Anyone playing? I'm having lots of fun with it. I find it much more fun to play the SFIV. It's a beautiful game as well, some lovely animation. And this update is a real labour of love, its the complete package. Picked it up off PS+ for just over a tenner, bargain. Haven't touched Deus Ex cause of this game!
Add your live ids/psn nicks and we'll get some games going

PS3 = MegaLamont and yes, I'm using Ibuki or Ken.
PSN= Bio-Frost
As for the whole package, I was hoping for a liiiitle more. Especially more parry and combo challenges. I cannot believe there is only 10 parry practices - where is the EX air hurricane kick parry ? the Remy super blue disc thingie ? (tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap-tap). The list goes on. Same for the character move and combe practices, I was hoping for something akin to a full fledged strategy guide.
It's good to see people giving up IV and picking up this slick piece of game again, thats for sure
I sure hope for a lot more content through DLC.
Anyone experiencing problems with it? It locked my PS3 twice today trying to boot it up, had to unplug the machine...