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Genetic Science - Requesting 3D modelers and 2D artists!


Genetic Science
A Portal 2 Mod using the Source SDK engine currently being developed by Winning Studios.

We are currently recruiting 2D/3D artists & 3D modelers, show us your experience and there is small chance you could get paid! Email us a model, or a texture at callanc@geneticfacilities.info

Genetic Science takes place in the period of time between the collapse of Aperture Science, and its' reconstruction at the start of Portal 2.

The company that didn't come first, nor second, but third; all the time, every time. Genetic Facilities (GF) have been relying on other companies' technology, adjusting it to suit their own needs and calling it their own. With Aperture Science in a decaying, dormant state, they were free to scavange all of the equipment and technology they desired.

In the bowels of Aperture, beneath the charred and broken remains of the countless test-chambers, they found SCaDOS (Super-Computer and Disk-Operating-System), an obsolete AI design that was built as the foundation for GLaDOS but never fully disassembled. How could Genetic Facilities refuse to take it and find out what it was capable of? Wiring it up and flipping the switch, GF soon discovered that the machine is driven purely by logic and mathematical equations; does it value human life? Not a chance.

In the rubble, they also found a Personality Sphere with the tag, 'Octogon' printed on its' hull. With an endearing and insightful personality, he will prove to be your greatest companion throughout your testing career.

As Dave Hope, a leading scientist at GF, you volunteer to participate in the first round of testing under the newfound supervision of the SCaDOS AI, alongside Octogon as he attempts to guide you through SCaDOS' unpredictable and sometimes erratic designs.

Featuring a huge back-story, new traps, puzzles, gels, testing elements and a new secondary weapon, Genetic Science will be a mod not to miss!


Project Leader
Callan C.

Callan C.

3D Modelling
Could this be you?

Concept Art

Callan C.
Martha Kinch

Voice Acting
Harry Callaghan.............Octogon , Scientist 2
'The Bat Is A Lie'..............Scientist 1
Callan C.........................SCaDOS
Carsten B.......................Paul Judge
Catherine B....................Scientist 3

Harry Callaghan
Carsten B.


Map Testing



Digitalized Relaxation

Mind Your Step


[VOICE] Octogon Test

Octogon Eye Test Design


Concept Art

Octogon Outer Eye Design

Genetic Science - Outer Building

SCaDOS Chillin'

Scientist 1

Female Scientist


Want to Help?
We need Modelers and 2D/3D Texture Artists!

Think you've got what it takes? Email us at Callanc@geneticfacilities.info or add me on steam, [GSDEV]WinningSpark

Thank you for your support, and hope to see you soon!

Winning Studios

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