So, we've
an influx of spam happening once in a while now that our authentication is turned off. We don't have many (read: 1? maybe 2?) moderators from Europe's side of the planet so we need to fill some holes!
Interested in helping us out? Cool! What I'm after in a moderator is...
- 19 or older.
- Have been a member for 2+ years.
- Have a post count of 400 or more.
- Lives in Europe.
Post in this thread if you're interested and I'll get to you this week. Thanks!
No but seriously, I'd be interested, so if the slots don't fill up, I'm here.
But yeah, good luck finding the right people for the position!
Oh man, that isn't cool....
Hahaha. Bet they all report the same shit too.
During contests you may be required to assist with maintaining the C&C forum and help with questions, thread rename/deletion and a bunch of other tasks that may arise.
These, plus other tasks are what would be required of a moderator.
So that if someone else reports it it says "Thank you for reporting but someone else has already beaten you to it."
(not that i want to be a post/troll moderator, i dont think im the right person for that)
Its not that difficult, I often get in arguments etc with other posters, but as a moderator, I try to simply avoid doing any moderation in topics that I am also posting in, except in extreme cases when a thread just needs to be shut down. IMO as a moderator, I try not be biased against someone who I simply disagree with. Now, if another moderator wants to take action that is different, and is why we have multiple moderators.
Its sort of impossible to always be objective while being an active poster and a moderator, but its easier than you would think to be fair.
Besides, actually closing threads, deleting inappropriate posts(from legit users) and general babysitting is a very small % of the work. Polycount on whole is actually a very well behaved, self-moderating community.
Are you getting emails? Hmm, I will see if I can fix this.
"that looks good bro" everytime. other than that i'd like to help
Its fine, I deal with them when I can and don't mind it. It was more of a "lol look at all these things" joke. Seemed appropriate for the thread. =P
Most of them seem to hit overnight. It might be a good idea to add a 2-3 new mods in different time zones if possible.
More than anything it means that we'll simply have a good idea about the user's personality.
To be honest I spend far far too much time on polycount anyways, so I might as well put myself forward for it. If I can help in reducing spam threads, it would give me something to do rather than be
First you'd need to read entire threads. You can start with this one. :poly142:
jebus! ahah
haha you got me
BTW. I totally nominate myself. I have a complete ballbag avatar legend and everything.
Every mod needs to be part of a legend.
Best get Taylor then
on second thought Im probably not the best choice.. I dont do game art.. any of the stockholm guys I met would get a thumbs up having met them..
BTW, as suggestion, it would be very interesting to implement something for the best works in the forum, like in Zbrushcentral. Too many great works don't get noticed and that's a huge pity.
I'll show you some email filters... From now on, all these reported emails will be forwarded straight into your beard.
I think he said he was PART of a legend. As in there was whole storyline he was affiliated with?
Either way, I'm pretty sure you disqualified yourself by accidentally being Hboybowen.
i fill all the chriteria, and am willing to fill any of the current moderators/admins to get the job.
I also second Rooster
count me in
@ Mod -> creative member discussion:
moderating has noting todo with being creative at all
more with restless browsing the forum deleting spam
using a art wise valuable member for that would be counter productive as it would lead to less art posted
Why does that sound kinky to me...