Harley Wilson, Environment Artist
Disclaimer: ^ unfinished
So, I have one year left at university (my course is not related to game art, nor is it important at all) - during which I can spend my free time on working towards getting some industry work. After that it's land a very handy industry position and start renting a place, or I'm condemned to working at McDonalds for a year...
I have a list of websites for studios that I'm very interested in (UK only for now - eyeing up Splash Damage, Crytek, Eurocom, Rebellion, Blitz, Rockstar, etc..) but I need to know how far off I am from being able to get an entry-level/junior artist position. My sum of experience with industry is an interview with Rare about a summer internship and then hearing nothing at all since, so I can't really gauge my own level of work.
More than open to comments about my work and the site itself, I'm quite willing to tear down everything and start over, if need be.
- Bake more ao on the ground
- I'm not sure if it's a good idea to make a copy of a build level in Crysis 2
- Finish your 2nd work
- Take out the blank squares at the bottom of your page
- Show your textures and their size
- Indicate the number of triangle per scene
Needs 140% more work (and only put up finished stuff)
Never show WIPs in a portfolio. That's what a process blog or polycount is for.
It's rendered in an engine that does not support anti-aliasing.
His page mentions he is using UDK, and the new versions do have anti-aliasing features.
They where introduced in July:
Isn't it also possible to do a super high res image capture in UDK? (Can't remember the specific name) Would doing something like that and then downresing the result work ok?
to kinda illustrate what I was driving at I did a paint over of one of your images, hope that's ok.
I really like this shot. This is a nice environment. I'm awful at concept painting! I think that more depth to the shot would really help, imo.
Also, I think trying to introduce subtle warm light in places will help the scene out a lot. (off to bottom left.. or maybe the top will do)
green light ref: http://lighting-pictures.bloginterior.com/files/2011/02/lightsample.jpg