Hey Guyz

, I Founded a new Blog WIth All of of my 3ds max RIgged CHaracters and Animals Collection :poly121: .A lot of Character Are also Rigged by me. SO i also want that you people checkout My work and all other stuff .. It also Has animation mentor :poly142: Stuff For 3ds Max.. so For Now its Not Completely Updated , but I think it has enough rigs to post on PolyCount :thumbup: .....
http://rigsarena.blogspot.com/ :poly121:
Hope you Like it, ... :poly124:
Nothing with Hl2 ... DO you use 3ds max ?? some of them are Completely rigged by me with CAT (Character Animation toolkit) while most of them are Just rigged with bones but i post them because they are still almost RIgged...we just need to link to biped in seconds or CAT, ... IF you really need help in this .....then I will explain a bit more.
thanks !
Thnak you southpawSid.. You and Your gf Both In the CG world..woww. it will be much easier for both of you when working on Big PRojects.wish i also have a gf Interested in CG world....
I have TOns And tons Of more Rigs On my PC.. It will take some time to upload....
and Make sure Most Of them recommend 2011 Max Version Or Above because 2011 MAx was Almost specially released for Animators with Character Animation toolkit (CAT)..
Better luck next time, pal. I'm sure you're good in what you do.
Horrible... What should i do to make your eyes not bleed, SO sorry..I would care in future I was not expecting that even some people Irritate from CApiTaliZation.....:poly124:
But if you are only Maya user than it may be difficult for you to animate in 3ds max because method for CAT animation is separate and for Biped seperate and some rigs are nor biped nor CAT....
someone please help me
Chacka, I'm not entirely sure, but since he posted this in 2011 it's a safe bet he used a newer version then 2009.
You probably found this in a google search?
You might have better luck PM'ing him, since he might not see this thread again.
And Chaka and Jacklope , i think FAQ is a great place !!
:poly124: Haha, Em not a robo. thr are more than 500 rigs on blog so how its possible.Even Rigs list is full.
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