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What made you become an indie? And if you didn't yet, why not?

Recently, there was an interesting article on arstechnica.com about developers turning indie:


While reading it, I found myself nodding in agreement with several of the cited reasons people turn to indie life after being in the biz. It made me want to explore the topic more, and see if there are outstanding reasons why veterans go indie.

I didn't find a lot of statistical data, though. There was a decent amount of information to pull from interviews and anecdotes, but nothing to aggregate it all, and look for trends or common threads.

So, I decided to create a survey:


I've left the results public, so everyone can share in any data that is collected. My hope is that this can educate not only indies and would-be indies, but perhaps even the studios that want to retain their talent.

I hope this post isn't intruding. Though I don't normally post here, I recently saw a rather large blip of traffic from polycount on an article I wrote about indies and money coming from here:


So I figured, there are probably at least a handful of folks here who might be interested in the data that is gathered.

In any case, thanks for reading. And keep up the awesome work!


  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I did the form but when you try to read the results you cant see what the questions were :S
  • dcfedor
    Yeah, the formatting is a bit wonky. There's a link at the bottom of that blog post (just above the comments area) that goes to a new window with the results. Is that new window version any better?

    One thing I noticed was that the bar charts had labels that were hard to read, but the column to the right of each bar chart shows the full text with percentages. Though, that's only visible in the link I mention above, because my blog CMS has a limited page width.

    Let me know if that's any better. If not, I can mess around with the survey results, and perhaps find another way to display them.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    ok cool I missed that- how do I get back to the results? the link takes me back to the beginning

    edit: oh I found it. for some reason there's a massive gap between the start and end of the post, in chrome at least :)
  • dcfedor
    Glad it eventually worked for you.

    You're right. That gap was there in Firefox too. I was thinking it was better to have a gap on the first page than having to use a scrollbar in the following pages. But I just switched it to better match the initial survey questions, and the subsequent pages of the survey don't seem so bad, even with scrolling.

    Thanks for pointing that out. It probably saved some other folks a headache!
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    For me I feel like I can't just "go Indy" without having earned my bones and made contacts in the industry.
    A lot of friends/family have said to me "Hey why dont you just start your own studio, instead of banging your head against the wall trying to get a job"
    The answer is you need to have some expirience in the industry before you can "go indy"
  • dcfedor
    Bonebrew22 wrote: »
    The answer is you need to have some expirience in the industry before you can "go indy"

    Yes and no. Your approach is a good one: get an industry job, see how the business runs from the inside, make some good contacts, and learn the ropes in preparation for your own indie plunge. That's exactly the strategy I followed, and it seems to have served me well so far

    However, I had to do a lot of modeling, texturing, and programming in my spare time to get that job. By day, I was a web developer. By night, I was making models and textures for mod projects, prototyping gameplay in game engines, and putting it all in a portfolio so I would get noticed.

    In retrospect, I was basically being an indie to get hired in a studio role. I just didn't know it then.

    I feel now is probably the single best time to be an indie. The available tools are mature and often free, the available talent is plentiful and anxious to make something, and the distribution system makes getting your work out there for feedback (and potentially revenue!) a snap.

    Whatever your intended path, it can't hurt to have a finished game/mod or two in your portfolio. Even small ones. And remember, there are some very influential and successful indies out there who never set foot in a studio!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    It seems indie development is more programmer centric. Unfortunately all the people I know who want to make games are also artists - I've tried to learn programming on and off for the last 15 years but just don't think like a programmer, I even started going to college for it as a teenager before I switched to art.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Justin_meisse. i have tried to learn programming too and I got so far with blitz basic, but I think you need to be able not just to program, but to also use it creatively and be a good problem solver.
    Trying to find a good programmer who is on the same page as you and is not working full time, is next to impossible.
    Then you need to have a damn good idea:)
    So yeah I can do most of it ie basic animation, that doesn't look awful, but is not great, modelling/texturing both characters and environments, but I suck with UI design.

    So there are always gaps to fill in re my skillset and they quickly turn in to sticking points.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Programming isnt as hard as you guys think it is. All the languages are fundamentally the same. They do have obfuscated terms which confuses people though(its likey had to make things sound complicated to make themselves look clever).

    I think its easier than art, because if you define the problem well enough, and plan things out its like it programs itself and you can iterate things through. Art requires judgement and its harder to iterate(something can look bad before it looks good).
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    interesting: I approach art very loose and sloppy at first and iterate alot - that's usually how I approach everything, rough in and iterate. Which is probably why I'm not good at programming.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I am unable to find programmers who are on the same wavelength that I can collaborate with.

