Hey polycount!
I already started a Scifi corridor thing about a year ago. But i'm not happy with the old work anymore, so i decided to start again from scratch. And finish it this time ffs! :poly122:
My goal is to have a finished mini level using as many modular pieces/textures as possible.
I started with a rough blockout in max and brought it into the engine as soon as possible. Then adjusted everything and made sure it snaps together correctly.
My priority is to get the big shapes/details to read first, then worry about detail later. I've done the detail overkill enough and learned from it (i hope).
It's most important for me that everything fits together nicely and the design reads well.
For the design i use many different concepts i've collected during research, most are from Dead Space and a lot of inspiration comes from Ben Procter's work on Avatar. I'm not totally sure yet, i think i'm going for a more dark and grimy atmosphere. But I'll worry about lighting etc. later on.
The ventilation thingies and floor trim is uv'ed and baked already, next thing i'm doing is to break up the flat walls. 2x512 textures + detail normal so far.
I want to make sure that the pieces/bakes tile good first, then start texturing later.
Ok enough of text already, here's some pics

The layout also doesn't seem very good. I know you don't intend to have any gameplay but the map is way too open. You can see the entire environment from one of the extremities. This is not very good performance and gameplay-wise, and would never work in a real case scenario.
Another thing of concern: Your modular pieces are broken up into too many small different pieces. This is not good for performance and definitely not good for your workflow.
Good to know about the layout, i didn't realize that it's way too open. Even if i don't plan to have it playable (more of a portfolio showpiece), I'll try to keep it at least a little reasonable. I've already made some changes to the layout, will update this later!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do for vertical variation yet, but i plan do do a couple of larger props later to break up the tiling etc.
I think it's too late to go back and make the small pieces bigger, but I'll remember this for the future. So it would be better to have for example the floor, trim piece and ceiling as one mesh? Yes, i think that makes more sense then having 3 single meshes. Building this thing is one big learning progress
Here's a wallpanel thingy, later it'll have a couple of cables plugged in and maybe some pipes. The design is not mine but very much inspired by Ben Procter's work.
Sure thing, here's the concept from Ben Procter i used as a starting point:
And some highpolys
@Airage, Can you show your wires for the sub-d? I asuume most of the detail was done with floaters, right?
lol cholden
Computron - You're right, most of this is floaters. Saves me a lot of headache and i can reuse a lot of things which also helps consistency for all the assets.
Here's some wires (little messy at some places, but it works):
It's alive!! :poly122:
So i resurrected this thing, going more for the dead space direction. Obviously there's tons of work to do:
- Finish textures
- Proper Materials
- Lighting
- Particles
- Placing props
- Make more props
- and much more
Here's what i got so far. Lighting, materials and prop placement is pretty much hacked together for now. I'll post some props/wires etc a little later! Any feedback is greatly appreciated
Well compare the cans to the trash can then.
The bumps are a little exaggerated to help readability. Originally they were way smaller but that made it too "busy" and noisy overall.
I agree with the cans, they probably are a little too small. I'll fix that
Great job!
Some trash and wires:
AzzaMat you're right, i could have done a lot more with just tiling textures and then modeling instead of baking individual assets. That would have saved me some work and would be more friendly on the performance. But i learned my lesson, today i would approach many things in a different way.
Some more wip pics, working on the lighting. The green/bloom is probably a bit too much, just playing around.
Krissleh - No problem, just go ahead if you have any questions!
I use 3ds Max for modeling and Photoshop for texturing. Also xNormal for texture baking along with ndo2 to get ambient occlusion maps, cavity maps etc. which help a lot when texturing.
Then everything gets export to cryengine 3 where i take screenshots
There's far too much bloom, the trash looks like it's from a different realm to the rest of the scene.
I'd tone down the SSR, place some more ambient lights (or env probes) too.
Quickel - Yes, reflections are DX11 SSR.
I don't have much time at the moment, so this is going very slowly. But I'm still working on this. Now finally with proper lamps!
i also really like the slightly organic feel of doors and modules.