Hey everyone! So I've been watching afar and thought with this new project i might make my debut and get some solid advice to getting better. Now I just started doing a block out of an Ice giant monster I've been thinking about doing for awhile now.
Here's the idea(ish) I'm trying to get across.(Note: I'm not the best concept artist...)

I did some research to try and get better quality examples and I mashed up a few images:

So I'm in the process of blocking it out and unfortunately I don't have a lot of spare time so I'll have very long periods with no updates.

On the concept art page I have two different leg types I'm debating over and for the hands and arms portion I was going to try and mash together the Icy arms with the Earth giants hands.
Advice and critiques this early are welcomed and appreciated!

So I went with the hybrid look. I added both the 1 piece look from the 2nd concept and used a defined big toe or fore foot on the front.
So I found some references of the look I'd have on the arms, I want them to look kind of like this but more deadly:
As deadly as sharp crystal ice on his forearms would be, adding larger pieces of this type of ice would look awesome. Therefore I removed the back mountain, lowered where shoulders are and added huge crystallized ice slabs protruding his back. I feel this adds a better visual flow has his frontal silhouette will be surrounded by these mystical ice crystals glowing and gleaming around him.
But until then I have grey cylinders :P
For the hands I'm still unsure if I should go with a 3 finger + thumb or the current 2 finger + thumb configurations, but; as I continue to work that out I'm still refining the torso proportions, and arm length. Tips and Crits much appreciated!
The head needs to be smaller, the proportions look like a 10 year old kid right now.
I broke up the silhouette by adding more of his signature spikes and sized up his legs and arms. I took away his neck to beef up the upper torso and @Dan! I took your advice and did away with the extrusion on his chest.