    I want to work on cool things that interest me (addictive gameplay, fun art style).

    They want to work on fast things that make lots of money, are bland/boring, and they very quickly become the art director.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    I'm mainly an artist, but I was able to pick up Unityscript and become proficient after a month or two of just working with it. Not with little practice exorcises or anything, but with actual application; Mostly just writing game mechanics and such.
  • dcfedor
    Programming can be daunting, but like Calabi says, many of the most often used languages are practically the same (C#/XNA, Flash Actionscript, Javascript, Unrealscript are all C-style).

    With the advent of platforms like Flash, XNA, and Unity, you can probably ramp-up faster than with some of the older style C++ engines.

    There are some really good tutorials out there as well. Kongregate's "Shootorial" got me up-to-speed in Flash development in almost no time:

    Flixel made Flash a breeze as well. I'm sure the same holds true for Flashpunk and Unity.

    I've tried a few times in the past to use engines like Torque and Ogre, but found both more tangled feeling than vanilla Flash or Flixel

    You can also pick up the UDK for free these days, and can do quite a bit with it without cracking open the code (e.g. just through scripting). Though, that's a bit more daunting finding the variable you need to make a change unless you find a good tutorial to walk you through.

    As for finding programmers, it can be tricky finding teammates you mesh with. This is something big studios deal with too. The interview process can be lengthy before you find a good fit. But keep in mind that programmers are people too, and have the same needs that artists have. I.e. they want interesting problems to solve, some creative freedom, and a way to contribute meaningfully. In the end, focus on finding someone you get along with personally, and I think the partnership will go further.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I don't consider myself a programmer, but I can do it. You guys are smart enough to do it, you just need the right tuts.

    I started with Gamemaker 5 using the visual stuff. Then moved on to the scripting part of it, then from there moved to Torque, Mel and other stuff. And after, ended up in Java in Unity and pushed to C# for Sunburn and Unity.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    This is how I started: Make Pac Man. I broke down Pac Man into simple things. The first time I did this was messy, the code was so bloated. I am sure if I did it again, it will be so efficient.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Lamont wrote: »
    you just need the right tuts.

    What resources did you use to learn?
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Andreas wrote: »
    What resources did you use to learn?
    I just read the documentation and sample files. When I needed new angles on something my friend would chime in and say "You know you can do this...", or I'd find white-papers on things unrelated to what I was working on, but it still helped. Getting fresh ideas always helps. I also have (had) a website with common math equations and how to figure things out.

    Mostly, I break down old games and think about how they worked. Then I write on paper how I think it should work.
  • Ben Apuna
    Yeah programming isn't too hard to pickup, it just takes time and effort just like any skill.

    I've linked to this over and over but here it is again for those that are interested:

    You can learn the fundamentals of computer science and programming here, course materials here, free pre-press version of the textbook here, and the other textbook here, at the course website.

    After completing that course you'd definitely be well prepared to start programming games. One of the assignments is a breakout clone.

    The course is taught in the context of Java which isn't a very popular language for indie developers, however as dcfedor said many of the languages you'd likely use are very similar and approach things the same way. Once you learn the fundamentals of programming in one language it becomes very easy to learn another (lisp and haskell not included...).

    I'm working my way up to indie development. Right now it's math that's holding me back from making anything interesting, though I'm making progress thanks to Khan Academy.

    Of course I'm not good at all aspects of art, especially character art. I figure I'll just work on it over time like everything else and make games that don't require realistic characters until I get better at it, or find a partner that is.

    The other thing I worry about is the business and marketing side of things. For now I just read every blog post by other indies that I can find about those things in the hope that I can avoid making any huge mistakes.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    All good advice in here. One thing that a lot of people ignore is other people's code. I learn a lot from analyzing people's code and seeing how they tackle a problem. Also is for me a better learning aid for syntax. Definitely wanna start moving into making my own games. Getting an Android phone this weekend so gonna start playing around with it :)
  • Ben Apuna

    I don't mean to say your wrong about learning from other people's code because I have so little experience in the matter, but here's a interesting blog post on that subject that I'm inclined to believe.


    Just something to keep in mind while we push forward to being better programmers :)
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    1. is Cause of the programming and I also want to work on something like JacqueChoi says, stylized fun and a challenge.

    2. Some of my ideas are not my own IP but see so much potential in these ideas that I would have to ask the world wide known IP holder for permission that would probably be rejected, which sucks cause they will never do It... It's so stupid, such potential lost.

