I made this effect in the UDK material editor. I'm pretty happy with the current state of the effect so it's time to get crit's I guess
The material calculates the distance of each pixel to a plane defined by a position and a normal vector. Then generates a gradient which is used to mask a dissolve effect.
Thanks for looking
maybe where it turns white make it look like its being burnt or something along those lines that might be cool. vary awesome tho
so or you using the "IF" node with a pattered greyscale map for the transition? yes yes how did you generate the image to drive the transition with.
a nice addition would be to make a the edge of where hte transition hot in the emmsive cahnnel so it blooms out a bit, than in the particle editor you could do some embers to go with it.
passerby, actually there are two textures with different panner/rotator setups. One with soft black spots on a white background and one with blurred cracks. After these are composed together, they are blended with a clamped(max 1, min 0) gradient which is generated by the distance of pixels to the plane. Then both margins of the gradient are chopped off so there are 3 regions:
1)full opacity, no effect
2)effect with gradient
3)no effect, zero opacity
Thanks again for looking
is the monk statue actually teleporting from plane to plane? or are there two monk statues moving back and forth with linked rotation?
iv been trying to make a teleporting effect like the one used for hyperspace in the homeworld games.
I must speak English more frequently
thank you very much.
so the position of the plane is just keyed into a constant 3 Vector
and if i had a moving plane via mantinee i would also need to use a material intance actor to animate the constant 3 to move with the real object?