Hey guys! This is the first time I post here... I have 8 months of 3D experience. I followed tutorials and staff until my 5th month of studying then I decided to try my first one by myself that is called "Evil R2D2". A month after that I did my second one that is called "Lucas and Jr". I did another version for the "Lucas and Jr" one though 2 weeks later...So I only got this 2 and a half works done and I'm working on my third one that is a "steampunk Garage" or "steampunk something" haha I hope you guys like my stuff and All the cronstructive criticism will be very welcome! http://i.imgur.com/ypHZc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bkdGO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/YLShh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lQIpp.jpg