its instant ban for a proper art forum. but DA is kind of "special place".
dont even think he would do it here
That would be an overstep. Who's business is it to judge but the copyright holder? Anyone else should inform the copyright holder instead of making accusations and demanding action based on nothing but the claimant's word. For all you know, the copyright holder doesn't care that someone is doing it or what's more, they may have given them permission (I don't think that's the case in this instance; I'm just pointing out the gross potential for harm against the innocent). To claim that there is infringement on some other person's copyright is a complete disregard for that holder's rights based only on an assumption. Don't interfere. Inform the rights holder and let them decide if they give two shits about some nobody pretending to be the artist who created those works.
That "proper" art forum would be making an impulsive and ignorant move. If they start banning people based on some stranger's say-so of wrong-doing, it would just make a mess of things on a scale you wouldn't believe. What you want is more or less the same thing as the PROTECT IP act, a short-sighted and slanted bill that would render the internet unusable.
Wow. It's copyright infringement and they know it, they just want an excuse to keep it up as long as possible.
Once again, it's not their responsibility to be the copyright police. What if I went to an art forum and filed a complaint that your art was infringing on someone's copyright? Do I have any business or right to demand action having no right to the control the access to those works myself? Should they just take my word for it? I could be lying or completely wrong. I'm not the copyright holder, but the admins should take action solely on my authority that I am certain it's infringement? In doing so, I've just censored the speech of some person with nothing but the assumption that they've committed infringement.
That's irrelevant. Just because people get banned, doesn't mean it's right or that the accused is guilty. If you're banning people on infringement accusations without any comment from the rights holders themselves, you're overstepping your bounds and being vindictive.
Considering that you can sell artwork through their system with a simple click on the button, on which they reap profits, I would say yes.
They are acting within the requirements of the law. It's not realistic to expect them to take action against everyone accused of infringement by random people who don't have any ownership of the copyrights, they'd have to investigate every incident regardless of whether it's true or the claimant is just trolling the admins.
Which is why most, if not, all self-respecting sites put regulations beforehand and manage the system better before all this.
DA still doesn't have a proper report system believe it or not, a friend of mine (I was literally sitting next to him, helping with said issue) contacted DA-Admins for an issue on which a person was harassing him and reporting several of his works, getting them pulled down, when he finally got into contact to someone, that also wasn't very well handled.
It took them about a month to replay back to him because he had a free account, and they only took notice after I sent in a less then formal and flattering followup message, and they bounced him (us) to 10 different people, at which point, they made a bug forum comment about how you need to put in the Admins name you were bounced off from alongside with date.
They don't even have proper tickets system, proper forwarding channels OR ANYTHING like that, what they have is the equivalent of the message system on Facebook.
They need the copyright holders to make a claim because they have the right to object and the evidence to back it up with lawyers and so on.
Even if you do supply 'evidence', they'll discard it most of the times. I don't see why for something which belongs to me, to which I can prove with a video and wireframes in the engine would requires laywers.
You know your system had failed when you are offering artist a hub to be exposed, but the very same rules which you're using to protect them is also harming them, and you have literally failed to the point of being a joke when you ask out of artist the need for lawyers and company signed documents to prove them so...
It especially isn't easy with game assets if they now belong to the company.
Random people have no business making copyright infringement claims on works they don't hold copyright to. It's not your place to order them to do something about it and it's not their place to take action without a legitimate copyright holder making the complaint.
Funny, because a few years ago, DA literally took down anything with a simple 'Report' button, so people were harassing each other with that, they now changed the rules to stop that.
When a site changes essentially the bulk of it's rules to stop this issue, without looking for any type of feedback from the community, you know something has gone wrong.
Realitysquared is doing exactly what he should do.
Realitysquared is known for not following up on inquires. Asking for 'proof', and you sending it, only to then have him drop off the face of the world unless you send an angry followup message.
Sorry, but my experience with DA was less then flattering in more ways then one, even from a business/professional point of view. We may disagree, but either way, when you have options like CG-Hub at your disposal which is alot less elitist of a place with REAL talented folks, both artist wise and behind the scene admins, why choose DA?
Again, my entire argument is simply put, if want to make a dam, make sure the foundations are solid enough that when something changes, you're able to make it bear. Don't try stitching together random stuff as things come along and hope for the best.
Then again, it's better to be a Demon in a large temple, then a Deity in a small one.
Considering that you can sell artwork through their system with a simple click on the button, on which they reap profits, I would say yes.
Which is why most, if not, all self-respecting sites put regulations beforehand and manage the system better before all this.
DA still doesn't have a proper report system believe it or not, a friend of mine (I was literally sitting next to him, helping with said issue) contacted DA-Admins for an issue on which a person was harassing him and reporting several of his works, getting them pulled down, when he finally got into contact to someone, that also wasn't very well handled.
It took them about a month to replay back to him because he had a free account, and they only took notice after I sent in a less then formal and flattering followup message, and they bounced him (us) to 10 different people, at which point, they made a bug forum comment about how you need to put in the Admins name you were bounced off from alongside with date.
They don't even have proper tickets system, proper forwarding channels OR ANYTHING like that, what they have is the equivalent of the message system on Facebook.
Even if you do supply 'evidence', they'll discard it most of the times. I don't see why for something which belongs to me, to which I can prove with a video and wireframes in the engine would requires laywers.
You know your system had failed when you are offering artist a hub to be exposed, but the very same rules which you're using to protect them is also harming them, and you have literally failed to the point of being a joke when you ask out of artist the need for lawyers and company signed documents to prove them so...
It especially isn't easy with game assets if they now belong to the company.
Funny, because a few years ago, DA literally took down anything with a simple 'Report' button, so people were harassing each other with that, they now changed the rules to stop that.
When a site changes essentially the bulk of it's rules to stop this issue, without looking for any type of feedback from the community, you know something has gone wrong.
Realitysquared is known for not following up on inquires. Asking for 'proof', and you sending it, only to then have him drop off the face of the world unless you send an angry followup message.
Sorry, but my experience with DA was less then flattering in more ways then one, even from a business/professional point of view. We may disagree, but either way, when you have options like CG-Hub at your disposal which is alot less elitist of a place with REAL talented folks, both artist wise and behind the scene admins, why choose DA?
Again, my entire argument is simply put, if want to make a dam, make sure the foundations are solid enough that when something changes, you're able to make it bear. Don't try stitching together random stuff as things come along and hope for the best.
Then again, it's better to be a Demon in a large temple, then a Deity in a small one.
"Considering that you can sell artwork through their system with a simple click on the button, on which they reap profits, I would say yes."
No, that is completely false and the law agrees. DA is not liable for the stupid things people do on their website. It's called Section 203 Safe Harbors. They are only required to comply when the real copyright holder issues an official complaint clearly describing the infringement and show all legal documents proving ownership of the copyright. It is not DA's job to play copyright police and monitor their site for infringement nor are they obligated to act on the random infringement complaints posted by random strangers. They are only required to perform take-downs when the proper notifications are submitted by the copyright holder. To expect them to do what you demand would do untold damage. What you're asking for is stupid.
"DA still doesn't have a proper report system believe it or not"
Irrelevant, this does not prove in any way that they should answer to such complaints from random strangers.
"Even if you do supply 'evidence', they'll discard it most of the times. I don't see why for something which belongs to me, to which I can prove with a video and wireframes in the engine would requires laywers."
It's very simple actually, videos and wire frames do not prove ownership of copyright. You're living in an idealistic fantasy if you think that should apply. The proper course of action is to submit a DMCA take-down notice that they are legally obligated to respond to and you better be the copyright holder because there are penalties for filing false DMCA claims.
This demanding take-downs because you think you should be able to when you see something you don't think is right is just a fantasy and has no footing in the real world of copyright law. All of your prostrations and justifications are irrelevant and without merit to prove that you are in the right, because you aren't.
You don't like DA and don't want anything to do with them? That's fine, don't go there. Just don't pretend that you have the right to complain to a site admin and demand they remove or ban someone because you are convinced they are infringing on copyright. That's not how the law works. Don't think that they have a responsibility to play copyright police. Your copyrights are yours to defend, not mine or other people's. If it's not your copyright, inform the copyright holder. It's up to them to determine if they want to pursue action, not you. Nobody has the authority to enforce other people's copyrights without the rights holder's permission. To do so would destroy the utility of the internet.
Considering that you can sell artwork through their system with a simple click on the button, on which they reap profits, I would say yes.
I hate to say this but Greevar is actually correct in this instance. I've not read DA's T&C in detail but if they are like all the other service of this nature they place liability *firmly* into the lap of the user submitting the work because, and this is the crux of the matter, by stating that "you are solely responsible for the work you submit", should you submit work, you are actually making a voluntary and legal declaration that you have the 'rights' to do that - as the (assumed) copyright holder, it is for you to state directly or indirectly that right and its use because it gets into the realms of assumptions and speculations otherwise. That applies across the board, even in obvious cases (where game art is ripped - that assumes everyone knows the art in question is ripped - not everyone knows about "Webbles, Wabbits and Wonks" the game). So the only way they can touch a user is if they infringe on their T&C because they have no legal responsibility to third party content holders under those conditions.
This doesn't make the practice 'morally' right however, I find it personally repugnant, but as greevar said, it actually is how the law stands on the issue when you read it.
Bump because Rexil removed his model downloads off of dA today, causing our reports to close. All his dA gallery now is rendered pictures of modified commercial game models.
Whether this thread is involved or not I don't know. There's still many other xnalara sadfucks that do the same thing.
Seriously people,get real! You are acting all revolted on respect to an issue that has nothing to do with you. It's not your work being extracted,ripped or whatever so why act all "superhero of justice"? Does it make you feel more important? Or "cleaner" maybe, cause we all got our little sins. You are just losing precious time and neurons instead of doing something that would be benefic for you ,cause this "I'm gonna throw myself in this issue,like a suppository,cause it's the right thing to do" syndrome isn't.
And for that person leaving DA because of the copyright,just wow. Pardon my indiscretion,but why were you on DA in the first place: to showcase your work or to go on a hunting report mission?
Seriously people,get real! You are acting all revolted on respect to an issue that has nothing to do with you. It's not your work being extracted,ripped or whatever so why act all "superhero of justice"? Does it make you feel more important? Or "cleaner" maybe, cause we all got our little sins. You are just losing precious time and neurons instead of doing something that would be benefic for you ,cause this "I'm gonna throw myself in this issue,like a suppository,cause it's the right thing to do" syndrome isn't.
And for that person leaving DA because of the copyright,just wow. Pardon my indiscretion,but why were you on DA in the first place: to showcase your work or to go on a hunting report mission?
Lol, sounds like some kid got caught being a dick and now whining about it. Really, its an thread that is two months old. Maybe you just got your internet back after you got grounded from all the trouble?
Lol, sounds like some kid got caught being a dick and now whining about it. Really, its an thread that is two months old. Maybe you just got your internet back after you got grounded from all the trouble?
Spare me the sarcasm,you don't look older or wiser doing that.
No,I didn't get "caught" being anything you suggest,one of the "superheroes" is flaunting this thread all over DA right now so I thought of sharing my 2 cents on something I'm not actually directly involved,for once...or what,that's something only you guys can do?
... You are acting all revolted on respect to an issue that has nothing to do with you. It's not your work being extracted,ripped or whatever...
Aside from the principle of the matter, do you know that for sure? Quite a lot of people here (and on other forums/sites 'revolting' about this) work in the industry so it's not uncommon for their work to show up in games of all sorts. So quite the contrary, it concerns people a great deal both on a professional and personal level.
Aside from the principle of the matter, do you know that for sure? Quite a lot of people here (and on other forums/sites 'revolting' about this) work in the industry so it's not uncommon for their work to show up in games of all sorts. So quite the contrary, it concerns people a great deal both on a professional and personal level.
Even so,I believe,and correct me if I'm wrong,if someone works on models for a video game company all the rights for those models belong to the company,or not? It's a job they were paid to do...get the money and leave the product there. It must be a contract in the middle to "lose the rights" or something,otherwise the creators could use those models they've made for another game or commercial product on their own,which wouldn't benefit the company mentioned above. I may be wrong,it's just how I think it works from a logical perspective.
DA and the youtubes of the world should be responsible for the millions of content that is posted on there. They should check every single thing that is posted before its allowed, and they should use their own judgement as to what is a violation of copyright?
Even so,I believe,and correct me if I'm wrong,if someone works on models for a video game company all the rights for those models belong to the company,or not? It's a job they were paid to do...get the money and leave the product there. It must be a contract in the middle to "lose the rights" or something,otherwise the creators could use those models they've made for another game or commercial product on their own,which wouldn't benefit the company mentioned above. I may be wrong,it's just how I think it works from a logical perspective.
There are two concurrent issue here.. (1) who made the actual item in question and (2) who now owns the *privilege* of being able to reproduce it. The person/people using DA to do what they do are neither so they can make no claims what-so-ever to that material (fan art is a slightly different but related issue).
But here's the real kicker. Aforementioned DA users are the reason why SOPA/PIPA/ACTA and a myriad of other bits of corporate legislation are constantly bombarding various Governments, because rather than "we the people" being responsible and self-policing, they feel the need to bring down the hammer. as a direct result of things that go on in places like DA. It's a little more complex but do you understand "the principle of the matter" now?
It's just a douche move - you steal work expect to be roasted & blacklisted don't whine about it. If this was academia you'd fail and possibly get expelled.
But here's the real kicker. Aforementioned DA users are the reason why SOPA/PIPA/ACTA and a myriad of other bits of corporate legislation are constantly bombarding various Governments, because rather than "we the people" being responsible and self-policing, they feel the need to bring down the hammer. as a direct result of things that go on in places like DA. It's a little more complex but do you understand "the principle of the matter" now?
QFT, if you have nothing to hide, then you don't need to fear SOPA, but if you weren't doing anything wrong in the first place, SOPA wouldn't exist, very cyclical if you ask me, eventually, someone has to bend down and take it, and frankly, I would like idiots who rip off other peoples work would get policed better in their respective communities, if not, I fear SOPA will become a reality.
Hence why DA needs to take care of issues like this and 'BE' part of an active community, or else the government gets involved in the long run.
Do you honestly think one day EA isn't going to get ticked off by all the fangirls, who smell like bacon, downloading all of their models from the Mass Effects series and having massive furry orgies with Star-Fox, Garrus, Wrex, as they insert their own persona in them? Do you know how many sales you get based upon sexual frustration alone? Enough to pay your advert bills I would say.
So no, this is no 'small' issue, or issue of justice and white knighting on the internet, this is a case of why we're having a shit-storm on the internet in the first place.
Study them models if you want, there is nothing wrong with that, knowledge on how things are done in different games is a great way to go around this, but don't ever upload it as your own 'stuff' when you don't even have an idea on what polycount is, or what size textures are, let alone when they don't belong to you.
Ok let me tell you something, seem keep a track on everything that's going in the xnalara comunity and keep mentioning noesis (like it's the main tool for these "crimes") Well,I'm sorry to say but you need to do your homeworks better. There's very little need of Noesis actually,many don't use it all since the bms scripts do the job or brres viewer for the wii games,umodel,3dripper, Blender,Max and Milkshape scripts. Noesis is used mainly for a xnalara port of a gmod model (which was already shared with the comunity to start with)
Noesis is used mainly for a xnalara port of a gmod model (which was already shared with the comunity to start with)
Such specific denial. Noesis isn't "mainly" used to open SMD files (there's many other tools for that including Blender)... obviously Noesis is used to get those stolen SCV, MVC3 and other games model possible, and i've seen the (rather facepalmy) gmod community port from XNALara conversions before.
Spare me the sarcasm,you don't look older or wiser doing that.
No,I didn't get "caught" being anything you suggest,one of the "superheroes" is flaunting this thread all over DA right now so I thought of sharing my 2 cents on something I'm not actually directly involved,for once...or what,that's something only you guys can do?
Can you share where this is being flaunted? I searched the forums for "polycount" but couldn't find it and I want to see all the dramabombing, since that's about all DA is good for
Ok let me tell you something,leilei...I'll steal whatever models I want because I'm a spoiled little kid that can do whatever I want without any consequences. I'm fighting the man by stealing models from big companies and you want to bring me and my friends down... I don't think so....
I had to read your posts and then translate them for everyone else.
Ok just stop... Did you seriously come here, create an account just to post of how it's ok to steal models and because you got called out from a fellow artist here?
Yep we don't need members like you... Buh Bye... Go back to DA...
I had to read your posts and then translate them for everyone else.
Ok just stop... Did you seriously come here, create an account just to post of how it's ok to steal models and because you got called out from a fellow artist here?
Yep we don't need members like you... Buh Bye... Go back to DA...
Don't you think it's a bit rude to "buh bye" someone and not waiting for a polite salute back? Well I do think so. :femme:
As you can see ,your rudness,I could easily "troll" if I would want that, like....till I would get bored. But that wasn't my intention,and I wasn't planning to stay here either,regardles of you needing me or not...don't act like a mindreader cause we both know that's a bit crazy :poly142:
Mmm...I'll do you a last favor though and answer your questions,cause I'm nice like that. Yes,I just came here,yes,I just created an account but NO...I never said stealing models is OK! (go and check,your eyes,amongst other things cause they are playing tricks on're not reading this right now actually,it's a serious problem believe me)
What I said in other words is that good or bad,it's none of your bussiness! And I stand for what I said. Can you read me correctly this time...or are you gonna play the translator again? Be my guest,it suits're not good at it,no,but it suis you like a glove :thumbup: LOL indeed
And NOW it is buh bye!
i don't think threatening with pointless sockpuppetry is going to make it all any less stolen.
Ok,one last for you...leilei
"Call me a pirate"...always found those stories fascinating! mmmm...Johnny Deep :poly136:
(Now THAT was trolling,make the difference mister moderator...stage out)
It's too bad these people aren't focusing the time spent on ripping models into actually being creative themselves. Guess it's good for us, a whole generation removing itself from the competition (ok, maybe it's not that extreme, it just feels like it sometime)
@back4short: You're absolutely right. It's also why the court system awards such huge penalties to those that do get charged over this stuff - "counterfeiting" is typically is a much more serious 'crime', and one which relies on the collective ignorance of the difference and parroting "piracy is not theft" to bury the hatchet further.
so why the fuck did these people come here to argue that were stepping into a issue that isn't ours.
cant we say the same thing to them, multiple members of polycount, have had there work ripped of and put on DA, and have had there work ripped off by studios, so i would say it very much is a issue, of this community.
This is to much,your high ground stance back4short/sickgurl is that of a 8 year old. If your take on piracy is true, why not just coppy money? Your not stealing form a bank right?
You guys are UNBELIEVABLE,I swear! :poly009:
You take my serious talk as trollin and my actual trollin as...serious.
The picture (found on the internet btw) was to give mr. moderator a taste of what trollin actually looks like,he seems a bit confused on the subject.
And,ready for it? To make a connection with the person that made me take a stand in the first place. Seems like one of the "amazing" 3d artists here was attacking the model porters,threatning with sending e-mails to a big VG company. But guess what? Here's the big twist, he forgot he had a printscreens of his desktop which revealed emulators and dowloaded game isos. A tiny detail that it slipped to him when uploading that screen. Took the pic down ofc. Now...turns out the "fighter for justice" was in fact one of the bad guys,the biggest pirate. No,it's not happening just in movies. We should all see the garbage from our own eyes first.
As a final conclusion,if the VG companies would take a stand,believe me,most porters would's their right to stop it,not yours. And as far as you know,the Co. might just...not give a damn,some even confirmed that.
e:^^ seriously post that shit I want to see this dramabomb you're talking about
Why are people seriously getting up in arms over the DA trolls? Not the ripping, but what they're saying?
DA is 99.5% tweens/people as mature as tweens, with the other 0.5% posting there work there as well for more exposure.
Expecting them to behave with any more dignity than "NO FUCK YOU, MOM!" is misjudging their character.
Get some perspective, to you it's emailing a big video company to most of us it's pinging a former coworker. Funny thing is it seems you have the biggest beef with the guy who has a long history in open source games and art.
So chill out for a bit, maybe make some actual art for a change - or continue trolling and have a trip to ban-ville.
..As a final conclusion,if the VG companies would take a stand,believe me,most porters would's their right to stop it,not yours. And as far as you know,the Co. might just...not give a damn,some even confirmed that.
They do take a stand.. SOPA/PIPA/ACTA. Keep doing what they do and 'we the people' won't have any "right" to anything on the Internet.
And as far as you know,the Co. might just...not give a damn,some even confirmed that.
It already happened many times, there are some cases I know about where the developers themselves acknowledge the work of people of the Xnalara community.
One of the cases would be with the Creator of the program (which was originally created only to support and pose models from Tomb Raider series)
he developed the program and asked Crystal Dynamics if he could use and share the models from Tomb Raider, they answered that it was fine, that they were following the development of his program and found some of the pictures made with it funny and cool, so they gave him permission to use the models.
Another case happened with the community member Goha777 and the (if memory don't fail on me) project leader (not sure) of Bulletstorm give some really nice comments about his art (made in XNAlara) on his tweeter.
And the other one I remember Is with Rexil, where the guy who created the characters for Hunted: The Demon's Forge saw that Rexil had one of his models on his DA page, guess what he did? He just commented on it asking Rexil to link to his homepage to show his work.
Those are the cases I remember atm.
Yeah there's many developers that acknowledge Xnalara community. People there (most of them) knows that isn't really legal to do that but what harm it could possibly do? They are not selling those models, they are making fanart with it, and most of the main porters there never said they created any of the models (like some people here said) they credit the developers, some even credit specific people who worked on the game they got the models of. They aren't trying to fool anyone saying they made anything, as I see it they do what they do for fanart only.
Just my two cents.
They do take a stand.. SOPA/PIPA/ACTA. Keep doing what they do and 'we the people' won't have any "right" to anything on the Internet.
The main reason for those laws aren't that a few random people are ripping game models and share them for fan-art pictures(topped with the proper credits and all) That should be the only problem and the world would be a better place. It's about getting games,movies,music,etc the "easy way" and not buying them which leads to them losing profit. When I say "take a stand" I'm saying the "youtube kind of stand" on DA,where they directly make a complaint and yt take those videos down (mosty music videos)
I'm guessing if that would've been such a problem to them the world would've know by now,the gmod comunity are porting models for many years now.
Acts like this deserve the kinda of words this thread is full off
Funny thing is it seems you have the biggest beef with the guy who has a long history in open source games and art.
I don't know him and have nothing personal against him (for obvious reasons) just his moderation. I might have taking my reply too far but I was really disgusted and irritated on how he quoted and changed my post. I've been to a lot of forums and I've never seen a moderator do something like that. I could've "swallow" just the ban,I already said what I came here to say.
I was called childish...but that was childish too.
The main reason for those laws aren't that a few random people are ripping game models and share them for fan-art pictures
Not sure what you've been reading but "ripping" is a big part of the problem (particularly for the games industry). It's also one that's not reserved to "a few random people" on the internet.
That "YouTube kind of stand" thing you refer to is called a DMCA. However, it relies on the companies in question knowing there's a problem; as they invest a significant amount of goodwill towards various communities (furries ) it would seem the decent thing to do to let them know about possible issues so *they* can make a judgement about it. Or is it "us" versus "them"?
That would be an overstep. Who's business is it to judge but the copyright holder? Anyone else should inform the copyright holder instead of making accusations and demanding action based on nothing but the claimant's word. For all you know, the copyright holder doesn't care that someone is doing it or what's more, they may have given them permission (I don't think that's the case in this instance; I'm just pointing out the gross potential for harm against the innocent). To claim that there is infringement on some other person's copyright is a complete disregard for that holder's rights based only on an assumption. Don't interfere. Inform the rights holder and let them decide if they give two shits about some nobody pretending to be the artist who created those works.
That "proper" art forum would be making an impulsive and ignorant move. If they start banning people based on some stranger's say-so of wrong-doing, it would just make a mess of things on a scale you wouldn't believe. What you want is more or less the same thing as the PROTECT IP act, a short-sighted and slanted bill that would render the internet unusable.
Once again, it's not their responsibility to be the copyright police. What if I went to an art forum and filed a complaint that your art was infringing on someone's copyright? Do I have any business or right to demand action having no right to the control the access to those works myself? Should they just take my word for it? I could be lying or completely wrong. I'm not the copyright holder, but the admins should take action solely on my authority that I am certain it's infringement? In doing so, I've just censored the speech of some person with nothing but the assumption that they've committed infringement.
That's irrelevant. Just because people get banned, doesn't mean it's right or that the accused is guilty. If you're banning people on infringement accusations without any comment from the rights holders themselves, you're overstepping your bounds and being vindictive.
Which is why most, if not, all self-respecting sites put regulations beforehand and manage the system better before all this.
DA still doesn't have a proper report system believe it or not, a friend of mine (I was literally sitting next to him, helping with said issue) contacted DA-Admins for an issue on which a person was harassing him and reporting several of his works, getting them pulled down, when he finally got into contact to someone, that also wasn't very well handled.
It took them about a month to replay back to him because he had a free account, and they only took notice after I sent in a less then formal and flattering followup message, and they bounced him (us) to 10 different people, at which point, they made a bug forum comment about how you need to put in the Admins name you were bounced off from alongside with date.
They don't even have proper tickets system, proper forwarding channels OR ANYTHING like that, what they have is the equivalent of the message system on Facebook.
Even if you do supply 'evidence', they'll discard it most of the times. I don't see why for something which belongs to me, to which I can prove with a video and wireframes in the engine would requires laywers.
You know your system had failed when you are offering artist a hub to be exposed, but the very same rules which you're using to protect them is also harming them, and you have literally failed to the point of being a joke when you ask out of artist the need for lawyers and company signed documents to prove them so...
It especially isn't easy with game assets if they now belong to the company.
Funny, because a few years ago, DA literally took down anything with a simple 'Report' button, so people were harassing each other with that, they now changed the rules to stop that.
When a site changes essentially the bulk of it's rules to stop this issue, without looking for any type of feedback from the community, you know something has gone wrong.
Realitysquared is known for not following up on inquires. Asking for 'proof', and you sending it, only to then have him drop off the face of the world unless you send an angry followup message.
Sorry, but my experience with DA was less then flattering in more ways then one, even from a business/professional point of view. We may disagree, but either way, when you have options like CG-Hub at your disposal which is alot less elitist of a place with REAL talented folks, both artist wise and behind the scene admins, why choose DA?
Again, my entire argument is simply put, if want to make a dam, make sure the foundations are solid enough that when something changes, you're able to make it bear. Don't try stitching together random stuff as things come along and hope for the best.
Then again, it's better to be a Demon in a large temple, then a Deity in a small one.
its not a free speech in the highest degree of human right whatsoever
love it or hate it
thats why as a good netizen, I remove my DA citizenship because i dont agree with the DA nation rule . simple enough right?
"Considering that you can sell artwork through their system with a simple click on the button, on which they reap profits, I would say yes."
No, that is completely false and the law agrees. DA is not liable for the stupid things people do on their website. It's called Section 203 Safe Harbors. They are only required to comply when the real copyright holder issues an official complaint clearly describing the infringement and show all legal documents proving ownership of the copyright. It is not DA's job to play copyright police and monitor their site for infringement nor are they obligated to act on the random infringement complaints posted by random strangers. They are only required to perform take-downs when the proper notifications are submitted by the copyright holder. To expect them to do what you demand would do untold damage. What you're asking for is stupid.
"DA still doesn't have a proper report system believe it or not"
Irrelevant, this does not prove in any way that they should answer to such complaints from random strangers.
"Even if you do supply 'evidence', they'll discard it most of the times. I don't see why for something which belongs to me, to which I can prove with a video and wireframes in the engine would requires laywers."
It's very simple actually, videos and wire frames do not prove ownership of copyright. You're living in an idealistic fantasy if you think that should apply. The proper course of action is to submit a DMCA take-down notice that they are legally obligated to respond to and you better be the copyright holder because there are penalties for filing false DMCA claims.
This demanding take-downs because you think you should be able to when you see something you don't think is right is just a fantasy and has no footing in the real world of copyright law. All of your prostrations and justifications are irrelevant and without merit to prove that you are in the right, because you aren't.
You don't like DA and don't want anything to do with them? That's fine, don't go there. Just don't pretend that you have the right to complain to a site admin and demand they remove or ban someone because you are convinced they are infringing on copyright. That's not how the law works. Don't think that they have a responsibility to play copyright police. Your copyrights are yours to defend, not mine or other people's. If it's not your copyright, inform the copyright holder. It's up to them to determine if they want to pursue action, not you. Nobody has the authority to enforce other people's copyrights without the rights holder's permission. To do so would destroy the utility of the internet.
This doesn't make the practice 'morally' right however, I find it personally repugnant, but as greevar said, it actually is how the law stands on the issue when you read it.
Whether this thread is involved or not I don't know. There's still many other xnalara sadfucks that do the same thing.
hmm, is there a way to do the same with environments/levels
Only for self-education purposes of course :P
And for that person leaving DA because of the copyright,just wow. Pardon my indiscretion,but why were you on DA in the first place: to showcase your work or to go on a hunting report mission?
Lol, sounds like some kid got caught being a dick and now whining about it. Really, its an thread that is two months old. Maybe you just got your internet back after you got grounded from all the trouble?
No,I didn't get "caught" being anything you suggest,one of the "superheroes" is flaunting this thread all over DA right now so I thought of sharing my 2 cents on something I'm not actually directly involved,for once...or what,that's something only you guys can do?
DA and the youtubes of the world should be responsible for the millions of content that is posted on there. They should check every single thing that is posted before its allowed, and they should use their own judgement as to what is a violation of copyright?
But here's the real kicker. Aforementioned DA users are the reason why SOPA/PIPA/ACTA and a myriad of other bits of corporate legislation are constantly bombarding various Governments, because rather than "we the people" being responsible and self-policing, they feel the need to bring down the hammer. as a direct result of things that go on in places like DA. It's a little more complex but do you understand "the principle of the matter" now?
QFT, if you have nothing to hide, then you don't need to fear SOPA, but if you weren't doing anything wrong in the first place, SOPA wouldn't exist, very cyclical if you ask me, eventually, someone has to bend down and take it, and frankly, I would like idiots who rip off other peoples work would get policed better in their respective communities, if not, I fear SOPA will become a reality.
Hence why DA needs to take care of issues like this and 'BE' part of an active community, or else the government gets involved in the long run.
Do you honestly think one day EA isn't going to get ticked off by all the fangirls, who smell like bacon, downloading all of their models from the Mass Effects series and having massive furry orgies with Star-Fox, Garrus, Wrex, as they insert their own persona in them? Do you know how many sales you get based upon sexual frustration alone? Enough to pay your advert bills I would say.
So no, this is no 'small' issue, or issue of justice and white knighting on the internet, this is a case of why we're having a shit-storm on the internet in the first place.
Study them models if you want, there is nothing wrong with that, knowledge on how things are done in different games is a great way to go around this, but don't ever upload it as your own 'stuff' when you don't even have an idea on what polycount is, or what size textures are, let alone when they don't belong to you.
This. :poly141:
Such specific denial. Noesis isn't "mainly" used to open SMD files (there's many other tools for that including Blender)... obviously Noesis is used to get those stolen SCV, MVC3 and other games model possible, and i've seen the (rather facepalmy) gmod community port from XNALara conversions before.
illeagal swine!! buuuuurn himmmmm!!
*download complete*
Can you share where this is being flaunted? I searched the forums for "polycount" but couldn't find it and I want to see all the dramabombing, since that's about all DA is good for
I had to read your posts and then translate them for everyone else.
Ok just stop... Did you seriously come here, create an account just to post of how it's ok to steal models and because you got called out from a fellow artist here?
Yep we don't need members like you... Buh Bye... Go back to DA...
As you can see ,your rudness,I could easily "troll" if I would want that, like....till I would get bored. But that wasn't my intention,and I wasn't planning to stay here either,regardles of you needing me or not...don't act like a mindreader cause we both know that's a bit crazy :poly142:
Mmm...I'll do you a last favor though and answer your questions,cause I'm nice like that. Yes,I just came here,yes,I just created an account but NO...I never said stealing models is OK! (go and check,your eyes,amongst other things cause they are playing tricks on're not reading this right now actually,it's a serious problem believe me)
What I said in other words is that good or bad,it's none of your bussiness! And I stand for what I said. Can you read me correctly this time...or are you gonna play the translator again? Be my guest,it suits're not good at it,no,but it suis you like a glove :thumbup: LOL indeed
And NOW it is buh bye!
"Call me a pirate"...always found those stories fascinating! mmmm...Johnny Deep :poly136:
(Now THAT was trolling,make the difference mister moderator...stage out)
cant we say the same thing to them, multiple members of polycount, have had there work ripped of and put on DA, and have had there work ripped off by studios, so i would say it very much is a issue, of this community.
The internet should have a IQ test before people are allowed on it.
As for XnLara it's pathetic, simple as.
You take my serious talk as trollin and my actual trollin as...serious.
The picture (found on the internet btw) was to give mr. moderator a taste of what trollin actually looks like,he seems a bit confused on the subject.
And,ready for it? To make a connection with the person that made me take a stand in the first place. Seems like one of the "amazing" 3d artists here was attacking the model porters,threatning with sending e-mails to a big VG company. But guess what? Here's the big twist, he forgot he had a printscreens of his desktop which revealed emulators and dowloaded game isos. A tiny detail that it slipped to him when uploading that screen. Took the pic down ofc. Now...turns out the "fighter for justice" was in fact one of the bad guys,the biggest pirate. No,it's not happening just in movies. We should all see the garbage from our own eyes first.
As a final conclusion,if the VG companies would take a stand,believe me,most porters would's their right to stop it,not yours. And as far as you know,the Co. might just...not give a damn,some even confirmed that.
Why are people seriously getting up in arms over the DA trolls? Not the ripping, but what they're saying?
DA is 99.5% tweens/people as mature as tweens, with the other 0.5% posting there work there as well for more exposure.
Expecting them to behave with any more dignity than "NO FUCK YOU, MOM!" is misjudging their character.
So chill out for a bit, maybe make some actual art for a change - or continue trolling and have a trip to ban-ville.
It already happened many times, there are some cases I know about where the developers themselves acknowledge the work of people of the Xnalara community.
One of the cases would be with the Creator of the program (which was originally created only to support and pose models from Tomb Raider series)
he developed the program and asked Crystal Dynamics if he could use and share the models from Tomb Raider, they answered that it was fine, that they were following the development of his program and found some of the pictures made with it funny and cool, so they gave him permission to use the models.
Another case happened with the community member Goha777 and the (if memory don't fail on me) project leader (not sure) of Bulletstorm give some really nice comments about his art (made in XNAlara) on his tweeter.
And the other one I remember Is with Rexil, where the guy who created the characters for Hunted: The Demon's Forge saw that Rexil had one of his models on his DA page, guess what he did? He just commented on it asking Rexil to link to his homepage to show his work.
Those are the cases I remember atm.
Yeah there's many developers that acknowledge Xnalara community. People there (most of them) knows that isn't really legal to do that but what harm it could possibly do? They are not selling those models, they are making fanart with it, and most of the main porters there never said they created any of the models (like some people here said) they credit the developers, some even credit specific people who worked on the game they got the models of. They aren't trying to fool anyone saying they made anything, as I see it they do what they do for fanart only.
Just my two cents.
I'm guessing if that would've been such a problem to them the world would've know by now,the gmod comunity are porting models for many years now.
Acts like this deserve the kinda of words this thread is full off
Edit: I don't know him and have nothing personal against him (for obvious reasons) just his moderation. I might have taking my reply too far but I was really disgusted and irritated on how he quoted and changed my post. I've been to a lot of forums and I've never seen a moderator do something like that. I could've "swallow" just the ban,I already said what I came here to say.
I was called childish...but that was childish too.
That "YouTube kind of stand" thing you refer to is called a DMCA. However, it relies on the companies in question knowing there's a problem; as they invest a significant amount of goodwill towards various communities (furries
WRT the link you posted.. have you done your bit?