    3. I haven't found anyone that wants to work on anything (seriously) I had one guy I made a mockup of a quick idea (original) and he just disappeared, so It is one of those things where you both have to be interested to get something going & also have that free time to give... now a days, that is none existent (both free time & interest).
    Anyone serious as a heart attack can pm me, try every opportunity right?
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    $!nz wrote: »
    2. Some of my ideas are not my own IP but see so much potential in these ideas that I would have to ask the world wide known IP holder for permission that would probably be rejected, which sucks cause they will never do It... It's so stupid, such potential lost.

    This is also something I would love to hear from some people about.
    Has anyone had success with licensing IP or is it pretty much closed off to indys?
    Like I've wanted to make a game based in the Sabriel universe ever since I read the books, some of the gameplay is practically laid out in writing. but I feel that It would be out of my/my studios scope to expect to legally use that IP.

    Anyone who can share on that topic would be much appreciated
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    If you guys are up to it, let's do a PolyCount Pac Man lesson... I'll work on it in spurts and post all the code as I go with comments. Currently I'm sticking my head in GA's ComiCon helping out where I can. But really, to code this up would be fun for me and in the end IT'S NOT BRICKOUT. You'll get more ideas from this as well. Besides, the world needs more Pac Man clones with penis tanks.

    It would be in C#. This way you can go to OTHER software like Sunburn(XNA).
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Ben Apuna wrote: »

    I don't mean to say your wrong about learning from other people's code because I have so little experience in the matter, but here's a interesting blog post on that subject that I'm inclined to believe.


    Just something to keep in mind while we push forward to being better programmers :)

    Nice article Ben. Yeah I should have clarified, I don't use peoples code as the only source of learning but look at the documentation and help like constantly (Sort of offtopic but whats with all these companies moving their documentation online, sucks trying to code and not being able to check) Agree with the site, well documented code is hard to find, though I have seen some fairly good ones like for example the duplicate along curve python script in Technical Talk. The best learning aid is probably the hardest part. Just getting over the fear of coding and coding :poly121:

    @Lamont: Maybe something like gamedev.net workshop? Ill be in for C# :)
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    I don't consider myself to be a programmer as well, although I can get around C# pretty good (mainly because of Unity and screwing around in managed DirectX).
    Learning how to write code is easy, learning how to write good code is fucking hard. As it's been mentioned, it's a skill that takes years to develop, and if you don't actively pursue it; you'll get nowhere imho. And the best way to do it, is by making games, failing miserably, and trying again. You know, like in art!

    Lamont: If you were to go that route, try to explain it in a way that it isn't specifically tied to a language like C#. Writing gameplay is mainly a collection of techniques, algorithms and engine specific tips&tricks. The first two are entirely generic and should be explained in their context, not in the context of C#.
    Learning how to code is like what; 10% syntax, 90% logic.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Failing is a huge part in how I learned this stuff. I can't count how many times I've locked up my machine with a bad while loop.

    Yeah, I'll have it where it explains what it's doing and why. I comment a lot :D An example:
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    // the class ghostMovement HAS TO BE THE SAME NAME AS THE FILE. So you name your file buttKiss, then this class
    //NEEDS TO BE buttKiss.
    public class ghostMovement : MonoBehaviour {
    	int myNumber;
    	int Rounded;
    	// Use this for initialization, like setting variables and ints. I set my numbers here, so when the "game"
    	//starts, I have the result of Rounded.
    	void Start () {
    	//This pics a random FLOAT between 0 and 4. Floats are numbers with fractions 
    	//things like 1.2 or 35.0000234, where as things like
    	// 1, 2, 3 and 3000404 are int or WHOLE NUMBERS.
    	myNumber = Random.Range(0,4);
    	//Now take this and make it an int by rounding to the nearest whole.
    	Rounded = Mathf.RoundToInt(myNumber);
    	// Update is called once per frame. You really don't want to use this for many things, it eats CPU cycles
    	//But for this demo, we will allow it.
    	void Update () {
    	//This little beauty is a CASE STATEMENT. It will be the "brains" of our ghosts. If it's this, do this, if it's that do this
    	//The options are finite so we will have total control. All this will do is handle being chased, and chasing.
    	//You see this switch(Rounded)? That Rounded is what will control the case options. switch is looking for a number
    	//and will only take the result of Rounded. Rounded was decided when the script first ran in the void Start().
    		//Did the result of Rounded equal to 0?
        	case (0):Debug.Log("The number is zero!");
    		//Did the result of Rounded equal to 1?
    		case (1):Debug.Log("The number is one!");
    		//Did the result of Rounded equal to 2?
    		case (2):Debug.Log("The number is two!");
    		//Did the result of Rounded equal to 3?
    		case (3):Debug.Log("The number is three!");
    		//Did the result of Rounded equal to 4?
    		case (4):Debug.Log("The number is four!");
    		//These BREAKS stop the process of the case WITHIN this switch. Just know you need this, or it will toss an error.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Lamont wrote: »
    If you guys are up to it, let's do a PolyCount Pac Man lesson... I'll work on it in spurts and post all the code as I go with comments. Currently I'm sticking my head in GA's ComiCon helping out where I can. But really, to code this up would be fun for me and in the end IT'S NOT BRICKOUT. You'll get more ideas from this as well. Besides, the world needs more Pac Man clones with penis tanks.

