So! I've run into a bit of a problem on a scene I'm working on here. Quite a biggie tbh. It seems to have started when I upgraded to the latest version of UDK.
It would seem as if all my 2-sided materials suddenly started to flicker. With these dark and bright squared popping up and disappearing again over a frame or two.
It's not that very noticeable on most meshes, but on the trees, where the whole tree crown flickers, it's quite the eye-sore and ruins the whole thing!
It seems almost as if though the materials became 4-sided instead of two-sided. Or rather, that it has z-fighting going on with the back-face of the texture showing through.
I checked the mesh, and it's not double. Nor is there any problems with the unwrap for the lightmap.
I'll show you an image of it here, although it's quite hard to see when it's not in action:
The squares and odd shapes do seem to become bigger the further away you are.
Anyone ran into something similar / Were able to solve it?
/Edit: Actually, here's a pic to show you just how horrible it is. On the trees they seem to become bright squares rather than dark, which is why I think it's some sort of z-fighting with the backface, as they would be more brightly lit, pointing up towards the sky. Now... imagine those flickering all over the place :poly127: