IP, so we may well see another title coming from them, later down the road. Also good :)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    The face scanning tech was interesting, I hope those guys get picked up by another studio.

    edit: just want to add I hope everyone gets jobs quickly. Nothing makes me rage more than a-holes saying devs deserved to lose their jobs or a studio deserved to be closed.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Agreed. The whole McNamara deal is a shame... i just hope maybe they get rid of him and absorb all the talent and hardworking people into another studio right away. I don't think i wish to anyone to have to loose their jobs because of the ineptitude and ignorance of bad management.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    There's no rumours here. They went bankrupt and their assets were bought up by Doctor D, the digital effects studio currently working on Happy Feet 2.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Face scanning was interesting but still gave such a huge disconnect with acting and voice over done separately. I prefer mo-capped acting/dialog and then facial animation based off those mo-cap sessions.

    Heard about a lot of the guys getting absorbed into the Happy Feet 2 team. Hope that works out. Sucks that Australia lost a game studio though : /
  • vargatom
    More than one, THQ has also closed theirs.
  • jimmypopali
    Yep, bluetongue, thq and now team bondi. :poly127:
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    good riddance.

    i didn't, and won't ever, buy LA Noire; simply because of the shitty conditions those employees were put through.

    I hope they find employment soon or get out of australia which seems to be a bit of a dead-end for video game dev. but i also hope that useless cunt in charge never finds himself in a position of power again.
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    FAT_CAP polycounter lvl 18
    Rick_D wrote: »
    good riddance.

    I don't understand this sort of thinking. Any studio shutting down means less chances for employment for other devs in the area, and can never be a good thing, in my opinion.

    Surely the best course of action would have been a studio management shake-up or the studio getting bought out and a publisher sanctioned management team being put in place to clean things up and get some better working practices in place?
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    FAT_CAP wrote: »
    I don't understand this sort of thinking. Any studio shutting down means less chances for employment for other devs in the area, and can never be a good thing, in my opinion.

    Surely the best course of action would have been a studio management shake-up or the studio getting bought out and a publisher sanctioned management team being put in place to clean things up and get some better working practices in place?

    Yeah, It would have been cooler if Rockstar would have bought the company(Rockstar Australia?) and gotten rid of McNamara & co instead.

    Best of luck to all those affected. I agree with your last statement, Rick_D ;)
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    FAT_CAP wrote: »
    I don't understand this sort of thinking. Any studio shutting down means less chances for employment for other devs in the area, and can never be a good thing, in my opinion.

    Surely the best course of action would have been a studio management shake-up or the studio getting bought out and a publisher sanctioned management team being put in place to clean things up and get some better working practices in place?

    it's a fair point but i think sometimes it is just easier to wipe the slate clean. of course i am just speculating and it sucks that people lost their jobs, but it seems like australia has really suffered from this kind of development practice and i wonder how much of a shake-up would be needed to change it for the better.

    but yes you are right, and i didn't mean it in the way it appeared, i just meant good riddance to the 7 years of bad management and 2+ years of crunch.

    i hope all the staff get themselves somewhere better.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    hope any PC'ers there land on their feet. RIP
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Hope that Bethesda hires them , woudl be awesome to have face scans on actual actors in a RPG ...
  • Ryan Smith
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    Ryan Smith polycounter lvl 11
    Work their employees to the bone for a couple years, then reward them by shutting down studio.

    in other words, business as usual in america.
  • percydaman
    Virtuosic wrote: »
    Work their employees to the bone for a couple years, then reward them by shutting down studio.

    in other words, business as usual in america.

    Right, except this happened in Australia. Careful, your misplaced bias is showing...
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    Rumour has it that Team Bondi's staff and assets are going to George Miller's game studio, KMM. From what I've read George Miller is trying to revive the games industry in Australia, and we really need it atm. :(
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    Damn. Good luck to the workers there, they deserve a bit of a break.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    percydaman wrote: »
    Right, except this happened in Australia. Careful, your misplaced bias is showing...

    I think he was pointing out that how is this surprising? its been happening in the US for ages now, why is it surprising it happened in Australia? I'm glad the studio is shut down, sucks people lost their jobs but it sounded like a massive abuse of power where they made their money off exploitation. then again it sucks people let themselves be taken advantage of like that, pretty stupid to allow that to happen in the 1st place.

    This my fine fellow PC'ers is why I just don't work free overtime. come 6 I'm out the door and dont look back. If you put in a solid work day there is NO reason to feel guilty about working a normal work week. if something is so pressing that it needs to get done but was horribly scheduled/forced in, then why is it not important enough to pay me for?
  • beancube
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    beancube polycounter lvl 17
    tanka wrote: »
    Rumour has it that Team Bondi's staff and assets are going to George Miller's game studio, KMM. From what I've read George Miller is trying to revive the games industry in Australia, and we really need it atm. :(

    Dont worry dude, alot of us aussie dev vets are teaming together. Theres alot of talent that hasnt gone overseas yet, so stay tuned... :)
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    i just want all the good talented peeps to get GOOD jobs. i'm tired of hearing about people working like dogs. really tired of it.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    tanka wrote: »
    Rumour has it that Team Bondi's staff and assets are going to George Miller's game studio, KMM. From what I've read George Miller is trying to revive the games industry in Australia, and we really need it atm. :(
    It's Miller's other studio, Doctor D that got the Team Bondi assets. Staff were given the option to move to the new studio, though there was some suggestion that McNamara was going to be offered a similar deal, so many of them probably won't. I think that last tidbit came from Kotaku, so take it with grain of salt.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    This my fine fellow PC'ers is why I just don't work free overtime. come 6 I'm out the door and dont look back. If you put in a solid work day there is NO reason to feel guilty about working a normal work week. if something is so pressing that it needs to get done but was horribly scheduled/forced in, then why is it not important enough to pay me for?

    This is a very reasonable way of looking at it, and I totally agree. That said, I often put in as much as another 30 hours or so a week just plain getting shit done, because I want to see the project I'm working on actually ship as a quality title. I do at least get dinner :)
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    beancube wrote: »
    Dont worry dude, alot of us aussie dev vets are teaming together. Theres alot of talent that hasnt gone overseas yet, so stay tuned... :)

    Go the Barge!! ;)

    Good luck man.
  • jimmypopali
    beancube wrote: »
    Dont worry dude, alot of us aussie dev vets are teaming together. Theres alot of talent that hasnt gone overseas yet, so stay tuned... :)

    Thanks, I'm staying tuned!
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    come 6 I'm out the door and dont look back. If you put in a solid work day there is NO reason to feel guilty about working a normal work week. if something is so pressing that it needs to get done but was horribly scheduled/forced in, then why is it not important enough to pay me for?


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