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Friends! Textures, kplox! If you would be so kind...

polycounter lvl 18
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odium polycounter lvl 18
I'm having a hard time at the moment finding certain types of textures, such as rusted metal panels for use as base textures. The usual haunts, such as CG Textures and the like, are all coming up a little bit empty in this area. I've found myself making many a mask to simulate rust build up (Which of course helps with height overlays too) but sometimes, you just need to use a nice base texture.

Does anybody have any links to share, maybe of some stock masks that can be used for this? Or even sites such as CGTextures?

I just tried putting some rusted search terms into Google image search and...


Lets just say the results were a bit "gay"... Never take safe search off... Ugh...

Heres an example of a test I made, looks like somebody jizzed coffee over it, lol:



  • Sandro
    I don't know, cgtextures has nice rust collection, and just googling "rust" results in passable stuff that can be manipulated into pretty much anything.

    Container looks nice, you just need to make sure scale is right and it respects form underneath. Maybe bake curvature/cavity maps or manipulate AO to serve as mask for rust buildup.

    Also, maybe restrict majority of rust to top/bottom parts only? Like this.
  • System
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    System admin
    You may have tried this, but I usually just stick a texture of almost pure rust under my 'top' metal layer, put a slight inner shadow on the top layer and add a mask, then use one of JohnnySix's grime/filth brushes to rub away the metal to 'reveal' the rust. If you play with the layer FX on the top layer, you can get a nice effect.

    Of course you could then select the mask and contract it a little, add an in-between layer and have a kind of layered paint effect.

    If you want actual textures, I've got a few of the 3DTotal 'Total Textures' sets and there's some nice rusty metals in there IIRC.
  • Rico
    I think what you have is a good start.

    A few crits:

    The yellow paint has a really thick feel to it and feels kinda soft and "mushy"

    Try adding some rusty leaks, over the yellow paint, a lot of rusted stuff has that.

    As for links...


    It's not free, but they do have a pretty big collection of textures.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    first thing that hits me is the scale is totally out. those rust areas are massive(texturally).
    also the rust seems to ignore the forms. everything seems to busy and constant.

    I would scale down the rust alot and reduce its coverage to corner areas/small patches. also i would incorporate some some 'rust lines' where water has run down the surface.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    yea usually I dont put the rust in my normals, it makes the paint look way to thick and blobby. a nice crisp layer in the diffuse/spec usually works best. the main thing is to just look at a ton of references and go with how those look rather than how your mind thinks it should look.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    On the point of the rust being too much, this is for a post apoc title, so its more than likely not enough if anything, or at least too confined.

    As for the others, thanks for the tips, gonna try and get some examples set up.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    to me it really looks like you've added a Bevel/Emboss filter to the top metal layer which is making mit look like a poor bump map, I'd really follow TeeJay's method and try to get something more natural. perhaps like this:

    I found this by googling Rusty Conatainer and there was a whole bunch of usefull pics/links.
  • Andreas
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