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Can you be 'too old' for an entry level gig?

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Hey guys, having a bit of a personal crisis over the last few days and I'm keen to get some feedback from those in the industry and with personal experience.

Bit of a wall of text here but I'd appreciate it if you could at least skim through it all.

I'm 27 in a few weeks, and have spent the last couple of years 'experimenting' with game art, and occasionally considered really trying to make a career out of it.

In terms of where my game art is at, it's not bad, but it's not amazing either. I applied for a few jobs last year and got a combination of no reply, a thanks but no thanks, and one art test. Needless to say I failed the art test. I managed to get some feedback from two small companies in the UK who said I was 'almost there' but needed to work and refine my stuff, which is true.

I'm thinking if I spent 6 months or so, maybe a year really knuckling down and getting a few really polished projects into a folio, I'd be in good stead for a good shot a job. I'm not totally tied down in the UK either, I'll have a degree and can at least apply to companies worldwide which will hopefully increase my chances somewhat.

I also toyed with the idea of Animation, which I love, but I'm a complete beginner in that field and we'd be talking even longer before I was anything even remotely competent. So with that in mind, I'm leaning towards an artist since I already have all the technical skills I need.

That said, I'm wondering if it is too late. I mean, would a company hire a Junior aged like 28-29? That seems awfully old for an entry level guy. I know there's plenty of people in the industry (and here on Polycount) who are older than that, but as far as I know, they have been in the industry a while.

I saw the 'entry age/current age' thread and it seems I'm 4 or 5 years over the average entry age even now, so add to that a year of development time and I'll be an old man!



  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I remember the story of a relatively old guy with TV animation background getting a job at Crytek. So, I guess age is not a direct influence here as long as you can do the job.

    I'm on a similar boat BTW. I've spent my last 8 years with struggling between making game art and completing my engineering degree which is getting more and more difficult due to the rules of the university getting tougher over the years. I'll be 26 in December with no related job experience nor a degree.

    I'm not depressed about my situation anymore though, that's something :)
  • System
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    Thanks EmAr, glad I'm not alone!

    In fairness I've got nothing to lose by just going for it, but I don't want to get my hopes up and work my ass off on a portfolio if my applications are only reviewed up to the box that says 'age' and then put in the bin!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I got my first industry job at 27, age has never been a problem - it's also illegal to discriminate by age! Seems like most studios are full of people in their mid 30's anyway
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    At both my jobs and each one of the interviews I went on no one ever asked me what my age was or made me fill out any forms where I put my birth date on until after I got the job. Really the only way they could most likely guesstimate my age would be based on the year I graduated college and even then not every goes to college right after HS.

    This is not a manual labor job so being old is really meaningless, talent and passion are all that matters! Good luck :)
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    TeeJay wrote: »
    I saw the 'entry age/current age' thread and it seems I'm 4 or 5 years over the average entry age even now, so add to that a year of development time and I'll be an old man!

    If you've got what they need/want, then it doesn't matter. In fact, it doesn't matter no matter how you look at it.

    27 is young anyways. :)
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    What Justin said. I am the youngest (22) at the studio I'm doing work experience at. Age should not stop you because what you described is exactly why I love games development.
  • disanski
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    disanski polycounter lvl 14
    I would like to believe it does not matter :) Also I am 30 :) and I quit my daytime job more than 2 years ago in order to do something that is actually different than just making money :)
    I still have not applied anywhere but is there a real application with requirements about your age. I always thought that you send your portfolio, resume and that is it. Another thing I noticed is the age is not listed in many other resumes I have checked.
    Also I don't believe it matters so much to the employer than it should matter for you - as long as you can keep up? :)
  • Acr0
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    Acr0 polycounter lvl 5
    Having an architectural background is quite a bonus as an Environment artists. I've seen 30 year olds come into the game industry because they wanted to change professions. I don't see a problem with it. Though in the past you mentioned you were looking at Animation Mentor.

    You have to ask yourself what do you want to do? Environment? Characters? Animation? which profession are your gearing your studies towards?

    I've seen quite a few older juniors come into a company, and due to their maturity in their thought process and past experience they have moved up quickly
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    the first company i worked in had one guy entering games with 45, he worked as a graphics designer for years and wanted a change, he did an ace job working on the environment tilesystem, setting up workflows for lighting and overall colormoods and creating the userinterface. so no, you can't be too old if you are passionate and good enough to do it
  • System
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    Thanks so much guys, really brightened my day!

    Acr0 - You're right, I did look into Animation Mentor. Animation is another 'passion' of mine but as mentioned in the OP, I have pretty much zero experience with it, and I don't want it any more or less than an artist job so I may as well just go with the one I have a bit of experience in.

    It's enviro art I'd be applying for. I've done some characters just for the sake of trying it out, but I'm not 'character focused' and whilst I certainly admire great character art, it's not something I can see myself being amazing at. Environments however, are what I enjoy making, I think it's probably come from my work in Arch-Viz. To me, environment art is just a realtime form of Arch-Viz, but fun.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I started at 27 back in 2002 at blitz games. There are some studios who are a bit ageist
    but on the whole you will be fine unless you act like and old grandad:)

    I am nearly 43 now and fully intend to stay doing this until I retire.
  • System
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    Ruz wrote: »
    I started at 27 back in 2002 at blitz games.

    Ha no way!! I live about 5 minutes away from Blitz! Maybe I'll follow a similar path!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    small world man. loads of games companies in the midlands, not just blitz.
    leamington is like game town or something:)
  • EarthQuake
    Ruz wrote: »
    I started at 27 back in 2002 at blitz games. There are some studios who are a bit ageist
    but on the whole you will be fine unless you act like and old grandad:)

    I am nearly 43 now and fully intend to stay doing this until I retire.

    Senile old man, you were 33 in 2002.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I'm almost 27 and have had a job in the creative industry, kinda working on a game and interactive software in that time, but definitely not on a AAA production like we all aspire to. So you're not alone :) Don't lose hope, occupy yourself by making new pieces for the 'folio! :) In many cases studio will welcome a more mature person with the same level of capability as kid thats fresh out of college.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Ruz wrote:
    I started at 27 back in 2002 at blitz games. There are some studios who are a bit ageist
    but on the whole you will be fine unless you act like and old grandad

    I am nearly 43 now and fully intend to stay doing this until I retire.

    Lol, Ruz, get you facts straight, man :D

    On the subject, though, the places I worked at had quite a bunch of older dudes and as Autocon said no one ever generally asks about you age.
    It's all about how good you are at what you do. Be smart and persisitent about your studies and you'll be up and running in no time. good luck:)
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    but 27 sounds better . actually I think I was 27 when I applied to LCP for a games course and they told me I was too old:)
    and its true I am going senile
    perhaps I was actually right and now I am only 37
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    I totally understand where you are coming from TeeJay...I quit my day job two years ago to go back to uni to study game art...progressed past uni in a year and a half ago and start my first Jr gig as a character artist next week....and I'm 35 in October...just get your head down and work on the folio and you will be fine. My other half is arch vis and she would make an ace environment artist if I could get her to UV...you guys have spacial flow and all that nonsense in your pocket to fall back on as well as undersatnding real world architecture and stuff. Get to it man!! :D
  • tharle
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    tharle polycounter lvl 9
    27 now and got my first industry job a week before my 27th birthday. it sounds like you've got a good background so if you can get a good portfolio there's no reason you shouldnt get a job. like people have said it's illegal to discriminate by age (even if its hard to enforce) but 27 really isnt very old (despite how it might feel sometimes!)
  • System
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    Heh senility must come earlier than I thought then because I didn't even notice the math error in Ruz's post.

    Great story Seth thankyou! Very inspiring, and I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one in the same position.

    Thanks again for all the encouraging comments.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    if you have 4 of 5 years of production experience your more valuable than a greenhorn straight out of uni. There are some lessons you can only really learn from production.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Id be surprised if theres anyone at the Trion Redwood City studio in the entire Rift Production team, thats under 25 years old - acutally Curt our new hire into the art team will probably be the youngest guy in the entire studio.

    The median age is probably 32 - 34 here I would guess :)
  • The Flying Monk
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    The Flying Monk polycounter lvl 18
    I'm 30 and I got my first job in the industry a few months ago.
    I think having previous work experience and not being straight out of school helps.

