Jerusalem level i am working on for my final portfolio. Done in UDK. Still WIP with allot more to do. i want to try to get this to look as best as i can so any comments are welcome on any thing. i will be posting more as i go. let me know if you would like to see something specific

Asset-wise, there are a lot of jarring transitions between brick textures, and the ground is in need of some vertex-painted sand in cracks and corners and such - although the heightfog does help.
Hope you find this useful!
also im not sure if you are going for the effect of sand being piled in the edges of the street where it meets the sidewalk, but if so its looking a bit like fog right now. if you're meshpainting that you may want to have less of a falloff
and i'm using landscape right now and unfortunately the mesh still isn't tessellated enough to get that sharper falloff and i could not figure out how to increase the tessellation.
where are you from?
lxenonl- i agree about the bump on the wall i want to go in there and take out some small noisy detail thanks
Lonewolf- thank you (Phoenix)
Oniram-thanks again ya i just was looking at Julio Juarez's website and i seen that same thing your talking about.. thanks for the link and the replies
EDIT: maybe a darker sky?
love where this is going tho.
RoosterMap- ya sky dome will change i just found a nice tut on one. i do plan on making just the top structure of the building holding up the dome just havent got around to it yet. but there def will be somthing ther. in fact might work on that now.. thanks
i know that building in the back is off with the such bright lighting hitting it, still trying to figure out why its so bright i think it has something to do with my post process. still working on the sky dome but let me know how u think its going so far and if there is anything that is throwing you off.
You should try to break up the blockiness of your scene though. To many straight lines. Put some interesting stuff on you walls, maybe add a bridge in the foreground, break up that pave ways a bit...
I agree with Oniram. It looks great, but it need more in it. Add some props and it'll be golden
It's a good job overall, but I think you should do a bit more research regarding the city itself:
Jerusalem today is quite like it was in history, especially in the old city, where things are preserved. The view of Jerusalem today still has all the ancient buildings: Tower of David, the Temple Mound, the dome of the rock, etc.
Color-wise - Jerusalem is more golden than what you did here. It's bright gold/beige against light blue sky. At night it's just all blue-ish hues, like the desert at night.
The fountain in the middle seems a bit out of place, like it doesn't fit. I don't think Jerusalem has so many of those around, it's more of a European thing. In general, your setting is very old-London like, 18th-19th century London. At least that's what it feels like to me with this lighting and the way the floor is designed.
I currently live in Jerusalem so I might be able to take a few photos for you and post them here sometime this week, if I find myself somewhere with a nice view to the old city.
Also keep in mind - Jerusalem is not necessarily Jewish. It's got all sorts of different cultures in it - Jewish, Muslim, Christian - there's EVERYTHING here. It's crazy. Everything's one big huge mess.
Maybe look at Assassin's Creed 1 for references, they did some amazing research. I could walk around Jerusalem in the game and it's very, very similar to those areas in real life. My father told me Acre was very accurate too, he could give me directions on how to get to the port of Acre - he actually identified the streets etc. So yeah, they did a pretty accurate job rebuilding those cities.
Well, I don't know what you've stumbled upon on your own, but here are a couple of things I can recommend you to stick to for now:
And here's a cool looking painting I would use to help stylize it:
Jerusalem is all beige, olive, and very clear skies with few clouds.
It's a lot colder here than in other places in Israel, and it's less humid. That could help you nail the atmosphere better. Those pics I put here are plain photographs of these places, and if I go somewhere near them in the upcoming days I'll take out my phone and grab a few pics that are more casual than those I posted above, to show you how the streets actually look.
Good luck, I'll enjoy seeing this develop
I now notice the pics I put here have a different sky than I described. I guess it's cuz its summer now, and the sky is pretty clear. Either way, trust photos more than me.