haven't tried drawing a child before so i decided to give it a shot. also going to use this chance to learn zbrush. heres the character concept and a base mesh i made in max. really like the move tool in zbrush for blocking out.
lovely concept you have there. as for the blockout mesh, the center of gravity looks slightly off to the front of the character. right now the COG seems to be pointing to the toes but it might look more balanced if it is pointing to the heels. to do that you can move her shoulders and head slightly back.
I'm digging the concept and the stylization, but it might look a little too alien if you don't reign it in some areas. The ratio of the leg segments stands out to me as well as the contrast between the slightly pudgy torso and super-skinny arms.
I think you might want to be careful about the proportions of the face if you're wanting her to read like a child and not like a small adult. The proportions of attractive female faces are necessarily somewhat childlike (at least moreso than men), but there are a number of important differences.
Children have *much* larger foreheads (and craniums in general) than adult women. Their faces generally have more fat, so chubbier cheeks and a smaller mouth . Also, shorter, more upturned noses with very subtle curves on the nasal bridge (a "button" nose) and their upper lip usually forms what is known as a "cupid's bow," which is generally lost as the person ages. You have this a little bit (as it is maintained in many young adult women) but it could be more pronounced
I love your concept so much! It's really fresh However I do think that Tully's paintover will help to improve it a lot - right now it's a little bit creepy that she has an adult face haha. I can't wait to see moree
MM - yea the center of gravity was bothering me too. using the rotate in zbrush is really... different heh. just learned how to do the transpose thing a few minutes ago, i'll have that fixed up on the next update. thank you for the input
Wex - yea, still needs some more adjusting before i the start adding detail. thanks for the C&C
Tully - wow thats a great help, very valuable info. i'll make good use of it, thank you very much
I really like the concept! Good work, progress is looking solid.
Heh when I created my Aayla Secura character it felt very weird to go through the hi-sculpt workflow with the body of a young teenager. Felt like I was producing child pornography or something xD
I really like what you got so far, keep going Try to get as much of her pose and personality in there!
Looking forward to seeing Headache take form.
Children have *much* larger foreheads (and craniums in general) than adult women. Their faces generally have more fat, so chubbier cheeks and a smaller mouth . Also, shorter, more upturned noses with very subtle curves on the nasal bridge (a "button" nose) and their upper lip usually forms what is known as a "cupid's bow," which is generally lost as the person ages. You have this a little bit (as it is maintained in many young adult women) but it could be more pronounced
This kid is a pretty good example of those typical features - http://specialevents.com/childrens/Child-Face-Paint-LR.jpg
Attached is a bit of a paintover to show what I mean.
Anyway, it's a cool idea. I love Headache Good luck on it!
Wex - yea, still needs some more adjusting before i the start adding detail. thanks for the C&C
Tully - wow thats a great help, very valuable info. i'll make good use of it, thank you very much
Jessica Dinh - heh yea, thanks for the C&C
still a long way to go but heres some work i did on her today
Heh when I created my Aayla Secura character it felt very weird to go through the hi-sculpt workflow with the body of a young teenager. Felt like I was producing child pornography or something xD
I really like what you got so far, keep going Try to get as much of her pose and personality in there!