Ive been working on and off on this thing for a while, so i thought id post it here to get some feedback
Right now ive only done a basic texturepass on this to give it most of the look i want.
The actual gun is around 8k tris, but the belt is way too highpoly. but i wanted it to feel realistic and not skip on the details around the links that hold it together.
I will post more stuff like texture and wireframe once im done with it!

It's very nice anyway.
Out of curiosity did you Boolean or bend modify the barrel?
also.. how exactly do the bullets feed into the gun? it looks like they dont fit.
Gele: Ill post some in a bit
Lazerus : I booleaned it, it was very hard to wrap my head around it and get the normals of the cylinder to work properly, but finally i realised i had to match the segments correctly and it worked like a charm, i probably just overthought it though.
Pzychaoz: Google is your friend, i just filtered for large images on "m2 browning"
Oniram: I didnt make a highpoly actually, i made the surface and some of the details on the normalmap in photoshop, but most is just the lowpoly modeled so that the normals on the edges looks ok. Drawback is that in some areas i spend some extra tris to get a smoother result, but it cuts a huge amount of work out since i dont have to highpoly and bake. Works for these kinds of models, specially with tools like nDo to do bolts etc directly in photoshop.
The bullets fit perfectly, its just the angle that makes it look like they clip, ill post better screenshots later.
u have a good base but your missing alot of primery details that can make it look more interesting, like the rear sight and all the details between the grips
texture wise, i see 2 colors, on of the base, and one for wear, u will need to add much more, give different textures/shaders to different parts, even the base texture of the body should have some warm/cold spots depending on the use on the gun
maybe even use real textures to get some unique damage/wear/scratches etc..
dont rush. it looks like you made it in 1 days.
u gonna have to be ready to spend more time on those kind of stuff
hope that helps
Alot of the details that will be added are missing are probably because i didnt make a normalmap yet, other than some fine surface stuff.
So far i havnt spent near enough time on the textures, and i also recently lost my Diffuse texture when it was open and my computer crash, corrupting the file, but on the bright side starting over again actually helped make the base texture and its details better since i learned some stuff from the first pass.
The base texture in it self needs a little more work, but the hard part is finding a balance on the wear and tear on the flat surface where the gun is less likely to get wear and tear.
The sight is actually there, its just folded down, probably from the reference i used.
Thanks for the tips!
Also as spitfire said you could add a little more variation in the actual metal, spec and diffuse rather than a base metal with scratches and dark muddyness added to it.
I tried rendering it in max with the xoliul shader, definately a different result than in marmoset
Im not quite sure if i like the results in xoliul though, its hard to get the spec to look like i want it too
Lots of work to do on the materials and details, and giving more areas of the gun proper workthrough.