Yep, i will be there on the Saturday, looking at all the great games, plus a new job, my contract with Rare finishes on the 23rd September! Going on me own though
So this is coming up this weekend. If any polycounters want to meet up for a beer at some point during the Saturday, shoot me a PM and I'll try to organise something.
w000t packin mah polycount tshirts (I'll probably be wearing my smash crew one I got made for the expo tho, (during the day that is, before the drinking!) look for a short beefy dude with long goatee and a cap, and thou shalt maybe have found me. Er, that probably describes many a nerd present at the expo, on reflection. The t-shirt will give it away..
myself and imyj will be on the "Careers in Games: Art and Animation" Q&A panel at 1.30pm tomorrow, and I'll likely be hanging around the Sega / CA stand in the careers fair for a bit afterwards. We should definitely organise some drinks =]
Hmmm. Well that was cool.
Gotta say I went away disappointed with SWTOR, Zelda a bit meh, 3DS stuff and Guild Wars 2 (whaaaaat!?) -- BUT -- thought Skyrim, Rage and ICO/SotC looked amazing. The indie section seemed constantly busy, interesting and sweaty (smelly) with Blocks That Matter standing out for me.
Disappointed I didn't find the Journey stand.
Although I didn't play it, I thought the 3D art of Joe Danger looked lovely in the cartoon styleee along with Rayman Origins (2D). And Bastion which I'm downloading now is beautiful - all art done by one talented lady apparently!?
we were very sceptical of onlive and how it would perform but after sitting and playing with it for a couple of minutes it was responsive, load times were good, there was little if any lag between player input and the on screen reaction.
while i feel like their subscription model looks good on paper i also think it needs to have time to grow. the fact that i can rent a new release for £5 for the week is pretty good i guess, as most modern titles don't last longer than a few hours for me.
so it's all good from there! i think onlive is in it's infancy and if given time to grow it could be great
Yeah it was fun. Got there early before Skyrim had any lines and enjoyed the heck out of that. Tried out the 3D stuff and was disappointed with 3DS but PS3 3D was pretty good albeit a little blurry.
Indie section was cool. My favourite game was a simple ipad game where you form square jewels with your fingers and you can steal them from your enemies side. Came back twice to play it.
Anyone try the game where you drive a car with your eyes? My friend wanted to try it all day and when we finally found it he had trouble with the calibration due to a funny right eye but he still enjoyed it.
Battlefield 3 was alright. I went near the end so the lines were short but I wasn't that impressed with it. Granted we only got to run around a small city with guns instead of riding jets and tanks but meh.
Mass Effect 3, same as 2. Journey was gorgeous. Hitman was epic. SWTOR looked fantastic. Dark Souls was basically the same as Demon's Souls so I didn't need to play for long and I was disappointed with the career fair. I assumed the meet the recruiters bit was just a sit at table and talk to an adviser but it turns out it was a presentation so when we got there it was full. Mega lame.
Oh and I skipped the art presentation in favour of Hitman. I don't regret it.
I've been thinking about start going to expos.. TTT2 FUK YE! kick some nab ass!!
whats up with saturday being sold out? wonder whats scheduled for saturday....
it's my birthday that day, so i'll probably be getting sloshed at some point.
It's been announced now so I can say, the reason I'm going is because Pineapple Smash Crew: (thread over here: )
is being featured on the Indie Arcade! so help a guy out and come have a play if you get the chance
or, well, a rooster. do they have good eyes?
Well meet some Polycounters and you wont be alone
also, on friday- rock paper shotgun guys are organising a drink:
might be good to hijack :]
I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday as an industry nub for the panel / BAFTA workshops. I'll wear my NES buckle.
No, won't be there. Hopefully next year my game will be ready (...and good enough) ;P
Have fun Rich! Get loads of video footage and pics for the blog.
Also gonna check out the indie games, possibly the Bioware dev session and the career fair.
Gonna be lots of fun. Been a while since I sat down and played some games for a long duration.
i'm really sorry mate i literally just got your message, my phone died at the event cos i left the gps on by accident hahaha!
but you gave me some amazing advice and i intend to follow through on it after i finish drinking myself into a stupor tonight
Gotta say I went away disappointed with SWTOR, Zelda a bit meh, 3DS stuff and Guild Wars 2 (whaaaaat!?) -- BUT -- thought Skyrim, Rage and ICO/SotC looked amazing. The indie section seemed constantly busy, interesting and sweaty (smelly) with Blocks That Matter standing out for me.
Disappointed I didn't find the Journey stand.
Although I didn't play it, I thought the 3D art of Joe Danger looked lovely in the cartoon styleee along with Rayman Origins (2D). And Bastion which I'm downloading now is beautiful - all art done by one talented lady apparently!?
I had some tired eyes and legs in the end.
we were very sceptical of onlive and how it would perform but after sitting and playing with it for a couple of minutes it was responsive, load times were good, there was little if any lag between player input and the on screen reaction.
while i feel like their subscription model looks good on paper i also think it needs to have time to grow. the fact that i can rent a new release for £5 for the week is pretty good i guess, as most modern titles don't last longer than a few hours for me.
so it's all good from there! i think onlive is in it's infancy and if given time to grow it could be great
Yeah it was fun. Got there early before Skyrim had any lines and enjoyed the heck out of that. Tried out the 3D stuff and was disappointed with 3DS but PS3 3D was pretty good albeit a little blurry.
Indie section was cool. My favourite game was a simple ipad game where you form square jewels with your fingers and you can steal them from your enemies side. Came back twice to play it.
Anyone try the game where you drive a car with your eyes? My friend wanted to try it all day and when we finally found it he had trouble with the calibration due to a funny right eye but he still enjoyed it.
Battlefield 3 was alright. I went near the end so the lines were short but I wasn't that impressed with it. Granted we only got to run around a small city with guns instead of riding jets and tanks but meh.
Mass Effect 3, same as 2. Journey was gorgeous. Hitman was epic. SWTOR looked fantastic. Dark Souls was basically the same as Demon's Souls so I didn't need to play for long and I was disappointed with the career fair. I assumed the meet the recruiters bit was just a sit at table and talk to an adviser but it turns out it was a presentation so when we got there it was full. Mega lame.
Oh and I skipped the art presentation in favour of Hitman. I don't regret it.