    On the other hand, your staring at the lowest level again. So you can probably expect a pay cut compared to what you used to get.
  • Reverenddevil
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    Reverenddevil polycounter lvl 9
    I work with Hazardous too and all the studios I have worked at always have a wide range of ages. It is NEVER to late to start something you want to do especially with a medium like art. It is not the NFL or NBA where you're done by 32.. You can continue to create art in one form or another until you are dead.. Do what you want man and live your dream....!
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Heck no! You can never be too old! (well maybe, but then you'd have to be around your 60s)

    We have a wide range of employees here at Massive as well, The median here is probably around 30-35 as well though. But yeah like most places we have some veterans in their 50-60s. YOu can do it man, just get your head down and do the work. Realize what you need to focus on and spend time getting that area of expertise up to a pro-level, you will be hired eventually :)

    Follow your dream, it's a harsh and long road but it's well worth it once you realize it and end up at a kick-ass studio.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Heck no! You can never be too old! (well maybe, but then you'd have to be around your 60s)

    We have a wide range of employees here at Massive as well, The median here is probably around 30-35 as well though. But yeah like most places we have some veterans in their 50-60s. YOu can do it man, just get your head down and do the work. Realize what you need to focus on and spend time getting that area of expertise up to a pro-level, you will be hired eventually :)

    Follow your dream, it's a harsh and long road but it's well worth it once you realize it and end up at a kick-ass studio.

    haha, shiiiiet, when i started at massive average age was 25... :(((
  • Del
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    You can always be a home contractor if you get too old. No face to face interview = no discrimination.

    Of course, I really don't like working from home...

  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Got this job at 22. Still the younges i think.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah I can't really see someone looking at an applicant's portfolio and going "Wow, this is AMAZING work!...oh, he's 30 (or 40 or or whatever)...never mind." That would be weird.

    The company has grown a lot, over 200 employees now. We got cake ^^
  • Mark Dygert
    Can you be 'too old' for an entry level gig?
    I think its silly to think age factors into the decision in a way that it alone would cost someone the job. Disposition and attitude will factor in and there might be some ageist bias at play when they make the decision, but that bias should and in most cases will be trumped by the persons skill.

    If age trumps skill and a good disposition, the chances are GREAT that they horribly miss manage some other part of their department or business and it would be a horrible place to work. Great to have a shipped title (if you or the company last that long) but the chances of one of you burning out before that title is shipped will be stacked against you...

    Also being a little older you might have already started to acquire a slightly more affluent lifestyle than what you can afford on entry level wages so you could be facing what might seem like a low offer to you but is right on par with what the industry pays for starting wages.

    Also your own bias is playing into your perception of the industry and it's a perception that a lot of people have. Games are for little kids, therefor little kids make games! Screw that. Its just how life normally works out in any job situation. Shortly after leaving school people need jobs to support themselves, so the majority of people applying are young people...

    And 27 is old? Woa... seriously? If you are old enough to get this then you can rank yourself among the elderly. I don't know, maybe 27 will be the new 65, with the way most people eat that could become a possibility...
  • Tenchi
    A friend of mine who did the same cg course as me moved from his home country where he is very established as a top graphic designer. All so he could pursue his dream to get in the industry and he was 35 at the time. So I would not think of it so much, it's more about your portfolio and personality that they will look at.
  • subdproxy
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    subdproxy polycounter lvl 7
    Our oldest artist is 42 and was hired at 41. He was a puppet animator before he got into 3D animation.
  • maze
    our lead concept artist is 50+ and kickass more ass than I've ever seen... that dude can pull out AAA+ concept for film at the speed of a fart.
  • amadeux
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    amadeux polycounter lvl 8
    thank you polycounters for restoring my aspiration towards the career I always wanted. while at 28, I'm attempting to go it on my own as a developer for phone apps and see if I have a chance there. But you guys have made some pretty good points about how silly it is to think of age as an issue, though its not easy to go by with so much in your mind. I am definitely keeping my head up and working on getting better.
  • Aigik
    whoops, posted in wrong thread. :poly122:
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