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Street Fighter III: Online Edition

polycounter lvl 11
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Andreas polycounter lvl 11

Anyone playing? I'm having lots of fun with it. I find it much more fun to play the SFIV. It's a beautiful game as well, some lovely animation. And this update is a real labour of love, its the complete package. Picked it up off PS+ for just over a tenner, bargain. Haven't touched Deus Ex cause of this game!

Add your live ids/psn nicks and we'll get some games going :D



  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    I'm waiting for my fightstick then I'll have a go, with the X360 version though!
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    Been playing it on the PS3, but haven't taken it online yet though (gotta get my skills back to what they were!). You're absolutely right about it being a labor of love, the complete package they've put together here is spot on. As much as I love SS4, it's great to go back to this game, still plays amazing.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    360 add seforin. Prepare to get schooled by a gentleman with roses and class.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Online is awesome here in Japan, tried playing a friend in the States and it suuuuuuuuucked. This is on 360, will be buying the PS3 version (More people). I really like the parry challenges, and they took care of the timing issues on HD TV's.

    PS3 = MegaLamont and yes, I'm using Ibuki or Ken.
  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I should be getting the ps3 version soon, just sucks im going to have to get another arcade stick for it. The only one I have is for 360 but im tired of paying for live when I don't play online as much as I used to. Any suggestions for ps3 sticks? I was thinking of this one (I have a Hori ex 2 on 360 and that is my only experience with a console arcade stick.) http://www.play-asia.com/HORI_Fighting_Stick_V3/paOS-13-71-zl-49-en-70-49ov.html

    PSN= Bio-Frost
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    The game is good! With a proper setup it feels very smooth, yet I am pretty sure that the very nature of HDMI is laggy. Ill be hooking up my 360 to a Dell PC screen tonight using VGA to see if there is any difference. I do wish I had a decent CRT laying around for this game.

    As for the whole package, I was hoping for a liiiitle more. Especially more parry and combo challenges. I cannot believe there is only 10 parry practices - where is the EX air hurricane kick parry ? the Remy super blue disc thingie ? (tap-tap-tap, tap-tap-tap-tap). The list goes on. Same for the character move and combe practices, I was hoping for something akin to a full fledged strategy guide.

    It's good to see people giving up IV and picking up this slick piece of game again, thats for sure :) As for online, Im still on GGPO on the PC - much better for chat, I think.

    I sure hope for a lot more content through DLC.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I added you Lamont: stereo-kid :)

    Anyone experiencing problems with it? It locked my PS3 twice today trying to boot it up, had to unplug the machine...
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