    It would be in C#. This way you can go to OTHER software like Sunburn(XNA).

    I'd definitely be up for that, I'm trying to get back into programming in Unity at the moment.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Lamont, I found cases very confusing when I was using them in blit3d, not sure why. i was trying to use them to code my animation system. I will have a good luck through your explanation though, thanks for posting that.
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    What exactly did you find confusing about switch blocks Ruz? They're basically a short hand way of writing
    If (x == a)
    else if (x == b)
    else if (x == c)
    else if (x == d)
    else if (x == e)

    Pretty straightforward really. :)
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    probably the way it was wrtten ie the syntax, I actually found it easier to use if else, but obviously switch blocks are much more flexible.
    I will have another look at this stuff soon:) (runs away and hides)
  • Ben Apuna
    Another site to learn how to code interactively: http://www.codecademy.com

    Looks like it just started and seems to have the potential to be awesome. It seems to be teaching Javascript.


    I think we've fairly derailed this thread. Sorry dcfedor!

    Maybe we should start a "Programming Master Thread" in Technical Talk for people to post info, useful links, tutorials, questions, etc... to keep things somewhat consolidated.

    I know there are other forums more suited to coding, but it seems as though more than a few Polycounters are attempting to learn how to program lately and it might be nice to have a central thread to bounce ideas and questions off each other.

    What do you guys think about that? Or should we just stick to posting stuff like that on other forums like Tigsource, Gamedev, and TechArtists.org?

    Personally I feel more comfortable posting stuff here even though the audience might not be quite right.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    we should start a "Programming Master Thread".
    Agreed, to have that available would be awesome!
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Name it programming/scripting, they are both the same and it doesnt exclude the other.
  • dcfedor
    Bonebrew22 wrote: »
    This is also something I would love to hear from some people about.
    Has anyone had success with licensing IP or is it pretty much closed off to indys?
    Like I've wanted to make a game based in the Sabriel universe ever since I read the books, some of the gameplay is practically laid out in writing. but I feel that It would be out of my/my studios scope to expect to legally use that IP.

    Anyone who can share on that topic would be much appreciated

    My recommendation would be to stay away from existing IPs as much as possible.

    IP license holders are usually in the difficult place of sending out cease and desists to every derivative project they hear about (even ones they like), because not doing so could set a dangerous legal precedent for them.

    What's more, you may not receive a cease and desist until the last minute, after you've sunk irrecoverable time into the project. You cannot earn any revenue using someone else's IP, you don't have any legal right to distribute derivative works, and you run the risk of legal action costing you money.

    The one exception that comes to mind is if you legally license the IP. However, that typically involves a contract, which means legal fees for you at the least. And if you don't have successfully published games already under your belt, they'll probably charge you an upfront licensing fee rather than a revenue sharing model, since they have no idea whether you'll succeed or not without a product history to look to.

    Not to mention the license-holders restrictions on creative control, scope, etc. Do you really want someone else telling you how to make your game, what rules to employ, what art style, etc?

    In summary, it's so much more rewarding, and less hassle, to make your own IP. You will own it, reap all it's rewards, avoid legal hassles, and can do whatever you want.

    There's a good (if sobering) resource out there that covers this and other useful topics for indies:

    Those may not be exactly the situation you describe, but there's relevant info there.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    If I was going to rip off(make an homage) to an existing IP then I would subtly change the names of things, and other certain elements so that it would be different enough, that it would be difficult for anyone to sue or clearly identify it as in some way infringing

    Its pretty hard to make your own ip so why not take an existing one and adapt it to your needs.

    People think they can patent ideas now, its crazy.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Some friends and I looked into licemsing the Moonbase Commander IP, it was a commercial flop but when we checked they were asking $100,000 for it.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Calabi wrote: »
    If I was going to rip off(make an homage) to an existing IP then I would subtly change the names of things, and other certain elements so that it would be different enough, that it would be difficult for anyone to sue or clearly identify it as in some way infringing

    Its pretty hard to make your own ip so why not take an existing one and adapt it to your needs.

    People think they can patent ideas now, its crazy.

    just like star wars was originally a homage to "the hidden fortress" ?
  • dcfedor
    Ben Apuna wrote: »
    I think we've fairly derailed this thread. Sorry dcfedor!

    No sweat! Glad to have kicked off a discussion that's helping, even if the topic has shifted.

    I think having a sticky thread someplace for folks interested in seeking programming info would be a good idea. Consolidate some links to good intros, resources, tutorials, etc. It can't hurt to have readily available, well-indexed sources of knowledge!
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    Lamont wrote: »
    Failing is a huge part in how I learned this stuff. I can't count how many times I've locked up my machine with a bad while loop.

    I myself have sworn off of attempting While loops for this very reason.
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    I myself have sworn off of attempting While loops for this very reason.

    Come now, don't be silly. While loops are some of the most powerful iteration techniques you can use. Yes, it's a bit of a hassle if you get stuck in an infinite loop, and that's why you "cap" the while loop when you're just prototyping or starting out with those until you think it's all right. :)
    And by capping I mean something like this (this is just one way of doing it).
    int maxIterations = 1000;
    int i = 0;
    while (someExpression)
      // Execute some code
      // ...
      if(++i >= maxIterations) break;

    +1 for a general programming thread right here on Polycount! And I would like to add the suggestion that general techniques are recapped on the first post/page of said thread. :)
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    +1 to programming/scripting thread. infinite loops always make me chuckle.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    Calabi wrote: »
    Its pretty hard to make your own ip so why not take an existing one and adapt it to your needs.

    why do you say that?
  • Ben Apuna
    Ok. The Programming/Scripting MASTER THREAD is up. I'll be fleshing it out with the links I've got as time goes on.
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I dont see why making your own IP is any harder than being restricted to an existing one. Its definitely going to be less fun making something from an existing IP.

    Its usually good to not think of your game ideas in terms of style and theme at first and just get the overall gameplay mechanics working. Minecraft could have been set in futuristic space, or From Dust could have been about saving cities from natural disasters.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    rooster wrote: »
    why do you say that?

    Exactly, making up a new Ip and creating ideas is always the easiest part of making games, executing it and implement stuff it is where the work starts.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    rooster wrote: »
    why do you say that?

    Lots of reasons. Making a totally original IP, you need the room, the time. All that along with creating a game. Depending on how detailed and complete you want the thing. Creating the world of Lord of the Rings, I'm pretty sure took a lot of time and effort before Tolkein even started writing the stories.

    Even when you think you are creating an original IP you might not be. I suppose it depends on the game and IP, creating Super Meatboy must have been easy. And I do like how lots of Japanese RPGS seem to have unique IPs. But anyone can make up any old shit but doesnt mean its going to be good, it depends on the effort, and even just luck sometimes.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Calabi wrote: »
    Even when you think you are creating an original IP you might not be.

    Then you're into some legal troubles, IP is in the collection of names only.

    The indie scene is nearly almost devoid of recreated IP's, mainly because the cost is too great to buy one, nor does it in any way affect the outcome of how good your game becomes. There's only recognition-value in IP's.

    There's way less cost involved in creating your own IP.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    aw cmon, you picked about the biggest most complex IP you could think of!

    how about: hey, what if you have a game where you slice up loads of fruit which is tossed into the air? fruit makes nice graphics, ninja makes you feel cool, we'll call it fruit ninja. bam, IP
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Of course, I've got to stack my point in my favour as much as possible.:poly124:

    I guess if its just changing names, and stuff, but then that was my original point. I think someone attempted to sue JK Rowling, because her stories were similar to someone elses in certain ways of course it was thrown out because it was stupid. But if I made a game involving a Moustachioed plumber called Dave, could I be sued?

    I know if I was going to create my own IP I'd put alot of work into it(not because it would neccesarily require alot of work, but because it would be fun).
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Calabi wrote: »
    But if I made a game involving a Moustachioed plumber called Dave, could I be sued?

    Enough Plumbers
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